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  • Hello my dear Infa, what's up?

    I hardly see you in the forum, since I rarely visit too :XD: .

    Anw, I hope you're doing good and always healthy :thumbup:
    By the way which Final Fantasy did you mean? I looked on youtube and I only found XIV or what it was and that one looked like an online game like World of Warcraft. I'm not that interested in Final Fantasy in general so don't expect me to know which one that is new or not in case I were wrong. Some Final Fantasy fans have a tendency to flip tables if you accidentally name the wrong game.
    Am I making it too easy for everyone else to understand that I'm extremely bored right now and that I feel myself a bit sadistic at the moment?
    After getting all the bad endings to EF and also got an good animted ending, i now have all my focus on Hoshizora no Memoria and i must say the characters are rather cutesy. i rekon ill enjoy this vn :) ill let you know when i finish it
    yeah i like it more of the first story though but u will have to play it and jugde for ur self

    yeah true look at halo and now its getting worse

    lol guess thats the downside
    well they do so well with the good ending they had to balance it

    lol i mean when the 3rd one is in english and then the 4th one came

    huh thats no too bad, i hope i find one soon
    we should drop that subject.......

    yes it still does, there is 1 good ending in it but i think 4 or 5 bad endings....

    lol u would be happy if they made a number 4 then wouldnt u?

    lol so how is the job anyway? what do u do?
    .....u make us sound really bad and we are not that old

    its linear but plenty of choices

    lol u really want to play that one dont u?

    lol i thought u were rubing it in, did u take the job?
    yeah and when there sad and have tears in there eyes, how can u resist

    there are 3, Ef: The First Tale which as the first 2 and Ef: The Latter Tale which has the last 2 stories (all stories have connections with eachother) and the 3rd one is the full game Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two

    same, but ef i didnt know until not so long ago...... and i hate bad endings too, kawata shoujo had 1 bad ending which i really hate.....

    god i hate u..... i wish it was easy here but because we have open doors to outsiders coming here makes things even harder
    yeah and they can be annoying as well when they want to be....

    hmmmm i guess so but ef was done really well, ill compare the 2 when i play in that style.... but in ef i cant even tell what was the cg in it..... well for some but even the cg moved

    i have resonance of fate, pokemon platinium and black, infinite undiscovery, magna carter 2, some achiements in shilent hill 2 and downpour, star ocean: the last hope i want to get.. vns: ef i need some bad endings i need to get and then Hoshizora no Memoria: Wish Upon a Shooting Star need to play...

    hmmm $28 will filling up over half a tank for my car ($40 for a full tank)..... i need to find a job but its hard with the unemployment rating rising....
    lol for me it depends on there actions like Kud and how they act, if they are normal i dont really pay attention to them or if them themselves no too much about adult stuff......

    on so it looked like they were talking? thats like ef: a tale of the two, so shouldnt bother me and i like that idea makes them more real, but in ef there eyes also blinked as well even if u didnt chick to read the next thing

    lol ur like me, i also have games to play, but i seem to put them off. games i really like i put off because i hate it when it ends and i feel lost....

    i think thats the first 3 right? i think i have seen it and i think ill try it out but as a student i have little money to spend on games these days
    well i not that stupid like beku to go for an 8 year old, but i know someone like kud is fine and canvas was another of urs i have to play
    and what do u mean about "it takes a while to get used to the mouths though"

    ....come on u waould like it and has romance if that means anything?

    yeah but i have an xbox and i dont believe they come out on it
    ....i hope none of the ones im waiting for get dropped

    please dont say it like that.... :Dispirited: makes me some really bad, though i think sky and beku were my huge influence, im not much of a lolicon but i do find them really cute for some like Kud from little busters :D but i also understand and hate myself for it

    yeah little busters is 1 of my top 3 too, Saya i know her story by mistake of reading something and i know her story and u do die a lot on her path.....

    Nope its a pc game, u can get it on steam for $10, its a pixelated game and only came out last year and has been rated 9 and 8 out of 10 by a lot of reviewers and magazines.

    metal gear soild 5.... i never played one of thoses games, and i hope u enjoy it
    hahaha i have more but thats the ones i want most :D

    yeah i know it will take some time but not forever....

    SHUT UP!!! i blame myself joining ASF after playing my first VN. If u told me that i was a lolicon early last year and i would have said burn in hell u pervert but now i can say im slowly turning into a lolicon god damit im blaming u infa

    Little Busters! Ecstasy im also waiting for just because i played the first one and see the difference with the old routes and also see the new routes

    yeah same, its fixed too

    also u heard of this game?
    i reconmend u to play it
    hmmm i guess it depends really and im the type to try to get everything :D look at rance missing only 3 cgs but i know what they are and a pain to get :(

    Ayakashibito and Grisaia no Kajitsu, and Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji is a maybe the other one doesnt interest me....

    these ones are the ones i want to be done soon :D

    though who knows when they will finish it....

    i notice that ur avy wasnt coming up, i hope they fix it
    There are some which are coming out which i want to try so im going to get ur list of recommendations done and then move on to some of them but that alcemist one i may delay because i heard some people taking 3 months to finsh it......

    which ones are u waiting for?

    and also is there a problem happening with ASF? i keep having weird like pages
    after a break playing vns, i just downloaded Hoshizora no Memoria: Wish Upon a Shooting Star, and soon going to start playing, just had a quick go at it and like the music and had a bit of trouble with text but all good and ready to play with no problems :D
    HE told me he wanted to bath with me but his heart wasn't ready. I only wanted some skinship from you and him!
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