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  • Main reason I got Birthright was because I liked Sakura (your blood related sister, and yes you can marry and have kids with her) from the trailers. Didn't like her as much during the game though.
    Yeah I like Elise as well. I married the older sister when I played Conquest, forget her name now lol.

    Elise makes a good mage, she has nice magic stats.

    Yep, now gotta find another store that sells them :/
    Nice. Did you get Birthright or Conquest? I got Birthtight as the physical, and bought Conquest as digital for $20.

    They did have them in the Asian section. But all gone now :/
    Did you get the game at Wal-Mart?

    BTW, Wal-Mart stopped carrying Poky Sticks :/ in my area anyway.
    I got it at Best Buy, they have a program where you pay $30 and you get 20% off new games for 2 years.
    *breaks in kicking the door*
    *throws gas bombs*
    *takes all the food*
    Here are the list of characters if you are interested.

    3 child characters return from Awakening, a later DLC map will explain how they got there, but they are adult characters this time, they are all on the Conquest side. Laslow is Inigo from Awakening, Selena is Severa, and Odin is Owain.

    Also, it's worth mentioning that if you buy just 1 physical copy, say you bought Conquest at the store, and bought Birthright in game for $20, the $20 Birthright game will act as a Add On (DLC) for conquest, which means you can't play it without having Conquest inserted in your 3DS, so if you don't like that you can spend another $20 to get 2 separate stand alone games, but you will still have to buy Revelation in game on one of them since it's only digital, so for me it makes more sense to buy 1 physical copy, and the other two buy in game for $20 each, but it's up to you.
    Also, buy the other game in the game menu NOT on the eShop, eShop will charge you $40. You have to buy the other game in the games options to get the $20 price.
    yeah, it's best to either buy Conquest or Birthright at the store for $40, then buy the remaining 2 in game for $20 each. Cheaper that way.

    Revelations is kinda a mix of the 2, the difficulty is more like Conquest, but you can do extra maps for exp and gold like in Birthright.

    I will probably just pick up Far Cry 4 then.
    yes, you have children in this game as well. Here is a list of them, the parent on the left, and child on the right. Some of the children in this game include a trap character, a yuri character, and a BL fanatic lol.

    The fun part is Revelation, when you have all the characters combined from Conquest, and Birthright, and can marry between them.

    You can buy both Conquest, and Birthright at the store, but each will be $40. Revelation is download only.
    Yes, the new Fire Emblem is very good, but a bit different. The game is split into 3 separate versions, Conquest, Birthright, and Revelations. The MC you create was kidnapped at a young age and raised in another kingdom, eventually your adopted kingdom, and birth kingdom get in a war, and you have to choose sides. Joining Nohr, which is your adopted family is Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, this version is a more traditional Fire Emblem which means higher difficulty, and no extra maps to gain exp, or gold, so it's more difficult then Fire Emblem Awakening. If you choose Hoshido, which is your birth family then That is Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, this version is more like Awakening, it's not as difficult, and you can do extra maps to grind exp, and get more gold. Then there is Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, you don't choose either side, and you go off to try and find what force is pulling the strings behind the war, and try to unite your adopted, and birth families to destroy the threat. Each game is a full length Fire Emblem game at 27 chapters each, however the first 6 chapters are all shared between all 3 games. You have to buy the base game, either Conquest, or Birthright at full price ($40) then the other 2 version you can buy in game for $20 each. Keep in mind it's not 1 game split in 3, but 3 completely different full length games with different characters, and story, so doing all 3 will take some time.

    This trailer video will give you a better idea, no spoilers, but will probably make a bit more sense if you watch it.

    As for Primal, I also heard that it felt more like an expansion, rather then a separate game, so I will take your advice and skip it for now. Thanks.
    Lol, nice. Probably gonna pick it up eventually. I have never played a Far Cry game though :/
    Noticed you playing Far Cry: Primal on my PSN Friends List. How is it? Looks very interesting and thinking of picking it up.
    New Senran Kagura game is releasing next week, it's perfect for the Vita since it's quick mission based gameplay, great for picking up and playing a bit at a time, I'm getting the PS4 version, but the Vita version is just as good, might be worth checking out.
    Look what I found.

    I do really miss you..
    I hope you'll return soon..~
    *hugs you tight

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