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  • Kamidori = mega grind grind game?
    There are items to combine etc etc is it? And boss fights and H later?
    Choices, overall gameplay hard?
    Recommendable to weak guys like me? >.<
    But that's wasting money!!
    That's because you don't play much games! How can you compare?? >_>
    But I'm not gonna marry early!!
    Most of the translated VNs by TLWiki, Muv-Luv etc etc...
    Is tling VN much difficult compared to anime?
    Not the whole VN itself but by hearing w/o captions and looking at words.
    How is it a good thing??? I don't get you...
    Like putting the consoles properly, caring it, fixing it when it's spoilt, buying new games...

    But! Don't make me!
    /me tries to hit Kou-chan's hand
    Don't need cash if you know how to grind!!
    I not pro gamer! >_>
    Oh! I wanna see that too :p
    Who?!? I don't see it!
    Would love to see it when it's announced.
    No, I couldn't get it working ><
    I prefer to play it when the patch is complete~
    B-B-But...! /me starts crying
    Consoles are troublesome, so it's better not to have one. I don't like ds :p

    Huh?! Sacred?? Adorable.... hauuuu...
    /me tries to run away
    That's why there are guides around! Tho you just play your own style~
    I only play when I have time...
    How was the wedding like??
    Maybe 2012 or later >_>
    That novel is nice?? Planetarian? Isn't that a kinetic novel??
    No proof, no talk! So it can't be a fact!
    Uh? What's wrong with me having a psp?? ><

    What!! Why you like yuri?!
    No! Okay, I admit they are adorable sometimes :p
    Cause it's boring and repetitive? I agree~
    Avid gamer? Not so much, because I do other stuffs than playing only!
    So Kou-chan does something bad once in a while :p
    How's the wedding??
    No one is stupid!
    When will it be out??
    Yeah! Or those that are gonna be translated~
    I'm not! How can I admit if I'm not?!?!
    Ohhh, I didn't play psp for very long already~

    Yuri aura?? What's that!?
    N-N-No!! /me hits Kou-chan
    There are lots of MMOs out there right now, I'm currently waiting for Diablo 3 and maybe a few other PC games like Darksiders 2. DotA is fun with friends :p
    Why! I thought you are a good boy??
    Yeah, usually people marry at average age of 26-30? That's what I least thought.
    No! Kou-chan is smarter than me!
    Ohh! Very nice piece of music~
    Yeah! Madoka holding Gibson guitar and Homura holding Fender bass!
    Because they are more reliable?? Kou-chan give me some nice VN titles!!
    That doesn't prove anything!!!!!!
    Wonder how their relationship would go! Kawaii desu~

    How do you know it's okay?!
    /me wears yuri goggles
    W-W-W-Waaaaaaaa! /me cover eyes
    Ohhhhh~ Gaming is fun, you should try! I'm not hardcore! I only play on a regular basis.
    But I'm sure you will at least encounter one problem in your life :p
    Ah, maybe 22 seems early for me. You don't need to be in a relationship to understand, cause that is common sense XD
    *Goes watch episode 3 again* Ahh! And they also play instruments in school??
    Download it then~
    Kou-chan like lolis~ Give me evidence!
    Tsun is good! You shipped?? Because she is? :p

    There is something wrong with that goggles!
    /me takes yuri goggles from Kou-chan and throws it away.
    If possible, save up and get some gaming com!
    Yes! Otherwise, people would be carefree and well, they don't learn from their mistakes.
    Marrying early only have a few reasons, you should know them better than me.
    HUH?! Mami did wish for a cake??? Then wouldn't this be K-On! instead of Madoka??
    Can't be helped. Haha! Kou-chan :p
    So Kou-chan like lolis!! I didn't saw it, so it's not counted!
    But she's tsun tsun~ Yeah! Timed the episode. Kuroneko version!

    Nothing! Just taking care of her~
    What com are you planning to get? No need, I think :p
    Then there won't be troubles, then we wouldn't understand the world.
    She's 19 this year? You think marrying early is good? There's a reason for it.
    Mouuuu, Kou-chan! Why would she wish for a cake?!?!?
    They are expensive, yes?? S-S-Somewhere hidden...? /me blushes. O-Ok, Kou-chan...
    HS subs? Haha! Kou-chan just made me laugh~
    Depends?! What!! I don't see it! So it's not counted!
    But I find it okay. And have the senpai, or nii-san :p

    Nothing! Just my own stuffs! My imouto... erm... nothing!
    Woah~ No! Why would I do anything bad?!
    Life depends on what you do :p
    /me pats Kou-chan
    Yuri goggles?? Yes! Madoka is having a good life!
    Daikimura?? You should wear that ribbon~ /me giggles
    Kurisu = Christina?? Don't sound alike, Christ is a guy's name while Christina is a girl's name.
    So you like lolis! Why am I both?! Give me proof!
    Why?? She's actually quite tsun, why does people like kuroneko more??

    E-Erm... not gonna tell you!!
    Less than a year (¬_¬) It's better now anyways.
    Kou-chan, ganbatte!
    Stop thinking about it!!
    Kou-chan likes yuri?? Oneechan x imouto?? Madoka in chibi form!
    I hug my plushy when I sleep!! I have a pinku ribon!!
    Haha! Agreed. So Kurisu = Christ? Isn't that a guy's name?
    Hmm, at least you get to watch!! ><
    But, lolis are adorable... You are the one who is calling me a lolicon!
    Kirino is erm, half half??

    H-Huh?! What are you saying?? Don't get me wrong!
    Not virus... It just freezes when I play dota :p
    /me shares some money with Kou-chan
    There will be someone!!
    B-B-But there can only be one queen!! Hidamari x Madoka? Adorable!
    I already have a kyubey plushy! So I want a Madoka plushy now ><
    Mayuri x Kurisu! Kurisu = Christ? Erio in futon! I wonder how can anyone eat in that, so Kou-chan gonna marathon that??
    Like... look at how moe and adorable they are. Then start going, Moeeeeeeeee!
    Then you will start to like lolis :p
    2D Imouto = Urusai! , 3D Imouto = Stfu. LOL

    Erm... not really, since I'm always doing my own stuffs~
    Now my computer is gonna spoil! I need to reformat it soon ><
    Ohhh, he haz like so many consoles and so many teebees and so many powerpoints.
    Don't change your looks!! You are you!
    All bow to thee! Hail, Queen King Madoka & Queen Homura!!
    Do I get a Madoka plushy if i join the church...?
    Yeah! Gonna watch now, since its still fresh, why not watch it now?
    Huh! What! You don't make any sense! Just like lolis, and you will understand them!
    That's 2D! 3D is the opposite!!

    Twintails > Ponytails! N-N-No! What are you thinking?!
    What! Okay, Kou-chan wins ><
    Yes, you should try doing that. Playing 10 eroge at once.
    It's not about the looks!!! It's not you, it's them.
    NOOO!! I didn't have the time to watch! *Goes to watch Madoka now*
    That's what Mayuri said! I haven't watch episode 3 yet (¬_¬)
    What?! They are adorable! Why do you not understand!!
    They tend to control you more (it depends), maybe you should try in 3D :p

    And twintails too!! Yeah, busy with lots of stuff >_>
    Your line also disconnects when its unhappy? :p
    Just like how kami-sama does it!
    At least you learn something out of it! So be positive~
    I'm gonna watch Madoka tonight! ><
    Yeah, true. Anata wa banana-
    Lolis are... adorable, cute, lovely, petite, plushy, and the list goes on!
    So you prefer older girls to take care of you? >_>

    Long hairs... Nope, can't find the time to...
    It disconnects whenever it's not happy with me. Kou-chan ><
    Then do both at once!
    It's not how many times you fail! It's about how you fail! :p
    But... she's adorable... yay!!
    I can understand! Somehow... >_>
    Google loli! And you will understand!
    Onnechans are, oneechans...

    When I can find some to replay~ But that hairstyle is adorable too!
    Now my line sucks! It's not working so well ><
    Kou-chan have a busy life!! Marathon... find one free day, then marathon :p
    For now~ Confidence stats!
    Madoka is worth watching because I am watching Madoka!!
    Okay I think I get it~
    Lolis are adorable... you should like them more!
    Yes! You should like lolis more!

    Hmm, not for now. That pic is so edited! But Milly is adorable~
    I wonder why, hmm...
    Kou-chan is so busy?! So that's the only one that you're gonna marathon??
    2D will take over your life!! You know... level up... adding your stats :p
    Ahh... it's worth watching right? I mean... the story itself.
    Nevermind, I shall take my time and find it out myself!
    What!! You hate lolis...? *Looks at Kou-chan with puppy eyes*
    Hmph! Not gonna talk to you!

    Both if I can! Ohhh! Milly bathing~
    I'm not sure, but they say Singapore has one the few better lines.
    There should be if you mange to find some time! Goodluck with the marathon :p
    You will find one eventually~ You need to add confidence when you level up!
    I don't mind watching, but they infodump >_>
    Wonder what's the story gonna be like~
    You like lolis, oneechans, twintails~

    I should try it out too! Adorable! Adorable! Adorable!
    Some of my friends' connection is also bad >_>
    Then find a time when you're free and marathon them all!
    Not all girls go for appearance, and have more confidence (:
    All that talking is making me fall asleep... Don't really get what they're talking too.
    So it will be filled with words. I see now :p
    Kou-chan wa rorikon desu! Rori! Rori! Rori!

    So it's like watching the movie that you find interesting over and over again~
    Don't say that!
    Uuu, I can't manage my own time... slowly watch and play then :p
    Then try to talk to them!
    Oh, so they will be talking the whole time?!
    Nooooo! You just spoiled the story! *Hits Kou-chan*
    You find them moe = you find loli cute = you like loli = you lolicon! Me too ><

    Isn't that the same as playing the same game over and over again? >_>
    It's okay~ That is hell!
    >< Kou-chan must be busy... but you still have time to play eroge!
    So you usually don't talk to girls??
    Ohh, huh?! Talking heads as in floating heads talking?? >_> Don't creep me out.
    Spoil me by giving me candies again? :p I don't like spoilers~
    Uuuu, what lolicon?! They're adorable! Lolicon spotted too!

    /me keeps chocolate in pocket
    Really?! I didn't know that. Stuffs like that happen once in a while huh?
    Lol. PM'ed you.
    My short term memory doesnt work when I see these, still trying hard to clear off my head.
    I will also take this chance to point out the Blazblue also a time looping story. Its extremely confusing too, although I dont know whether it can be compared with Steins;Gate, because I didnt play the VN.
    Blazblue does have its fair share of confusion, if you dont clear everyone's story mode, you catch no balls. Even after you complete, you take very long to figure out. Almost nothing is explained in the game, although its an arcade game, it really has great story.
    Waiting for a possible true third installation to a game I suck so badly at, but I love simply so much.
    Hmph! Why are comparing those two!!
    Might as well ask for holidays the whole year xD
    Hmm, Kou-chan is shy??
    But you just spoiled part of it!!
    Hope there will be... Yes! Loli show!

    /me hugs Kou-chan back
    So you gonna play something that you've played before??
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