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  • you think too much for one reply kono baka
    But that wasn't the thing I wanted to hear?:nyanmusu_confused:
    Totally was not expecting this answer :gokiko_stone:
    Not fair, I made that pie for you...:chuuni_love:
    Somehow got it, well you're pretty chill and fun to spend time with and thats kinda relaxing, also everyone has their time that they would want to be alone for a while and if people sees this in a wrong way for example 'acting like an asshole' then lololol to that. There's nothing wrong doing what you wanna do and I guess we get along very well since I didn't think like others nihaha~ :goodtea: you're precious little cutie pie <3

    smokin' hot pie :giveme:

    cause its a new baked pie... yea thats why~ :runhappy:
    I don't know how but I feel like you're a person who would show their kindness later on which is super kuudere, so instead of tsundere I think you're a true cooldere lol. oh and I guess your cuteness is rather tsun-like?...dunno xD tho i dont hate that :fullblush:...*COUGH COUGH* what was I saying again?:reallyconfused: oh,right!:korokke_ic: I'm so god damn adorable for heavens sake~:megane_waaai:

    *giggling sounds lol*
    :nyanmusu_objection: I'm %100 sure that you're %100 kuudere for %100 guarantee

    Oh and cute~
    *is poked and for an unknown reason hyped*

    Ah you mean, you're always so adorable that it's making me cray cray :bepraised:
    Basically they are saved as Einherjars, your next play through talk to Felecia (or whoever your castle attendant is) and you can recruit them at the same level with their skills.
    I actually like the gameplay a lot better in Fates, just like the story better in Awakening though.
    So this means you allow me to break into your home~?:nyanmusu_confused:
    But K-chan misses Infa a lot so breaking into his home feels like he's close to K-chan~
    Infa thinks K-chan is cute~?
    I've been using my phone since last week, it sux without a pc :sigh:
    Eh the mood is gone though :goodtea:
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