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  • Hehe, not gonna tell you~
    LOL, you do?? Pardon me then :p
    No! What! How that does even relate me to being an imouto!
    Wow, how many VNs have you played so far? Yeah! Haruna is adorable!
    That's only manga and anime! Real life don't have that many tsundere~

    Erm... sometimes one meal per day, most of the times two ><
    As expected from VN pro. You just completed another game? Which is it?
    Seriously, you're way too fast! Or is it I am way too slow, i think its the latter~ =_=
    How long you take normally to finish 100% of the game?
    Roughly how many hours per route x how many girls?
    You skip all the H right?

    P.S. -> I am horrible VN player, pardon me.
    What do you think? :p
    Yeah~ Go out with your guy friends and have fun instead of staying at home ^^
    No! Don't categorize me with them!
    Only VNs?? Some of them looks cute too ><
    It is not! Don't anyhow say!

    Yes! >_> *Keeps it in pocket* Ahem, I didn't say i would eat it all at once~
    Maybe~ :p
    Like spending more time with your friends by going out with them,
    and maybe do something different once in a while (:
    That doesn't make me an imouto!!
    Hmm, play other games? ^^ Erm... things that don't look adorable? XD
    That's not true!

    You did! You didn't give me sweets!
    Haha! Kou-chan~
    Start by changing your lifestyle :p
    But I'm not an imouto?? >_>
    Watch some other things! Azusa is really adorable!
    But why! Tsunderes are okay...

    No! Don't anyhow say ><
    Hehe, I'm just sharing some love with you :p
    Don't create! Make your own happiness!
    What does being an imocon gotta do with tsundere??
    Yeah... no Madoka!! >< But she's still adorable xD
    You did?? I don't remember~

    You did! No! You're the one who is bullying me!
    Haha! *Gives some good luck to Kou-chan*
    So think about those happy moments that you had :p
    Wh-what! Why tsundere??
    It's only a show >_> Poor Azusa ><
    You did! You said, errr, you love tsunderes!

    Kou-chan is bullying me! ><
    Good luck with it!!
    Don't always think of the negative stuffs, don't tell me you never had been happy before ><
    Really! Then what do you think i am? :p
    No he doesn't! Azusaaaaa >_>
    Be-because you said tsunderes are good too!

    I want some more sweets!
    Start to have faith in yourself then!!
    Don't sigh... be positive :p
    Yeah! Normal ><
    What nightmare!! Yeah, azusa!
    Really?? I thought Kou-chan likes tsunderes~

    *Takes and keep it in pocket*
    Then you gotta have faith in yourself!
    Uhhhh... okay i do have one :p
    I am... um... normal??
    Kyubey dakimura?? Me too!!
    Hmmm, Kou-chan likes tsundere~

    I love those!!
    Don't care what people say!
    You liar! Later you tell others ><
    No! I'm not tsun! Stop saying I'm tsun okay!!!
    Plushie is so cuteee! Yeah >_>
    Oh! Kou-chan likes ponytail!

    You like sweet stuffs? :p
    Why?! It's all in your mind~
    I won't tell you :p
    Uhhh! You tricked me!
    Lalalala *Hugs Kyubey plushie*
    Twintail... is adorable too ><

    Nooo! Not all guys hate sweet stuffs too right? :p
    Bah, but don't think yourself as that way!
    I don't know the answer~
    Uuuu, now you don't believe me...
    He's still adorable :p
    Really?? Long hair is better!

    Some girls hate sweets btw ><
    Nooo! Don't think that way >_>
    Uh? I don't know~
    Really!! *Hits Kou-chan*
    Kyubey is a HE!! ><
    I prefer her to have her long hair! :p

    Not all like chocolates, you gotta ask them ^^
    Maybe that's just chance!
    Hahahaha! :p
    Huh...?! I'm not tsun okay!!
    I saw!! Okay nevermind ><
    Uuuu, she's so poor thing! I wish i can hug her >_>

    I will try to help!
    No way! That never happen to me before...
    Uhhh... not gonna answer you :p
    What's the dot for!! You don't trust me!
    Be...because he has a, ah nevermind ><
    But she is cute... Homura-chan! Not Homerun!
    Nono! I won't xD

    Ahhh, then maybe online friends will help!
    Why wouldn't people take me seriously when I'm being an optimist??
    Uhhh, so what's the answer? :p
    No! I'm saying I'm not...!
    Kyubey is a HE! I say, is a HE!!
    That makes her even cuter! And why do you call her homerun?!
    ...what else can i say to you ><

    one first note, i didnt stalk for convo with her.
    second, i was too bored at work so i decided to check games, but i wasnt so successful, so i thought i drop you a visitor message to ask. then i saw.

    thanks for the titles. will see see
    Quite the convo you got here with Nemuru. Tsk tsk

    On serious note, recommendations for March and April games?
    How can it be bad??
    Uuuuu, do i really have to answer you? ><
    Uhhh?! No, I'm not being tsun!
    Kyubey is a HE!!
    Bu...but Homura-chan is really cute!
    You should change your taste :p

    Haha! Then you can make friends with them xD
    Haha, yes that's the way!
    What is that?!
    Uuuu, I'm not I'm not! Don't get me wrong!
    How can you call kyubey an IT?! >_>
    Homura is cuteeeee!
    Yeah, your standards are low :p

    Ahhh, maybe google does help XD
    Hehe, it's better to be optimistic!
    Uhhhh? Agree to...?
    Yeah! Look out for those small little details :p
    Uuuu! Yes kyubey will definitely be popular!
    Ah? Nono, really, it's average ><

    Ohhh... it's time to get some of those friends!
    Don't be pessimistic >_>
    Their hairstyles, hair clips (if they wear one or more), outfit, their mood,
    and the way they talk to you (whether they look at you when they talk to you).
    Kyubey is cute and adorable! :p
    Nahhhh, I'm just average looking ><

    Ask those who are attached as well~
    You will have one day! >_>
    Ummm, i shouldn't answer that :p
    Why only skirts?!
    I'm gonna watch it tmr ><
    Hu..Huh?? What were you gonna do?? Really??

    Hehe, that should help xD
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