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  • It was okay, not a huge basketball anymore, just wanted GS to lose. Favorite sport is baseball, then football, hockey, and basketball comes in last.

    Yeah me too. Remember Langesha? Same thing happened to their Cordelia as well, we talk occasionally on Steam.

    Hiya Jez~

    How are ya? ^^
    Thought I'd send a VM in response to your mention regarding the wedding :3
    It was great, all the hard work finally paid off. Got to be my friend's wedding witness so that was quite an honor :0
    They're both happily married now and I couldn't be happier for them~
    I really want the school bad and plush that come in the LE lol.

    Heard back, they will credit the amount I paid as store credit so I can re-purchase so that's good.
    LOL, no need to today, but if you do want the special edition I would pre-oder sometime in the next couple months just to make sure. A lot of times scalpers take all the pre-orders. Like with the Fire Emblem:Fates SE.

    Last Guardian is a must for me too. God of War 4 looks interesting as well.
    * Shinseph leaves a treat for Jezzy-chan.
    Yeah, funny thing too is that Huskies won't talk to another dog breed like that, but they will with other Huskies. Even huskies they've just met, start talking like they are best buds lol.

    20 hours is good for every other genre, but not a JRPG like Star Ocean, will wait for a price drop.

    Been watching E3? New Zelda looks great! Downloaded the Resident Evil 7 demo too that they showed at E3. PS Plus Members can download it for free. It looks good, looks like they are trying to go back to their survilal horror roots, last few RE games were basically action/adventure games. PSN Store currently has a decent E3 sale for PS4/3/Vita games too.

    Last Guardian looks good too! And OMG can't wait for Persona 5!
    Aww cute dog!

    This is what I meant about Huskies talking. They talk to each other like this it's kinda funny lol.

    Found out Star Ocean 5 is 20 hours which is very short for a JRPG, especially SO. And only the same 7 maps over and over :( might wait for a price drop instead.
    How's your puppy doing? Getting along with your cats? By brothers 2 cats kept trying to show his husky puppy "who is boss" in the house and were mean to him at first but they get along now. He is like their protector now lol, doesn't let anything happen to them.
    Yep, some handhelds are too small for me, but what can I do? Just can't play for too long or my hands will cramp.

    I don't like Free to Play games either. I'm guessing the party members as you mentioned will be the micro transactions, but not certain yet. Hopefully more news at E3. I think just releasing HD ports of the existing Fire Emblem games on mobile would be a good idea.

    Well I think we first started talking around E3 3 years ago so it makes sense. Plus we usually talk about gaming with each other.

    That's not a bad price, even if they weren't the best seats. Last year the prices for Chicago Cubs tickets in the World Series were gong for about $25,000 each ticket for front row. That was the actual price of the ticket, not a aftermarket price. People were buying them too. Unfortunately they lost in the semi finals so I hope the people who bought those tickets got a refund. Cubs haven't won a championship in 108 years so the league was charging crazy prices. They are favored to win the championship this year, so expect those outrageous prices again.

    Well they won last night, and winning right now too. Want to see the improved Wrigley Field (where the Cubs play) so gonna get tickets this year. I go to Wrigley 2-3 times a year to watch them play. Won tickets at work last year in a drawing to watch them play. Got a free day off to watch the game so was great.
    I have the opposite issue with small handhelds. My hands are too big and they get crampped easily holding them for a long time. Especially had that problem with the original 3DS, the NEW 3DS is more round around the edges so it's not as bad.

    Just read online yesterday that the Fire Emblem for mobile will be free to play with micro transactions :/ not sure that's good news. Hope they don't mess it up.

    Well most Zelda games are challenging, just A Link between Worlds on 3DS was easy.

    Yep, about 3 years we have been friends, and I hope many more years as well.

    That would have been nice! Too bad you missed it! If you don't mind me asking how much were the tickets going for?

    Gonna try to catch a Cubs game soon. Live sports are awesome.
    It's a fun game, but a bit of a button masher, I mainly play it for the beautiful artwork.

    Nintendo always gets their handhelds right. If the NX bombs like the Wii U, then Nintendo should seriously consider dropping out of the home console business, and stick to handhelds. Even mobile, they already announced a Fire Emblem game for smart phones, I feel that's a very good idea on their part, it's the perfect game for a touch screen like a phone/tablet. I admit I'm not too fond of gaming on my phone/tablet, but it is the future of gaming, so Nintendo is smart to start making games for it. Really excited to see how the Fire Emblem game will turn out. Hopefully more info soon.

    Zelda isn't really button mashing, but it is challenging, especially the older ones. A Link between Worlds on 3DS was way too easy, other then that was a fun game.

    Excited about E3 next month? Also, GSW still has a chance!
    I know you don't like side scrollers, but they released a demo for Odin Sphere on PS4. Literally takes like 5 minutes to finish, and you can play as any of the 5 characters. Just in case you wanted to try it out. I downloaded the demo, though I am getting the game on Vita.
    I still have faith in Nintendo Handhelds. They always get those right, and get a lot of 3rd party support. Now home consoles? I think Nintendo lost their touch with home consoles. Unless the NX is super amazing I will probably skip it, I will however always get Nintendo Handhelds. Especially now since Sony announced they are basically bowing out of the handheld market for good. No Vita 2 or anything else. Vita is it.

    I haven't played them all. I've played A Link to the Past (my favorite Zelda, and arguably one of the best games ever) Links Awakening, A Link Between Worlds, Twilight Princess, and Ocarina of Time.

    The new Zelda was supposed to release this year, but got pushed to 2017 so the Wii U release can coincide with the NX release.
    Yeah, Sony really dropped the ball with the Vita :/ so much potential wasted.

    Hopefully we will get more info during E3. Whatever it ends up being it won't succeed without 3rd party support. That's what killed the Wii U, no 3rd party developers wanted to develop games on it. If it's another flop then I think they should just stick with handhelds.
    Not sure, all rumors for now.

    One of the more interesting rumors is that it's a hybrid system. A home console/hand held. You can play games on your tv, then transfer you save data to the handheld and take it on the train/bus or just around the house. Only a rumor, but supposedly it's from a reliable source.
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