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  • If you want to
    I keep going back to P4G a lot on the Vita. Trying to get a 100% completion in the game.

    I was thinking of joining before for various reasons, but working for a DoD school was one of them. Also, the navy training station is about a 10 minute drive from my in Illinois.

    Both my brothers joined the military as well, and they also both got their degrees. One of my brothers got his degree in history, the other one got his in biblical studies.

    BTW, this Persona 4 Dancing all Night Vita looks awesome!
    Yep, that's the first thing I said when I saw Fire Emblem. "They gave feet" looks great though. Going to get it whenever it releases. Getting the New 3DS XL when it releases. I wanted the regular New 3DS, but it's not releasing in the US :( so I have to get the XL.

    Yeah, Persona 5 looks awesome. I can't wait for it. If I was able to understand, and read Japanese then I would import it as well, but I cant, so I will have to wait for the translated version :( only way I might import the japanese version is if they have some really cool Japanese limitited edition version. Then I would consider it.

    Anyway, everything is okay here. Tax season, so just waiting for my return to be deposited in my account. College is getting a bit pricey though. Have been thinking of joining the military (probably Navy) for a few years so they will pay for my school. Haven't decided yet, but I think I might. After I finish my school I can decide if I want to get out, or continue in the Navy. Plus they get stationed at nice places like Japan, Italy, England, Hawaii etc...

    Anyway, how are you? How is the new place you moved into?
    Hello there! It was good. We went out hiking that day, then played some beach volleyball. Spent time with family and friends, ate a bit to much though. Got a stomach ache that day lol. Didn't drink at all till I got to Texas. Now my sister in law got me hooked on this Drink called Green Apple Smirnoff, my new favorite thing to drink. Definitely not the healthiest drink though.

    Got a couple games for Christmas, and a couple gift cards. Got my nephew a Xbox game, and my niece a Starbucks gift card.

    For New Years I am planning on driving to Dallas to meet up with a friend I keep in touch with on Facebook. Haven't seen her since Germany when we attended a DoDD's school together overseas. So will be nice to meet up.

    What about you? How was your Christmas? Any plans for New Years? Did you find your box of GBA games?
    That penguin is everywhere...

    I started Far Cry 4 and still slowly playing pokemon.

    Good I love it when a plan comes together.
    Funeral potatoes are good, very high calorie but good, they're called that because they were always brought to mormon wakes... I didn't see any desserts but then I didn't stay upstairs very's packed with people, kids, it's hot and there are kids up there....:scared:
    Ham makes me nauseous if I have more then a little of it...I'd much rather have turkey and crab. My dinner was mostly funeral potatos...and a little ham...
    Aww man I want crab in garlic butter and that other stuff...miles better then the ham they insist on every year...
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