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  • You will know these when you have one :p
    Uhhh, should i answer that question? ><
    Skirts? What about it? >_>
    Oh, you meant mentally unstable?
    Uuuuu! She should XD
    Are you saying the truth???

    How about asking your friends? ^^
    It depends on the girl, some are materialistic while some are not.
    Sometimes, noticing stuffs like what they are wearing or those little stuffs help :p
    What is that? >< I'm confused...
    But he's still adorable!
    I wish i could! >_>
    You're still saying the word fat!!

    You have to experience it yourself, Google doesn't help sometimes xD
    Umm, then say about other things XD
    Hehehe, what's dorodere? >_>
    Bu..But that's still adorable!
    I love kyubey :p
    >< You're saying that I'm fat! Hmph!

    Google! It helps!
    Uh? Yeah like this :p
    Deredere is adorable too!
    >< but he's still adorable!!!
    Yeah >_> Does Kou-chan hate him?
    I mean... I would get fat if i keep eating cookies xD

    Then you should start learning about them ^^
    Don't joke about that towards any girl ><
    Ohh...? So you like deredere too...
    Adorable! He have so many bodies XD
    So many plushies!
    Why do you always give me cookies?! >_>

    Don't be scared!
    Be brave :p
    Which girl wouldn't! ><
    Why do you prefer cooderes? >_>
    So...you hate kyubey??
    *Hugs Kyubey plushie and Kou-chan*

    Talk about what they like, what they do...
    Just keep talking stuffs about them :p
    Uuuu! You're trying to say that I get fat easily right!
    It's not like i hate tsunderes or anything... don't get me wrong!
    But you said he was adorable too! ><
    *Shares Kyubey plushie with Kou-chan*

    Then try to create some topics!
    Girls like guys with topics regarding the girls :p
    You will grow fat that way! >_>
    How so?! How can i be tsundere!!
    Then you should get a kyubey plushie too! :p

    Thats because you stayed quiet! ><
    Why only sweets?! ><
    But, but your expression says otherwise!
    Kyubey is adorable! Why can't you agree with me! Sayaka wouldn't :p

    Not only when you show yourself XD
    But i only see you nomming on cookies!
    Noooooo! Why don't you believe me!
    Kyubey is kyubey, sayaka is sayaka!

    You didn't try hard enough ><
    You have cookies for your meals?? >_>
    Hehe :p
    Yup! Well, kyubey is still adorable!

    No! You need more 3D!
    Why do you only eat cookies?!
    ... Kou-chan doesn't believe me! ><

    That's not enough...
    Yay! *Takes lollipop*
    Noooooo! How many times must i say i'm not!? *Hits Kou-chan*
    Uuuuuu, *Hugs kyubey plushie*

    Now you need more love! >_>
    Good luck for your exams, Kou-chan!
    Tsun?! No I'm not!
    Kyubey is adorableeeeeeeeeeeee!

    I can't give you money ><
    Nothing wrong... ><
    N-no! Don't get me wrong! I don't!
    But... he's adorable! I wanna hug kyubey so muchhhhhhhh :p

    Consider it not a day XD
    What's with that respond!
    I also! But nsfw...
    Why! What's wrong with that! I like adorable things...
    I don't mind! :p

    >< It's only for a day only.
    No... i just love my imouto -.-
    The part where i collect lots of those cgs ><
    Yuri is adorable :p
    Yeahhhhhhh, both of them are okay!

    What happened, Kou-chan!!
    I just love my imouto ><
    Nooooo! Don't misunderstand!
    ...kou-chan is weird.
    Yeah~ That's adorable!
    >< It should be Madoka x Homura!
    happy valentine's day~ this is all i can manage~ X3
    I'm not!!!!
    You can delete the bgs and what not, the events don't waste that much space.
    Huh?! What is to feel Moe?!
    Yes! She is jealous because kyubey claimed her :p
    No!! I still want kyubeu plushie!

    *Eats lollipop*
    Only by imoutos~ :p
    Really?? It is??
    Moe feeling >_> What do you do with that feeling?
    Huh!! What! She is Madoka's girlfriend i say!
    Why do you rage at kyubey! He's so adorable!

    *Takes Lollipop and got caught*
    Since when did i become onee-chan?!?
    Thanks~ I usually get those from gc ><
    Nah, I'm okay with it~
    Who doesn't!! XD
    She is Madoka's girlfriend!

    *Tries to avoid Kou-chan*
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