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  • Ah well, I hope I can actually complete it before the animu airs :s Just in case the animu turns fail (and even if it doesn't, odds are almost certain it won't be even close to the VN just like usual animu adapted from VNs). Miyano Mamoru, eh? I hardly pay any attention to male seiyuu XD Yeah, the artwork suits the dark impression really well but just a bit too dark maybe >_> Nah, I do like dark stuff in fact actually lol (except dark sex)

    Accounting eh, at what time do you work btw?

    Yeah, I heard so. And the background plot looks quite generic tbh. I do realise I got trolled by Feng's continuous delays that kept making people curious. Also, it's a habit of mine to get biased by my favourite illustrators, and Hoshikaka = Feng = Ryohka, so <_< I do have hopes for the animu. May try Suzukaze later.

    That's a generic case w. Though, romances are still nice once in a while for me. Maybe because I feel ronery sometimes? XD
    Ah, I see. Good luck with all of that ^^
    Though the cookie baking part sounds kind of more enjoyable than working the whole day xP
    XD it will rain tomorrow!! Dried?? Sounds like some food~
    Normal and decent...? Can you elaborate further? ^^
    I'm not denying! *Jumps when saw lolipop*
    You like nekomimis...? :p
    How's it going Kou? Still really busy with work or there are less people ordering stuff now xP
    Yeah!! Then it will rain the next day :p
    Who doesn't!! But you like bones?!
    I'm not XD *Greets Kou-chan back*
    Ahhh, like catdog >_>
    Hang some teru teru bozu!!
    >_> Okay...but I'm not fat okay!
    I was playing dota :p *Falls asleep*
    Don't they often fight??
    But effective XD
    Uuuu... you're saying that I'm fat???
    *Goes to bed and wrap myself in blanket*
    White cat...? You have a cat and a dog? >_>
    Use hairdryer!!
    Oh!! Okay...make me some when you're free :p
    *Jumps and hugs Kou-chan*
    Is there a white white cat? XD
    Yeah... you don't wash your clothes?!
    Ohhhh, then why are you working??
    *Looks at empty jar and starts looking at Kou-chan*
    What cat is that? :p
    Huh?? What does that gotta do with you wearing anything??
    Selling... ahh, then I'm lessening your profit >_>
    *Finishes cookies and looks at Kou-chan*
    Ohhhhh, Kou-chan doesn't own any cats?
    *Cover eyes* Ohh, at least you have something to wear :p
    But you know how to make right??
    *Takes jar and runs away*
    Why is that cat black??!!
    Then you're not gonna wear anything?!
    It should be easy if you've done it before :p
    *Eats cookie and asks for one more*
    That's so cuteeeeeee!
    Ahhh, then how? >_>
    I want some when you make finish! :p
    *Blushes and hides at a corner*
    Funny, and cute :p Masou Shoujo!!
    CNY... I don't think I'll be having any red packets this year.
    *Likes pat and looks at Kou-chan with puppy eyes*
    Now i'm trying to play Noble Work (damn, can't find any interest in this game) and Yotsuiro Passionato!
    Still waiting for 31/01 because MG gonna rls Koihime Musou on that day :)
    Just like what one would expect from Nitroplus eh. Figured it would be like that, and even stronger than Chaos;Head. Not really fond of the artwork though - Huke is good, but his art can sometimes look very dark. Sure, dark artwork would fit the game perfectly, but it's just sometimes too dark for normal events/dialogues (like right from the start of the game).

    Work doesn't give breaks I guess? lol and what are you majoring?

    Well, I haven't even tried Suzukaze and Hoshikaka too. I guess I can be very biased by the illustrators haha. Maybe there's no masterpiece as of lately, but hey, I do like light raburabu romance stories :p

    Good night (though it's almost been 21 hours since your message lol)
    Main prob is too time consuming i guess >_>.
    yea, tired after class and work every day. Have to wait till CNY holidays.
    *Lets go of Nemu chan and cries in a corner*
    There are other things besides TL and TLC, like timing, TS, editing, encoding etc etc...
    >_> No wonder you're always tired.
    *Hits Kou-chan hand but couldn't run* Iyaaaaaaaaa!
    Ohhhh~ Then why not join fansubbing? :p
    Yeah yeah! I'm watching those!
    *Runs away*
    Ah, i see~ Hardworking Kou-chan :p
    Yeah, a few... but winter doesn't have much to watch too.
    *Drops on the floor*
    I mean, you're part of them or part of the readers?
    I know :p heard a lot about him liking imoutos and all.
    Uff! *Suffocated and faints*
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