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  • I gave my Pokémon White to my sister and she lost it somewhere :( she is only 7, so I should've known better to let her have it but oh well. I've been studying all day for my college exams next week so I won't have much time to play much this weekend unfortunately.
    Well I was tempted to get squirtle since he is my favorite original, but I don't want a bunch of water Pokémon :D, so I'll probably go with Charmandar. Are you going to Transfer any Pokémon over from black/white
    When do you get the original starters anyway? I just finished the first gum before I stopped playing.
    You should have picked squirtle for your original starter since you already have a fire Pokémon.
    Let me know if you want to battle some time in Pokémon, I have really weak Pokémon though
    Are you getting Pokémon for the 3DS? If you are what's your friend code so I can add you. my code is: 3609-2432-5393
    konbawa infamous-san.
    I knew that it was too late to say thanks, but still I would like to thank you for being willing to be my friend.
    Thanks! I appreciate it. I have already seen Clannad, but not the other's you mentioned. I will put those on my "to watch list"
    I see... well what would you consider the best from those Anime's that you watch?
    For me I love Anime's that have a really good story behind it. I thought Spice and Wolf told a good story so I really enjoyed it. I'll watch any Genre but I prefer a well told story over lots of action... did come of as a bit modest :3
    I might ask you more stuff prepared!

    That's Ok, the things you told me earlier were good. Changing the order and all ^^
    It's gonna take a while before I finish this game.. I'm at the part where the bakery Makina's working is on fire. Poor girl.. ;-;
    No need to be modest :3
    Everyone's take on signature's is different. It proves quite helpful asking others for their opinions and/or tips regardless of their experience ^^
    Thanks ^^
    Ah! I see, that sounds better :o
    As for the box where the name is, the background does have some sort of color I guess. It's from the title screen background and I'll give that the original color too once I finish all of the routes. I'll see how that turns out, if it's still a bit dull, I'll make my own background for it.

    Thanks for the tips ^^
    /me gives cookies
    Bro! :3
    I'm sort of getting back into playing Grisaia no kajitsu a bit. About time I get to finish it..I have a couple of other VN's I want to play >_>

    So..I decided to make some sort of a VN set but I'm not sure if whether to use it or not..
    I got this (note: colors return whenever I finish a certain route and I add one of their user icons :3) You think it's usable?

    EDIT: I case you didn't know, Grisaia no Kajitsu is going to get an Anime adaptation :o
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