Repeating symbolic hand gestures in anime and doujin, ever noticed ? or know what it is ?

^&^ I thought you found me after my latest questionaire. Ironically I thought it was very fitting as well with just those words, even though I'm sure it can be seen from different angles. Ahh, don't blame yourself, I think he's hairdo alone is epic.

And P.s. I got a debunkary for that show, if you should ever wonder...
as i've previously mentioned, i have and am still in the process of doing research on this and other subjects, therefore i am not unaware or ignorant of these things. also the statement of how i am not doing what they want by doing what i want is accurate because i live my life on my own terms and the terms of my faith. I don't live on anyone else's terms, nor am i furthering anyone else's goals or plots except for my own and the people i love and care about, and even if i were to further someones goals through living the way i want to live it wouldn't be purposely and it most likely wouldn't be a consistent thing either. i make calculated and precise decisions of how i live my life and how i associate with others and i choose these things carefully so i can do good in the world so i doubt i am furthering the goals of some secret society who wants to take over the world. also i brought up the speculation of symbolism because well, we don't know what all of their symbolism is do we? it's probably not just the few things you and others mention often it could be hidden within numerous other things, things one wouldn't expect and if i were to look for the meanings i would want to know about more than just the few obvious ones that pop up everywhere which is what led me to saying that it could be anything and everything and it would take quite some time to sort it all out. and actually if someone were to have a book of secrets that they didn't look through, it wouldn't be a secret to them it would just be that they didn't choose to look through it. that doesn't necessarily make it a secret it just means they didn't decide to look for the information. just because i've never read the quran doesn't make it a "secret" to me. also if i am ignorant of what i do not know then of course so are you and everyone else in this world. Basically my point is, look, people where i live (and all over the world for that matter) are getting shot and killed and robbed and murdered everyday in cold blood. and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a secret society, more to do with gang violence, racial profiling, officer involved shootings and just the coldness of people's hearts and lack of compassion or concern for human life. honestly, if the community doesn't do more to stop these things from happening, people are going to annihilate themselves before the secret society even has a chance to do anything major. that's what i mean when i say people shouldn't be too overly concerned about illuminati or secret societies trying to destroy them, when in actuality they're more likely to get killed by some random thug for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. also, i admit this is an interesting topic but i will say i'm not too worried that i'll be brainwashed by some secret society into following the devil or some evil cause because i have faith in God and i believe that everything happens according to his will and my mind will not be swayed into following some society that wishes to bring harm or destruction upon the world. not to say it's bad to take precautions, but i know i'm going to be on the side of good if or when or while this brainwashing and world take over happens. overall though, i hope we can still be friends despite our differing opinions~
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[MENTION=68171]xXPsychoKittyDXx[/MENTION]; I think you missed Genki's point. I just blazed through both of your posts, and Genki seems to be insinuating their method, or at least goal, is population control. Assuming they are succeeding, that would mean that by living as modern society intends you to do you are following 'the plan'. You may want to look up manipulation, and some basic ways to manipulate people (especially large bodies of people). The best way to do it is by making them think they are doing exactly what they want.
By extension this may suggest that part of the plan would be prolonging the gangs and violence you are concerned about, as a way to preserve balance/influence.

Though in case it hasn't been made clear from my previous posts: Do I believe this is the case? No.

Also please consider showing good old carriage return some love.
this may just be me but because im not very dextrous with my hands thats a natural position as in order to move either the ring finger or middle finger i need the other one to move as well... and simply putting my hands out the two fingers are closer than the others are to one another. Simply put i think the artists drew it in relation to their own hands which should take that position naturally, unless they contact juggle or do extensive pen flipping training its sorta hard to move the two fingers seperately.
this may just be me but because im not very dextrous with my hands thats a natural position as in order to move either the ring finger or middle finger i need the other one to move as well... and simply putting my hands out the two fingers are closer than the others are to one another. Simply put i think the artists drew it in relation to their own hands which should take that position naturally, unless they contact juggle or do extensive pen flipping training its sorta hard to move the two fingers seperately.
hmm.. i'm pretty dextrous with my hands but still i agree, it's not a weird position for me either, i do it naturally without really thinking although maybe its just because i have short fingers or something though..
If it's the authentic manga where you can touch each individual page and sniff the ink... it is possible to read one page for an hour. /me is in bliss

But manga on the internet can take about half an hour for me to go to the next page. Lol.

If it was hand signs like you mentioned in Naruto or symbols in Full Metal Alchemist, those are much more understandable.

However, these are symbols or signs with 'underlying tones' that Genki wants to point out.

Not too sure about the 'organizations'. If [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; was here, he would have a ball with this.

Maybe there is also some Illuminati thing going on as well... .-.


Haha, you sure know me quite well. Oh this is quite an interesting thread. Anyway as for Naruto's hand gestures whenever they use a Ninjutsu (?), those are called "Kuji-In" if I remember correctly, it was used by ancient Japanese mystics/Buddhist/Shinto/Taoist followers or "occult practitioners" to manage the flow energy/Chi/Qi and direct it to a target/purpose, usually accompanied by a mantra, similar to how the Norse uses Runes to fortify for their spells i.e. the "Nidstang Curse", also quite similar to the Mudras the monks/yogis use for Meditation or while doing Chakra Meditation (also accompanied by a Mantra). You can see some similarities here: and

As for Full Metal Alchemist... umm they usually use "Transmutation Circles" or in Occult terms; "Magick Circles", serves as protection, working field purification, trapping a summoned Spirit of any race (Angel, Demon, Elemental Spirits, to name a few) so they will yield to the will of the Mage/to prevent the Spirit from harming the Mage and going round and about the whole place and beyond, causing trouble/serious harm for others, it can also act to "separate" your working field from the outside world, much like, it makes you closer to the Spiritual Realm/Ethetic Realm and other Planes of Existence that are vibrating at a higher frequency than this 3D Reality, and can also help you manage and boost the energies you will use in a ritual for example (as casting a Magick Circle is necessary before any ritual, especially Large Scale ones)... well, I don't tackle much with Alchemy yet so I don't know much about the use of Magick Circles in Alchemical Experiments (if only I can see Isaac Newton's research in Alchemy), as I'm more focused on Chakras and Energy Pathways haha.

Anyway, as for the main topic, I've been into Conspiracy Theories for a few years now, however I'm just a researcher, and I always use the same "Doubt and believe something at a 50:50 ratio" technique. There has been a lot of buzz before and during December 21, 2012 about Illuminati using this "Project Blue Beam" and mass mind control using H.A.A.R.P. and so on, but during that day, I just meditated, slept and woke up, still the same world, nothing happened, until now. So there is a possibility that they don't exist at all, and also a possibility that they do exist, but the Extraterrestrials took care of the major forces in their organization already, or a possibility that they do exist, and is still taking their time to prepare for world domination (i.e. you can see some 2013 "End Of The World" stuff in the internet again hahaha, and I feel that if nothing happened this year (which is only a few months till 2014), they will then move on to 2014 "End of the World" predictions/prophecies and so on).

And I think [MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION] might have encountered this name "Leo Zagami" while doing research about these things?

Anyway, for a powerful organization, their plans of world depopulation and domination sure is taking a WHILE, which can grant people who want to do "something" about them the time they need to prepare.

In any case, the only way you can know if all these Conspiracy Theories are true or not is... studying and practicing Astral Projection and visiting the Akashic Records and searching there for information about the validity of all of these, since, in the end, this world, as I've seen it, is nothing more than a world that completely relies on this tool called Money; which makes the people who have a lot of it become corrupted to the core (provided they have a weak will/soul/young soul/as a result of a traumatic event due to money scarcity during childhood), wanting for more at the cost of depriving those who needs money more than them, corrupt governments, money-hungry people that no matter how rich they are already, they still want to hoard more and more, people resorting to committing crimes (assassin for hire, robbery/+killing) in order to have money to fill their stomachs, youths who can't study and go to school, especially college due to lack of money, people resorting to getting jobs that are completely unrelated to their passion/"what they want to be" in life because that job offers more monetary earnings in a short period of time, all so that they can support themselves and family, a world wherein scarcity=crimes/negativities.

That's how I see it, in before I used to blame it all to Illuminati/bad reptilians, but now my outlook has changed (mainly also because their depopulation plan is taking a WHILE), with all the power and money they got, they can actually cause it right this very moment, but they don't... adding to the theory that other good-hearted Extraterrestrials have already taken care of their most powerful weapons and people.

And yes, I do believe in that theory more, after seeing U.F.O.s a few years ago, I actually saw two or three as well last Friday, November 29, 2013, looks like an oversized star, color gold (about the size of a moon), one color bluish-white, and one is pure white and is brighter than an ordinary star, the color gold shrinking to that of a size of a star, but I can clearly see that it's somehow oblong-shaped, and then moving away and disappearing... was also witnessed by other people in this house.

But yeah, the point is, right now, as an individual, we really can't do anything, except verify these theories by studying, practicing and becoming proficient at Astral Projection and checking out the Eternal Library/Akashic Records for info, and go about our lives pursuing after our dreams and goals, since, after all, there are already people/beings that are taking care of them secret organizations... also, money plays a vital role, in this world, money=power, so by pursuing your dreams and earning money from it, especially large amounts, you can become "powerful" enough, and maybe take part in liberating this world against the shackles of "Total Money Reliance and Scarcity of Basic Necessities to Continue Existing".

And yeah, those U.F.O.s I saw, one is around a few months before December 2012, other ones are during my birthday on December 31, 2012, and now, this 2013, on November 29... there can only be one conclusion; I could feel and sense that these U.F.O. sightings will increase as the years go by, and it seems they usually show themselves to those who they know who have great spiritual potential (well, most people who see them are usually Buddhist Monks, Spiritual Practitioners, people who actively develops their Psychic Abilities, and occult practitioners, also ancient people such as the Ancient Japanese who are very spiritually and Magickally active at that time, yep, there are some ancient documents about these U.F.O.s in Japan, if you search YouTube and Google enough, you'll see, and also "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter"/Kaguya-hime, sounds familiar?), just imagine what would happen if they show themselves to someone who completely believes that we are "Alone" in this universe, it would break their reality, and possibly end up insane, in a worse case scenario, so it's probably safer if they show themselves to someone who acknowledges the fact that we are not alone in this vast Universe; where only our planet is about the size of an Atom compared to the size of the Universe.

So yeah, I guess what's left for others to do is to just focus on their life and pursuing their goals and learning a lot of good things in this current life, all while waiting for what will happen in the future (with these increased U.F.O. sightings and all).

And one last thing; most, if not all Extraterrestrials whose spaceships are capable of Interstellar Travel and Stargate utilization (such as the one in the Sun), are not only scientifically advanced, but spiritually advanced as well, it is my theory that their tools, such as their spaceships are powered by both advanced science and Chi Manipulation/Psychic Abilities... also Nicola Tesla's technologies, experiments and discoveries kept hidden to the majority in fear of big companies going bankrupt (again, another case of too much Money reliance), and also, Anti-gravity discs/flying saucers experiments in Area 51 (point is, us humans are already getting there, but due to money and fear of big companies going bankrupt, they have to ban these advanced technologies that could save this planet and its inhabitants, and worse, kill the inventor of such technology... yes, those mysterious disappearances/deaths of people who invented amazing things such as Free Energy, Perpetual Machines, etc., are, in theory that I believe, assassinated, and his/her technology be kept secret to the majority of mainstream people, in fear of going bankrupt).

Going back on the U.F.O.s what this means is that, if you learned Astral Projection, you can talk to these Extraterrestrials too (and I've seen some forums in the net about Astral Projection, enabling the Projector to talk to Stars, and finding out that they are actually Souls that reincarnated as a star... well, almost every planet and star has a soul it seems, much like how plants and trees has, too).

That's pretty much all I can give here haha, sorry I did not bother reading other posts, since they are quite long (like this post) and I only got so much time for today. DX
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the ufo's that you ^ (sorry idk how to tag people) saw sound a lot like the ones I saw a few weeks ago with my friends, floating around in the sky, looking like large gold stars, there were like 4 of them (couldn't have been a plane or helicopter due to the size they were from that far away) they were moving around in a patterned way, making sorts of triangular shapes and occasionally one of them would float away and disappear into the sky and another one would appear. this is the second time I've seen those ufo's and all my friends that were with me and my bf witnessed it too. another time, I saw a ufo that looked like a large blinking star that was floating around in an inconsistent manner and managed to roughly circle around in the sky about two times and then quickly disappear. there was also a red floating ufo following it around when it was doing that. I don't really have any explanation for what it was or what it was doing, but I know they couldn't have been helicopters or planes or anything normal due to the flight patterns and the size in comparison with the distance and also how bright they shone from that great of a distance.

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