Repeating symbolic hand gestures in anime and doujin, ever noticed ? or know what it is ?


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2012
Many of you may never have noticed this before, but if you look at the hands you can see hand signs that most never take notice of, even though it's right in front of them. Something that happens to be very widespread within occult societies. If you don't know about it, or have any information, then I at least would like my fellow friends, otakus and unawares to be aware of it's existence, and possibly open their eyes to the possibility of a greater agenda in this world hidden from the majority and that certain things happening and to happen in this world are not coincidences or not planned for.

So [MENTION=60423]tonee89[/MENTION]; You still haven't found any possible explanation yet for the hand signs made in your own and others anime/doujin drawings ? Cause I at least would love to hear it if so and it's not just that you just do it because you've seen others also do it.
Like these of yours:
Although quite subtle in your works.

Considerable more noticeable in others like these for comparison as I showed you some examples of earlier:

So, if anyone want to share something about it, whether concrete information or just interest your welcome to do so whether publicly or privately.
There is a trend of putting hidden symbolic imagery in a lot of work, lot more so these days than before. Since symbols both conceal, and reveal at the same time for those who have eyes to see.

[MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION]; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; [MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28243]egozi44[/MENTION]; [MENTION=3160]sayforever[/MENTION]; [MENTION=14353]whatpu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=68171]xXPsychoKittyDXx[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4809]Will98[/MENTION]; [MENTION=62097]MimiZ[/MENTION]; [MENTION=60305]zad38[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66363]Vivid[/MENTION]; [MENTION=58715]Taah[/MENTION]; [MENTION=62675]Vivi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]; [MENTION=36246]Lord Zero[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10809]Keima[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION]; [MENTION=16641]§aηctum[/MENTION]; I though of some of you people just in case some of you'd find it interesting. Sry if someone feels left out for not being mentioned >< It feels that way when I first start.
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hrm repeating hand gestures in anime... yeah i know what you mean same goes for faces though dont it?

like this


they are just there to bring more of a feel to the anime like welcoming a character or giving more of a seductive feel to characters

though this is also achievable through the faces
@genki I really doubt that most of it is a reference to anything, it is just that the author thought it looked good. Hands are often awkward because they always need to serve some purpose or they end up looking strange, so people do some experimentation to try to make them look less odd. One way to do this is evidently by putting their fingers in a certain assortment. Also, lumping the two fingers in the middle makes it easier to draw, yet you can still make it look like the hands is spread out/not closed.

The statue at the bottom makes it look like it is some kind of greeting/blessing for whatever those people were.
heh, well face expressions are a tad more common and unspecific compared to this.

Oh yeah, well thats the subtleness of such things is what I would say, unless it's very clear like in that statue most will just discard it as anything, but if you look a round a lot, it's not just a few pictures in this specific example, not to mention a host of other symbolism that can accompany it sometimes. At least I've seen plenty.

Just concidence...? and because its easy to draw the hand like that ? I certainly don't believe so but thats clear ^^ Judge for yourself.
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Just concidence...? and because its easy to draw the hand like that ? I certainly don't believe so but thats clear ^^

The world is full of "just coincidences". Search for your given name and see how many matches there are. Assuming your name isn't abnormally unique, there will be quite a few. Conspiracy? Probably not. People just happened to choose that name on occasion.

What is a far more likely reason for a person, specifically an artist, to draw a hand like that: symbolism, or because they thought it looked nice? :P
Searching for my name ofc....that would be something different and doesn't relate to this at all. You should be able to differentiate between that stuff. But if someone starts having the same gang tattoos it's a different story, there is a reason the cops takes pictures of those you know.
I see. Well just coincidences don't repeat themselves and come along with other "just coincidences" since that only shows its no coincidence at all. I mean if suddenly all the art out there started having 6 fingers instead of 5, then it's clearly more than a coincident, unless it's just a happenstance that you see once every now and then then it would really be just coincidence.
This too?
The great seal of their ultimate plan of control, and their GOD.

Painting of Columbus.

United Nations HQ in brussel.
Or that the elite of the world meet up in secret meetings and deny it afterwards. Or that a certain society started spreading to japan in the 70's about the same time anime started "evolving" more towards "chibi" looking character if I'm not mistaken, away from the more older realistic looking. Or that certain groups of people earned money on 9/11 instead of loosing it by acting on information shortly before the event, I suppose it was only just a coincidence that NORAD had a training exercise that Very same day, training for exactly that eventuality that transpired. Or that the current monetary system of the Dollar is made to fail by design... There are a lot fewer coincidences than people think in this world. But thats where symbols really shines the most in it's ability to conceal.

This is exactly what I'm talking about, thats why I said symbols reveal, and they conceal. They are subtle, and are meant to be explained away or go unnoticed by most. Thats their biggest trait. The initiates of these societies teach that even themselves that it's how they hide in plain site.
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Ah sorry, I thought this was mostly a joke. I didn't know you were into this kind of thing. :)

Some serious thoughts are in order, then:
My example was an analogy, not a direct comparative example. The big thing with coincidences is that you only note them when they occur, not when they don't occur (this becomes very important when considering large amounts of data).

I can see why people like these things and could believe them, but I personally do not.
Here is my main problem with this theory, which can be extended to virtually every conspiracy theory:

If I am to accept that this hand position seen in anime and manga is a conspiracy to some underlying organization, then I also have to assume that these anime producers and manga artists are aware of it, or directly influenced by it. I then have to assume that they are all organized and intelligent enough to keep this completely silent, and just to keep spreading their symbol for some unfathomable cause.

These assumptions to me seem so ridiculous as to be completely improbable (not impossible mind you, but improbable). Therefore I find it extremely unlikely for there to be anything else behind this other than chance, or in this case, that people simply thinks it looks nice. You could say there is a conspiracy of people thinking it looks nice, and I would agree that this could just be the case.
This has been a big topic in general. Well if you want to look at symbolism you must also look at rap music or just music videos in general. They are full of pyramids, all-seeing eyes and all kinds of stuff. I read many interviews where rappers said that video producers are to blame for that as they are the ones who put them in there. Now I didn't really notice it in anime that much though. I know in hip hop it is widely used just to atract attention (putting random all seeing eye in the middle of your music video atracts people to watch it and talk about it meaning that you are becoming relevant). Honestly, I don't still know what to think of it. I'm still learning and reading about it a lot but I am not really close to a conclusion yet.

It might be a way someone wanted us to scracth our heads for nothing for for all I know.
The thing is that if they just put an image in things with no known purpose, they basically accomplish nothing: advertising your secret organization is counter-productive! I find it hard to believe that some group capable of masterminding such a huge bout of propaganda without being found would be content accomplishing nothing (and dumb enough to visually label things that they've influenced).

People are doing it because they think it looks cool.

Though of course, given a long list of similarly documented conspiracies, the probability that at least one of them exists is substantially greater. The problem is that each one by itself is extremely improbable (assuming no meaningful evidence).

Though once again with the music video thing, you will also only make note of videos that contain those symbols when watching them, not the ones that don't. I'd hazard to guess the latter more than slightly outweigh the former.
Hmm it might have some meaning behind it but maybe not as much a you would like to say? Could just be a simple thing you could google and learn a new hand sign in sign language or something ;p They could also just think it looks cool... saw it elsewhere and thought to copy~ The world is sort of a collection of random things that influence each other... kind of hard to just say there is a single influence for any one thing~ The place ive seen people have those two fingers together is judo tournaments =w= They tie them together for, what i would assume, more control or a stronger grip~ So its could be taken that theyre all in a secret organization or they saw other people do it and decided to try it as well =w= The meanings of symbols can change with every new person~ Unicorn horns originally represented the male genitalia (only found by virgins alone in the forest... i wonder why~) but im fairly sure that most people these days dont actually know that or use it for that purpose in their art~ Its more fancy decoration that anything now~
I will not delve into this too much because I lack significant information to justify my reasons and thoughts.

I have noticed those 'hand signs' at a young age when reading manga. Not sure which one, but I believe it was a shoujo.

Why and how did I notice them?

Because they looked weird. If you think about it, who has their hand in that 'W' shape in everyday life... having two fingers in the middle sticking together while the rest spread out.

So, I imitated it and realized how uncomfortable it felt... because fingers weren't meant to be placed like that. A natural looking picture or manga cover art would have each of their fingers spread, closed, or maybe a pinky or thumb off to the side a bit.

When I read manga, it can take me an hour to flip one page because I'm constantly admiring the art and thinking why they chose that angle or those words to convey their feelings. On the way... I saw those hands with the 'W' fingers.

I didn't think too much later on though. Considered them as a 'style' like how the characters had their mouths opened. When you think about it... if you take a picture... do you smile or have your mouth open showing the inside of your tongue?

However, the 'anime-style of having your mouth open despite it looking off-putting in real life' just works.

The same can be said for the 'symbols' and other 'subtle signs'.

Perhaps, they thought it looked 'nice' or they did research and thought it can incorporated into the story or character.

We're entitled to our opinions.

In the end, for me, as much as conspiracy or whatnot does sound fascinating, but I won't hold much light on it due to my lack of information and understanding of what such things entails.

Oh... right. I did notice that the 'W' fingers were some hand gesture for a certain college. Probably saw it on the news.
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An hour... @_@ The most ive ever spent is maybe 15 min...

The hand signs in manga... /me thinks of naruto but they serve a purpose there unless the hidden groups thought that they needed the world to know their symbols could be used as ninja signs~

Wonder if spock or spidey were secretly part of some organization as well xD

Hmm... but can anyone explain what the organizations are about anyway?
If it's the authentic manga where you can touch each individual page and sniff the ink... it is possible to read one page for an hour. /me is in bliss

But manga on the internet can take about half an hour for me to go to the next page. Lol.

If it was hand signs like you mentioned in Naruto or symbols in Full Metal Alchemist, those are much more understandable.

However, these are symbols or signs with 'underlying tones' that Genki wants to point out.

Not too sure about the 'organizations'. If [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; was here, he would have a ball with this.

Maybe there is also some Illuminati thing going on as well... .-.
Lol well... i guess it does feel better to hold the book...~ Some translations are bad though... too small to read @_@ Dont think i would sniff the ink though...
Was sort of talking about online stuff... How long i stay usually depends on the detail of the page...~

Illuminati... only know that theyre some kind of organization that was supposedly taken care of long ago but some people think theyre still around... =w= Wonder if they communicate with members through random symbols and stuff...~ Must be quite complex for everyone else to not figure out..~
/me loves the feel of books and pushes Sam's head into the pages to sniff xD

Yeah... some pages are mostly white with a small character or background... so people might not stay on the page too long. Details, details, details~

I tend to stay away from 'conspiracy theories' or 'hidden organizations'. @_@

There are people who strongly believe in them. I don't mind one bit that they acknowledge that these things exist. I guess I do not have the 'motivation' to learn about it.

Maybe other people will have more information. Who knows...
Wah @_@ This isnt like facebook at all :XD:

Hmm... the hands could be an odd detail which makes me stay on the page to wonder...~ Little abnormal things~

Lol i havent delved into the conspiracy theories much either xD Theyre a bit... well i dont find them the most believable since they seem to just be people connecting what could otherwise be coincidental things~ Like with memes and stuff~ It happens but people dont notice until someone points it out and they all think "wow i never noticed"~
Hm... so it more for feeling than anything afterwards... initially perhaps the artist... I wonder what the earliest examples would be xD
Another thing to consider is the fact that most early American cartoons had hands with only 3 fingers because it was easier to draw, and you don't really need the extra finger for gestures typically. Perhaps this is the Japanese extension of this?
First of all, as much as I would like to answer every thing brought up here so far, every skeptical thought or programed belief systems or whatnot, and reply to every detail in kind, thats a bit tiresome, and so I will try to answer on the whole of things roughly at least and to my ability. And hope I don't come across as too opinionated but regarding the whole unknown societies thing, thats just a fact that most people are ignorant of, and I know too much to just ignore that or certain other things in relation to them.

Ah sorry, I thought this was mostly a joke. I didn't know you were into this kind of thing. :)

Some serious thoughts are in order, then:
My example was an analogy, not a direct comparative example. The big thing with coincidences is that you only note them when they occur, not when they don't occur (this becomes very important when considering large amounts of data).

I can see why people like these things and could believe them, but I personally do not.
Here is my main problem with this theory, which can be extended to virtually every conspiracy theory:

If I am to accept that this hand position seen in anime and manga is a conspiracy to some underlying organization, then I also have to assume that these anime producers and manga artists are aware of it, or directly influenced by it. I then have to assume that they are all organized and intelligent enough to keep this completely silent, and just to keep spreading their symbol for some unfathomable cause.

These assumptions to me seem so ridiculous as to be completely improbable (not impossible mind you, but improbable). Therefore I find it extremely unlikely for there to be anything else behind this other than chance, or in this case, that people simply thinks it looks nice. You could say there is a conspiracy of people thinking it looks nice, and I would agree that this could just be the case.
(sry no joke, I don't know how I would make this into one, and yes I've been into this stuff)
So I thought about answering just roughly but it's gonna turn into a long post then, feels like a lot of work in trying to cover and and explain every possible possibility inducing too much speculation just to show what is already visible. I won't ignore that there are naturally occurring questions that are left unanswered, but that doesn't prove anything and is not a valid counter claim,(we don't throw out the baby with the bath water after all) that would be bad logic. Except that we, including myself don't know everything there is to know about it. Not so surprisingly when the very nature of the topic is about something covert and hidden.

Of course it's not impossible for artists to be involved with this, improbable... not imo. Why should it be ?
But just like the freemasons have their secret callsigns in between themselves to identify each others and show their alignment and belonging why shouldn't others also ?
People that are being recruited don't know everything as the higher levels do either. Typically the lowest levels haven't got a clue what their really apart of.
For those who already know, it's not even new, there are works of artist centuries old encompassing hidden esoteric symbolism in their work.

Alice Bailey a theosophist and a great initiate, teacher in the mystery schools, founder of 'Lucifer trust' and 'World Goodwill' a NGO organization within the United Nations write in her works that it is part of their plans to "externalize the hierarchy" i.e.
make known to the public eventually what was kept hidden, and to let the public
gradually become accustomed to the idea and concepts covertly, could that have something to do with trends today..., unfortunately I don't have all the answers to it.
And since you probably don't know this they worship Lucifer, that is their God, for every bodies information. So for anyone that's atheists, their not your "friends" either. They just intend to deal with you lastly. So in regards not just to the signs, but regardless, make no mistake about it, these people and societies are not theory, it's just common for many who are still largely ignorant of it to discard it as such. That is something the "elite" enjoys very much I'm sure btw, hiding in plain sight, because it demonstrates their power over the minds of the unsuspecting masses.

This has been a big topic in general. Well if you want to look at symbolism you must also look at rap music or just music videos in general. They are full of pyramids, all-seeing eyes and all kinds of stuff. I read many interviews where rappers said that video producers are to blame for that as they are the ones who put them in there. Now I didn't really notice it in anime that much though. I know in hip hop it is widely used just to atract attention (putting random all seeing eye in the middle of your music video atracts people to watch it and talk about it meaning that you are becoming relevant). Honestly, I don't still know what to think of it. I'm still learning and reading about it a lot but I am not really close to a conclusion yet.

It might be a way someone wanted us to scracth our heads for nothing for for all I know.
I've heard that as well that the producers are doing it, and believe many of the artists are clueless. I heard a story once of a person that apparently was attempted recruited by a organization that goes by a latin name I don't remember any longer. I think most of the big stars are made or offered membership, you either play ball or you might not make it, but apparently if you do become a member, it doesn't matter whether you got talent or not, they have the power to make you rich and famous, probably very alluring for some.He told they suddenly put drugs on the table, and asked if he wanted some, then they called in a lot of beautiful girls and said he could have anyone of them he wished...
The thing is that if they just put an image in things with no known purpose, they basically accomplish nothing: advertising your secret organization is counter-productive! I find it hard to believe that some group capable of masterminding such a huge bout of propaganda without being found would be content accomplishing nothing (and dumb enough to visually label things that they've influenced).

People are doing it because they think it looks cool.

Though of course, given a long list of similarly documented conspiracies, the probability that at least one of them exists is substantially greater. The problem is that each one by itself is extremely improbable (assuming no meaningful evidence).

Though once again with the music video thing, you will also only make note of videos that contain those symbols when watching them, not the ones that don't. I'd hazard to guess the latter more than slightly outweigh the former.

And like said most people are ignorant of them, so I wouldn't call that advertisement at least to the more subtler and discrete stuff, unless you talked about the music video's Mjonster brought up which is pretty indeed pretty blatant. There are some possible reasons why they might want to "expose" themselves, but really just a part of themselves, like useless pawns in a checkboard game. And that --00dwelves00-- into some reverse psychological propaganda. A method they empoly summed up as problem>reaction>solution Shortly explained they themselves covertly create the problems, then wait for the reaction and offer the solution. Solution being what they wanted from the start off course. Only now, they aren't forcing it on people, people are manipulated into wanting it, and even thinking it's their own idea.

Oh I have problems understanding your point with the latest phrase...isn't that just a given ?

Hmm it might have some meaning behind it but maybe not as much a you would like to say? Could just be a simple thing you could google and learn a new hand sign in sign language or something ;p They could also just think it looks cool... saw it elsewhere and thought to copy~ The world is sort of a collection of random things that influence each other... kind of hard to just say there is a single influence for any one thing~ The place ive seen people have those two fingers together is judo tournaments =w= They tie them together for, what i would assume, more control or a stronger grip~ So its could be taken that theyre all in a secret organization or they saw other people do it and decided to try it as well =w= The meanings of symbols can change with every new person~ Unicorn horns originally represented the male genitalia (only found by virgins alone in the forest... i wonder why~) but im fairly sure that most people these days dont actually know that or use it for that purpose in their art~ Its more fancy decoration that anything now~

It's bad example with judo cause they obviously do it for the purpose of, well, judo. The esoteric symbols of the initiates goes back to antiquity btw, so it's not subject to the whims of new persons. That would destroy the symbol and make it useless.
I will not delve into this too much because I lack significant information to justify my reasons and thoughts.

I have noticed those 'hand signs' at a young age when reading manga. Not sure which one, but I believe it was a shoujo.

Why and how did I notice them?

Because they looked weird. If you think about it, who has their hand in that 'W' shape in everyday life... having two fingers in the middle sticking together while the rest spread out.

So, I imitated it and realized how uncomfortable it felt... because fingers weren't meant to be placed like that. A natural looking picture or manga cover art would have each of their fingers spread, closed, or maybe a pinky or thumb off to the side a bit.

When I read manga, it can take me an hour to flip one page because I'm constantly admiring the art and thinking why they chose that angle or those words to convey their feelings. On the way... I saw those hands with the 'W' fingers.

I didn't think too much later on though. Considered them as a 'style' like how the characters had their mouths opened. When you think about it... if you take a picture... do you smile or have your mouth open showing the inside of your tongue?

However, the 'anime-style of having your mouth open despite it looking off-putting in real life' just works.

The same can be said for the 'symbols' and other 'subtle signs'.

Perhaps, they thought it looked 'nice' or they did research and thought it can incorporated into the story or character.

We're entitled to our opinions.

In the end, for me, as much as conspiracy or whatnot does sound fascinating, but I won't hold much light on it due to my lack of information and understanding of what such things entails.

Oh... right. I did notice that the 'W' fingers were some hand gesture for a certain college. Probably saw it on the news.

I'm glad you noticed that, and how unnatural it really is. Though like my response to my first reply in this thread I don't think comparing it with facial expressions does it justice. After all it comes quite normal to make faces, that comes naturally. If you traveled to a new planet and introduced anime drawing to those there so that they also started making anime, would they make faces, in many forms and expressions ? ofc, thats what facial expressions area for, but would they make this handsign ? would that be a natural thing to do.. Food for thought.

Lol well... i guess it does feel better to hold the book...~ Some translations are bad though... too small to read @_@ Dont think i would sniff the ink though...
Was sort of talking about online stuff... How long i stay usually depends on the detail of the page...~

Illuminati... only know that theyre some kind of organization that was supposedly taken care of long ago but some people think theyre still around... =w= Wonder if they communicate with members through random symbols and stuff...~ Must be quite complex for everyone else to not figure out..~
I remember saying that somewhere sometime when you where around. Yes some scholars or historians might claim that they went "extinct" or something after they where officially banned from the bavarian government and warnings sent out to the governments of Europe, their lodges raided, disbanded and members arrested. That show you just how much of a conspiracy "theory" they where.
Maybe they are all just fans of 2pac/West Side xD.
Hah Believe me I took good notice of that ^ And I didn't know many years ago what it represented.

So I will include some materials here for all of you who want to learn more, find it fascinating or whatever. Then you will have something more to base this all on. This is all a bit bigger than just the scope of the hand signs, but I see it might perhaps be necessary or beneficial to give a greater fundament for all of this.

I might post more, but I will save that for a separate post I think, if nothing else but for better overview and organization.
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I've noticed that but I never really payed much attention to it.. It is very interesting though, now that you've mentioned it..
I guess the artist just wants to convey certain feelings or thoughts to the reader..Ones which could be understood through hand signs or certain gestures.. The reader gets a certain feeling or notion from that hand sign without even realizing, and it just makes them more absorbed, or engrossed in the story's atmosphere/plot. Maybe it helps the story/manga be more, I don't know,...catchy? Easy on the eyes? Absorbing? Hmm...
Of course, there might be some hidden secret or motive behind those gestures in anime, but I wouldn't know. What everyone said was quite interesting...

And about hand signs in general, I agree that there's a big chance something's hidden behind them.. I'm just not really knowledgeable about that.:S
Giant-ass post coming through!

I won't ignore that there are naturally occurring questions that are left unanswered, but that doesn't prove anything and is not a valid counter claim,(we don't throw out the baby with the bath water after all) that would be bad logic. Except that we, including myself don't know everything there is to know about it. Not so surprisingly when the very nature of the topic is about something covert and hidden.

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence. I am using basic logic for my argument. I also tried to list my priories and why they are abysmally low. What are your priories and why are they as such: "why do you believe what you believe"?

The naturally occurring nature of these fads weakens my priori that any given one of them has significant meaning.

The lack of evidence of these organizations beyond these fads weakens my priori that there is an organization.

The fact that extreme intelligence and organization would be required to pull this off en-grand scale lowers my priori that such people exist. The fact that most of these things would have to be carried out, or known by people such as celebrities/artists as you mentioned, who constantly remind us of their average intelligence level, throw this priori into a coffin and bury it in the ground. The fact that they are beyond terrible at keeping anything a secret also does extreme damage.

My result: it would be highly improbable for these organizations to exist, so I believe that they don't exist unless significant evidence is produced.

But just like the freemasons have their secret callsigns in between themselves to identify each others and show their alignment and belonging why shouldn't others also ?
People that are being recruited don't know everything as the higher levels do either. Typically the lowest levels haven't got a clue what their really apart of.
For those who already know, it's not even new, there are works of artist centuries old encompassing hidden esoteric symbolism in their work.
They used call signs and hierarchies, and now we have extensive knowledge about them, and all their levels of secrecy. Why? Because the only point of having a secret is telling someone else.

Alice Bailey a theosophist and a great initiate, teacher in the mystery schools, founder of 'Lucifer trust' and 'World Goodwill' a NGO organization within the United Nations write in her works that it is part of their plans to "externalize the hierarchy" i.e.
make known to the public eventually what was kept hidden, and to let the public
gradually become accustomed to the idea and concepts covertly
Note that she also was incapable of keeping a secret, and this suspiciously sounds a lot more like she wanted to make herself sound awesome rather than actually having some deep rooted organization.

I've heard that as well that the producers are doing it, and believe many of the artists are clueless. I heard a story once of a person that apparently was attempted recruited by a organization...
This assumes that producers are also masterminds. Given how they handle many issues in their jobs, this already seems unlikely :P.
In this scenario you have also stated that the artist himself was given the offer, and you even had the name of the organization. I don't think it needs to be said why this can't possibly work.

And like said most people are ignorant of them, so I wouldn't call that advertisement at least to the more subtler and discrete stuff, unless you talked about the music video's Mjonster brought up which is pretty indeed pretty blatant. There are some possible reasons why they might want to "expose" themselves, but really just a part of themselves, like useless pawns in a checkboard game. And that --00dwelves00-- into some reverse psychological propaganda. A method they empoly summed up as problem>reaction>solution Shortly explained they themselves covertly create the problems, then wait for the reaction and offer the solution. Solution being what they wanted from the start off course. Only now, they aren't forcing it on people, people are manipulated into wanting it, and even thinking it's their own idea.
This argument is only valid if something attached to the symbols starts causing some big problem, and then some other big mysterious organization (or government) surfaces and knocks them down. Otherwise the point is moot: there is nothing to be accomplished from placing symbols in music videos.

Oh I have problems understanding your point with the latest phrase...isn't that just a given ?
It A, suggests that if some organization exists, their influence isn't particularly large, and B, given the highly hypothetical nature of this thread some obvious things should be stated to get some groundwork in :)

It was mainly to reinforce the fact that if you draw attention to a coincidence, it will start seeming less coincidental if you see it a few more times, because you will only notice it when it appears and add to your 'includes symbol' counter, and your 'does not include symbol' counter gets lonely.

I'm glad you noticed that, and how unnatural it really is. Though like my response to my first reply in this thread I don't think comparing it with facial expressions does it justice. After all it comes quite normal to make faces, that comes naturally.
You lose me a bit here. How are they different? Perhaps because you find hands to generally have more meaning than faces? hmm
Anime characters make tons of unnatural expressions and some of the most pervasive are very uncomfortable (think of all the strange smiling winking ones XD). Why do they draw them? Because on paper they look nice, and are often more easy to draw. The particular handsign in question looks whimsical, and is easier to draw. It could also just be something people have seen enough that they often default to it when they don't know what to do with the fingers. Those both seem like valid reasons to use it to me.

Yes some scholars or historians might claim that they went "extinct"...
So they are in on it too. By this point it almost seems like we are the few people in the dark. There drop my priories again.

Well this was a fun thought experiment so far. I think in the end I feel much better about not believing in secret organizations after considering what I know/don't know. But then again I didn't put much stock in them in the first place. There is something about believing in a network of high-intelligence masterminds that my every day life seems to refute too strongly.
Giant-ass post coming through!

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence. I am using basic logic for my argument. I also tried to list my priories and why they are abysmally low. What are your priories and why are they as such: "why do you believe what you believe"?

The naturally occurring nature of these fads weakens my priori that any given one of them has significant meaning.

The lack of evidence of these organizations beyond these fads weakens my priori that there is an organization.

The fact that extreme intelligence and organization would be required to pull this off en-grand scale lowers my priori that such people exist. The fact that most of these things would have to be carried out, or known by people such as celebrities/artists as you mentioned, who constantly remind us of their average intelligence level, throw this priori into a coffin and bury it in the ground. The fact that they are beyond terrible at keeping anything a secret also does extreme damage.

My result: it would be highly improbable for these organizations to exist, so I believe that they don't exist unless significant evidence is produced.

They used call signs and hierarchies, and now we have extensive knowledge about them, and all their levels of secrecy. Why? Because the only point of having a secret is telling someone else.

Note that she also was incapable of keeping a secret, and this suspiciously sounds a lot more like she wanted to make herself sound awesome rather than actually having some deep rooted organization.

This assumes that producers are also masterminds. Given how they handle many issues in their jobs, this already seems unlikely :P.
In this scenario you have also stated that the artist himself was given the offer, and you even had the name of the organization. I don't think it needs to be said why this can't possibly work.

This argument is only valid if something attached to the symbols starts causing some big problem, and then some other big mysterious organization (or government) surfaces and knocks them down. Otherwise the point is moot: there is nothing to be accomplished from placing symbols in music videos.

It A, suggests that if some organization exists, their influence isn't particularly large, and B, given the highly hypothetical nature of this thread some obvious things should be stated to get some groundwork in :)

It was mainly to reinforce the fact that if you draw attention to a coincidence, it will start seeming less coincidental if you see it a few more times, because you will only notice it when it appears and add to your 'includes symbol' counter, and your 'does not include symbol' counter gets lonely.

You lose me a bit here. How are they different? Perhaps because you find hands to generally have more meaning than faces? hmm
Anime characters make tons of unnatural expressions and some of the most pervasive are very uncomfortable (think of all the strange smiling winking ones XD). Why do they draw them? Because on paper they look nice, and are often more easy to draw. The particular handsign in question looks whimsical, and is easier to draw. It could also just be something people have seen enough that they often default to it when they don't know what to do with the fingers. Those both seem like valid reasons to use it to me.

So they are in on it too. By this point it almost seems like we are the few people in the dark. There drop my priories again.

Well this was a fun thought experiment so far. I think in the end I feel much better about not believing in secret organizations after considering what I know/don't know. But then again I didn't put much stock in them in the first place. There is something about believing in a network of high-intelligence masterminds that my every day life seems to refute too strongly.

LOL, I think that's the largest post I have ever seen!
LOL, I think that's the largest post I have ever seen!

I think some of sam's dream posts are probably longer ;)

Also, you might want to spoiler it when quoting something so large. :P

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