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  • But i also do housework!!
    Oh...but i approach you first! :p
    Really??? I wanna try it one day!
    Uuuu... Kou-senpai...

    Imouto is imouto!!
    Hmm, action games...

    Cant be those interactive battle games whereby i have to choose a particular direction to block/attack... Those games were... I cant describe. :rolleyes:

    I liked the character designs and content so far after browsing through their webby. Will keep a look-out first.

    I know about it being released by a new company. I find it true too, most of the time the second games onwards are the better ones. Syrangila was one, when their first title was a nukige(i've played it though :D), then we got Akatsuki no Goei after it.

    Thanks!~ :)
    can i get your opinion on 'BLOODY†RONDO'?
    feel like getting though and playing after cny and my exams
    Really rough? >_>
    There should be some!!
    Nooo... is it nice?
    Uuuu... I'm still not used to it ><

    Imouto would be better...
    But it's still bigger >< *Kou-chan's hand feels warm too*
    Okay... don't go around saying girls fat okay! It hurts their feelings...
    There's cheese cookie?!
    Kou...senpai? :p

    But loli is cute! I can play with you the whole day!
    Hi Kou~ Say, you have recommended somebody on here already so... can you tell me how to do it. Where is the recommend link? Nobody answers me about this ;_;
    Really? But it's bigger than mine!
    Uuuu... I'm not fat!! *Hits Kou-chan* Are you saying I'm fat?!
    Uuu... Senpai...?

    Then you will be a cute little girl :p
    Kou-chan's hand is so big... *Shakes hand with Kou-chan*
    I like sweet stuffs :p
    *Eats almond chocolate cookies*
    Be...Because I've never called anyone senpai before ><

    Yeah! Then i can dress you up!
    Okay okay, i won't bully you :p
    *Takes some cookies from Kou-chan*
    Mmmm, i want!
    Uuuu, it would be weird if i start calling you Kou-senpai >_>

    ...that's cute! Do it!!
    Uuu... okay okay, i shall stop :p
    I... *takes cookie and eat* frwast eu!
    Cookie! Cookie!
    Ah, that is wrong~ You must be seeing things!
    Yes you can! Turn into Mahou Shounen!
    *Takes white flag* You can't surrender!
    But you... okay, i trust you :p
    Eroge is not VN!!!!
    Nooooo, imouto is imouto, kouhai is kouhai!

    Since when did i bully you!! It was you! >_>
    Uuu... I thought you were a nice guy...
    Hehehe *Takes white flag*
    That's wrong ._. How can that happen.

    It likes, "Hello, i can grant you anything if you're willing to risk your lives for me."
    I didn't! It was Kou-chan! ><
    Uuuu... then will you get me that plush toy...?
    Yay, i win! :p
    ...she's not!!
    You did! Why is Kou-chan denying! >_>
    Uuuu... Kou-chan... *Starts crying* You promised me!
    Eroge is eroge!! Vn is vn!!
    And imouto looks!!
    And you hit my head after that! ><
    Buy for me when it comes out, Kou-chan! :p
    ........? Am i wrong??
    How about my ava? XD
    Hehe, you always poke my head!
    Nooooo, I want a plush toy!
    But it's not VN!
    Imoutos are cuter!! Oneechans are not!
    That's because you bully me!
    I don't want to end up dying badly >_>
    VN is visual novel, Eroge is Ero-geimu.
    Imocons are better! *Pulls Kou-chan* Come!
    *Hits Kou-chan* You always bully me! ><
    ...that's ._.
    Google is wrong!
    Isn't that a good thing?! Why do you say it as if it's a bad thing??
    You were always bullying me! Not the other way round... *Starts crying* Uuuuu!!
    And adorable!
    Different! Go Google it!
    I like... adorable things :p Imoutos... ahhh.
    - had to split the VM cause I ended up typing too much -

    Verita... oh well better than Zero at least imo.

    lol don't worry, it's not that bad to be ronery :3 at least you're free~
    Anime adaptations are bound to be like that :/ There are 12 chapters for the game? That's a lot. Even 24 episodes of FSN could only cover one route lol. Chaos Head animu didn't exclude too much from the VN but still wasn't as strong nevertheless. tbh I'm not really interested in Majikoi, nor am I anticipating its TL project lol. Haven't played Subahibi; I know it's dark but is the sex dark too?

    o______o only 3 hours for class... >_> Mine's usually from 8-9 am to 3 pm lol. And you spend like 7 hours and a half outside but still get to do both work and class, I envy that <_<

    Yeah, the delay was too much... some other VNs like Cross Days (lol) and Mahoyoru also got delayed, but nothing as bad as Hoshikaka as of yet. For the first few months maybe it did raise expectations, but when it surpassed half a year I had already been rageguy-ing -.- Sinsemilla sure looks good, haven't tried it though. And I don't really believe in votes lol.
    Since when did i bully you?!
    Mahou Shoujos are cute :p
    It's not! They are two different things!
    You have a stash of mini items!! XD
    Bullies... like you! You always bully me ><
    Uuuu... okay...
    Ero-geimu is Ero-geimu! Vn is Vn!!
    So you're like Iggy! :p
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