Recent content by Lord Zero

  1. Lord Zero

    What manga are you currently reading?

    I been following Mangaka to Assistant-san for a while, also One Punch Man, that keeps on being super awesome.
  2. Lord Zero

    [LPW #95] To what purpose, April, do you return again?

    SHI- JU- ! GUDO NAITO NANODESU! Oh well... while IM supposed to be working on my japanese homework, i can`t help but to keep on procastinanting about...
  3. Lord Zero

    [LPW #95] To what purpose, April, do you return again?

    What`s the current topic ? I feel super bored tonight... unmotivated as hell too.
  4. Lord Zero

    What game systems do you guys own????

    You are the same as me then. My lappy luckyly still manages to play the latest releases.
  5. Lord Zero

    What game are you currently playing?

    How come you have so much time to play games at all ? I want to slap you so hard... -_-u... oh well, im triying out Dishonored... i got it last year when the GOTY edition came out... havent time to try it out even since.
  6. Lord Zero

    You using Android and love Anime? Check out my blog!

    Wow, seems great, just what i need it. Good work pal !
  7. Lord Zero

    What is your name?

    The hell ? You are a girl ? Since when ?! -_-u has been a while since Internet handles worked against me... Im miguel angel... folks named me after italian renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti. Though most people i know call me Zero.
  8. Lord Zero

    what do u do to sleep???

    Im working night shifts now while attending college, so i don`t have that much time to sleep at all. I recommend spending all your energy in something else in order to feel exhausted and fall sleep quickly. How about attending a gim for instance ?
  9. Lord Zero

    What have you bought recently?

    That`s a great way of spending money nowadays. Im feel grateful that Kickstarter exists to begin with. Mmm... i haven`t bought anything interesting lately... i bought some fabric strings and leather for my next cosplay last tuesday though.
  10. Lord Zero

    What does your family think of you playing games, reading manga, or watching anime?

    Man, you seem to live in a whole different world. -_-u I feel like the current discussion doesnt apply to you at all... Mmm, well, my family has deserted me and left out to fend on my own. I think that they are pretty disappointed already, so they may be actively triying to forget that i ever...
  11. Lord Zero

    Indeed. The Memorial version was the last actualization they made, so it includes everything...

    Indeed. The Memorial version was the last actualization they made, so it includes everything there is. Like the updated netcode and the color editor tool
  12. Lord Zero

    Best fighting game poll

    Street Fighter games were the ones who started it all. Everything we know about fighters came from them. Life bars, time, rounds, normals, supers, combos, you name it. Then again, nowadays i enjoy more faster paced games ala Arc System Works. Guilty Gear, Blazblue, Persona... or similar games...
  13. Lord Zero

    Repeating symbolic hand gestures in anime and doujin, ever noticed ? or know what it is ?

    Check this one out.
  14. Lord Zero

    [LPW#60]『Madness vs Fear!!! Which one will win!? Find out! Only on MG-TV!!!』

    It shows that im a man raised in a occidental society. I can aknowlenge a relationship between 2 girls while at the same time internally rejecting one between 2 men. Oh well, so be it.