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  • Really????? Ohhh, Mich's group? o_o Whooo?
    He's a mega pedo!
    *Likes pat and pokes Kou-chan*
    He's extreme, really... Mich is your friend?!
    Yeah :p
    Ohhhh, lolipop!
    *Sucks on lolipop in front of Kou-chan* Mmmm! xD
    If it's wrong, it's not a fact anymore!
    But it's a fact!
    That doesn't prove anything!
    Uuu... i want candy!
    That's not an excuse, that's a fact!
    Ahhh, adorable...
    *Hits Kou-chan*
    Indeed, I had been eyeing it far before it got released lol. Then played a little bit, got busy, and stalled indefinitely...
    So did you guys finish it? I still find it hard haha, I like the background plot though~

    I see, on holidays now? Ahh, Axanael... I want that too but maybe I should finish the older ones first.
    No! That is not imocon, that is call minicon!
    Yaya-chan >_> Only her??
    You tear my shirt!
    Hidoiiiiii! Hmph!
    vB4 is to blame, I think. It worked okay in vB3.

    Hmm just enjoying my holidays I guess >_> Though I'm kinda bored as I'm finding many games unattractive after completing DQIX lol. Was gonna resume Steins;Gate but the Japanese is hard ;_;

    How about you?
    Isn't imouto games the best games you can ever play?
    They're sooooooooooo adorable!!
    Uwah! *Shirt gets ripped off*
    What are you trying to do!?!?!?
    Imouto games?? That's incredible :p
    List them out!!
    >_> I gotta keep my distance away from you.
    Kidding XD
    Imoutos are awesome...
    Why are you not giving them a chance??
    That's the kouhai you're talking about? :p
    I noticed. When I was writing my Japanese lesson thread I had to put spaces accordingly too. Checkmate fixed it though (we even made five dummy test boards to confirm) but somewhat it's like that again... Anyway from what I've observed if you write in Japanese it will usually get cut after 15 characters (and pretty much pwning the rest of whatever is written lol)
    Hmm dunno, it had been cut off to いつか、届く、あ as long as I can remember lol. Yeah, probably got cut, you had to add a space before the あ right?
    Been meaning to ask, why does your user title stop at あ and not have の空に?

    I still have no idea what i owe you which is cute. *knocks head*
    Nanoha huh... hmmm.
    Then I will love it :p
    Btw I'm off to bed >_>
    Nights Kou-chan~
    Well...girls tend to like that for some reason xD

    And...that fast? Don't you have a couple of days officially off since it's holidays or something?
    Well just watching anime isn't considered as being corrupted so it doesn't count at all xP

    And Happy New Year, hope it's a great one and everything you wish for comes true^^
    Hmm...how's that actually possible without her completely ignoring you xD

    But one needs to take god care of his little sister so I guess you're doing a great job by not corrupting her xD
    Well ok, but it depends how underage we're talking about xD

    And if you've already corrupted your imouto there shouldn't be a problem :3
    haha xDD

    But hey, that will be a form of education for them....somehow xD
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