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  • Yeah I can understand that. I felt that way only from playing P3P, so for you always having to be a male protagonist in most RPG's must feel strange, hopefully they will add more female leads in the future, or give the choice of male or female lead.

    My backlog? Wow it's quite large. Still need to finish Symphonia Chronicles, Graces F, Xillia 1&2, Zestiria, Catherine, Cold Steel, Trails of the Sky 1&2, Disgaea 5, Stella Glow, Rune Factory 4, Metal Gear 5, Witcher 3, Dragon Age 3, Xenonlade X, Etrian Odyssey 4 and the remakes of 1&2, Persona Q, 4 Atelier games, Steins Gate, Devil Survivor 2 the list goes on and on. I'd say 50+ ... Shoot me please
    Well I uploaded a few VN's I bought. Gonna upload my Fates OST as well when I get it. Like you said some people can't afford them, or have strict laws in their country etc... And if I download a VN, anime, or soundtrack that I really like I always try to buy the original if possible. Sometimes it's not though as they may be out of print or something.

    I know the 3DS can be jailbroken making it region free, and being able to download any game for free. I won't do it but it's possible. I just wish there was a official way to make it region free :(

    I wish they would make a female protagonist again. Was interesting playing from a girls perspective. Was hoping they would add that in P4G, I feel that was a missed opportunity for them as they could've sold more copies if they did. Though I admit I did feel a bit weird in P3P playing as a girl and having a relation with one of the guys. Wonder if girls feel the same always playing as a male protagonist in games like that. I know it's only a game and all, but still.
    Yeah, it's a shame some of these developers make so little. Whether it's VN developers, Otome developers etc... I try my best to support them when I can.

    Same goes for OST's. I always try to buy the originals. I have the Fire Emblem Fates OST on pre-order from CD Japan. Can't wait for it! Releases the 27th of this month.

    Would be nice if Persona 5 adds the option to play as a girl like P3P did, for everyone interested in playing it that way. Either way, I'm super excited for it.
    I'm gonna buy the original to support them, can't wait for it's release. The girl in my avatar/signature is my favorite girl in the game, funny because she is the least favorite of almost everyone else.

    Do you have a backlog of Otome games as well?
    Glad I can help add to your backlog lol. My is long as well :( plus a upcoming VN I can't wait for.
    Told you it was cute! Probably getting it just for that lol. (well I like the gameplay too)

    accepted! sorry I fell asleep xwx
    I also played the Star Ocean's on PSP, enjoyed them both.

    I played Last Hope International on PS3 as well. While I did like the cast, and battle system I hated the dungeon designs. I mean some of the areas I had to explore lasted hours, and hours, and only had like 2 save areas! Meaning I would either have to backtrack or keeping pushing forward and pray I find a new save area. To me that was my biggest complaint with that game.

    Star Ocean 5 looks promising, releases in June and have it on pre-order from Best Buy.

    I don't care much for Kingdom Hearts either, got halfway through the first game, and never touched the series again, but the gameplay in World of Final Fantasy looks interesting.

    I am fine actually besides the fact that i have tests every Saturday which is pretty stressful and i have a cold too right now as well
    There was a shooting today at the Air Force Base in Texas (Lackland) that my brother works at, he was there at the time but luckily is alright. Apparently an Airman facing discipline killed his commander, then killed himself.
    I didn't like any of the XIII series either which is why XV is going to have to REALLY impress me if I'm going to give the series another try.

    I'm not sure about the FF VII remake either, appears to be a action RPG which isn't what I want. I want it to be a turn based RPG like the original, if that changes I might skip it :(

    Star Ocean 5 looks interesting.

    And I agree, finishing Final Fantasy VII without a healer was a pain in the ass.
    I doubt it, wasn't that impressed with the demo. Make pick it up eventually who knows. You?
    Also, apparently FF XV needs to sale 10 million copies for Square Enix to get back its investment.
    Was a bad thunder storm driving there, other then that was okay. I'm just glad it was Ohare, and not the other Chicago airport Midway, I hate going there. It's in the complete opposite side of the city, and some genius decided to build in the middle of a neighborhood so kinda annoying driving around there.

    I'm looking forward to E3 as well, I hope Nintendo has some new info on the NX. Would be awesome if it was a handheld with better specs then the Vita, but I doubt it, probably a home console since the Wii U is basically dead.

    Right now I am playing Fire Emblem, Stella Glow, Disgea 5 (I love SRPG's) Senran Kagura Estival Versus, and Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, so kinda a few at the moment. A a huge backlog.

    Did you download that new Nintendo App? I haven't yet.
    Isn't E3 always in June? Or at least I thought it was. I would like to go to the PlayStation Experience sometime. For Chicago being such a big city we don't get a lot of events like that.

    I started Trails of Cold Steel, was fun, but unfortunately I added it to my backlog for now :(

    Have to pick up my brother at the airport a 4 in the morning tomorrow :deadsad:, he and his wife took a trip to Mexico to visit her family.
    I'm doing fine, thanks :nekopara_hug:
    How about you? :3
    I kept missing you then..stupid timezones.. :deadsad: But I'm stupid, there's always VM/PM to use x3
    Yeah, and don't get me started on the memory cards :/ they need to start using regular SD cards like every other mobile device uses :/ no one wants to pay about $100 for a 64 Gigabyte memory card. A lot of people are saying that phone/tablet games killed the Vita, however that is not true, Sony killed the Vita all by themselves, unfortunately.

    I haven't bought Earthbound yet, but noticed it was just released on the New 3DS. Still playing Fire Emblem Fates, and gonna finish Stella Glow after that.
    Also, I'm ashamed to admit that I have never played Earthbound :dead: but I will sometime.

    BTW, I'm saddened at the terrible reviews Batman Vs Superman is getting.
    Unfortunately Sony said they will not be making 1st party games for Vita anymore on any region, so all we can hope for is more 3rd party support from developers. Not allowing PS2 games to be played on the Vita was one of Sony's biggest mistakes. I would have even gone for more PS2 remakes like Final Fantasy X HD on Vita. They had so many PS2 games that could have been ported over, or remade for Vita. Sony has a reputation of releasing handhelds with a ton of potential and just not supporting it, they need to put more effort in the handheld market like Nintendo.
    No the PS4.5, apparently Somy is developing a more powerful PS4 for 4K gaming and will play games exclusive to the more powerful system that a regular PS4 can't play.
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