Repeating symbolic hand gestures in anime and doujin, ever noticed ? or know what it is ?

Hmm i dunno ;p Your post is plenty long~

I suppose they have tons of members in high positions among all the governments which could potentially go after them now?

But it all seems circumstantial atm~ The report of that person that they attempted to recruit could just be some joke and being like most of the people around, he took it as a joke and rejected it... unless he though it was real when it was a joke? Lots of possibilities~
Ill watch that when i get home =w= No time atm..~
Let me remind you that we do not encourage quoting giant posts for reasons like that T-ELOS, please in the future refrain from doing so. Thanks~
Hmm i dunno ;p Your post is plenty long~
/me bows.

I suppose they have tons of members in high positions among all the governments which could potentially go after them now?
That is pretty much the most likely way it would work. Then you look at how our governments work, or more like fail to work, and...

But it all seems circumstantial atm~ The report of that person that they attempted to recruit could just be some joke and being like most of the people around, he took it as a joke and rejected it... unless he though it was real when it was a joke?
The particular case is even worse than circumstantial. If I am to believe it is true, then I have to believe that GenkiDan is telling the truth, and that the dubious unknown source of the story was telling the truth, and that this unknown person is also telling the truth. Whats worse, it isn't even clear how many middle men there are for this story, and then in the end I still have to consider how likely the person getting the offer was able to interpret it correctly (and then each person back down the line to genkidan). OTL
/me feels neglected since his post was actually longer rofl and no one saw it.

I will go to bed now, and read it again tomorrow btw. I just skimmed trough things here and now. Sleep tight ya'll. And don't have to wild dreams about those hyphens.[MENTION=37707]Pyre[/MENTION]; did you also watch the vid ?

@samy you are you watching it now ? Assuming you've come home yet.
/me feels neglected since his post was actually longer rofl and no one saw it.

I will go to bed now, and read it again tomorrow btw. I just skimmed trough things here and now. Sleep tight ya'll. And don't have to wild dreams about those hyphens.Pyre; did you also watch the vid ?

@samy you are you watching it now ? Assuming you've come home yet.
Yeah your post was really long too, I think maybe because I labeled mine as long and then had more spaces? I saw your post though, genki <3

I left no comment on the video because I didn't watch it :P
It shouldn't directly change any of my points though, just that I can't try to comment on it. :/

At almost half an hour I will most likely never watch it, I'm afraid (I think we have run into this before, you and me :P). :(
Of course it's not impossible for artists to be involved with this, improbable... not imo. Why should it be ?
But just like the freemasons have their secret callsigns in between themselves to identify each others and show their alignment and belonging why shouldn't others also ?
People that are being recruited don't know everything as the higher levels do either. Typically the lowest levels haven't got a clue what their really apart of.
For those who already know, it's not even new, there are works of artist centuries old encompassing hidden esoteric symbolism in their work.



Are we referring to such as well?
wahh... shoud've got my tinfoil hat out before openning this bag of chips.
i feel as though things like this is most likely chalked up to the fact that someone probably thought it looked cutesy and also it's an easy and common hand pose. i don't think it has to do with a secret society and if it was because of a secret society why would they leave their clues obvious and in the open so that any old person on the internet could try to interpret it? if it's so "secret" why would they be leaving clues in the first place? especially as a common old hand gesture that anyone can happen to do just because. if you notice, nowadays ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can be interpreted to mean illuminati. just sitting a certain way someone will call it illuminati. just having a picture in your house a certain way automatically means "illuminati". i'm not saying symbolism doesn't exist but i'm really careful of considering things as negative or as some type of negative symbolism right off the bat. and if it is, what are you gonna do? stop reading books, manga, watching tv or anime stop listening to music? i mean let's be honest, not everything is from some kind of secret society. some stuff is just done for the sake of art or aesthetic appeal. i'm not saying there aren't secret societies but would a super intelligent secret society just really leave fucking clues every fucking where so easy that anyone could figure it out? and if they did leave obvious clues, they must know how obvious it is so it most likely doesn't mean anything or anything too important. they have bigger fish to fry, like causing wars and world problems, and that is more important to me than something that may or may not be occult symbolism in media. and overall, even if it is from a secret society, isn't it possible that they do it just to distract people with minor shit while they cause a bigger problem? people are dying all over the world. people are starving and catching aids and malaria and going poor and struggling to feed their families all over the world and we're sitting here talking about "oh, is this hand pose illuminati?" really? wow.
Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
Yes, ofc, but again I find that pretty much obvious. It does not prove one thing over the other even if it was so. Evidence may prove something to be, but lack of it does not prove something not to be. But absence of knowledge however is not evidence of actual absence of evidence. Thats why knowledge and research is a prerequisite first for making sound reasoning.
Basing decisions on lack of knowledge instead of knowledge from investigating it further before forming conclusions about what is probable or not is too easy. Do you have all the facts already ? A rhetorical question, of course not. So then if the lack of information or understanding is reason enough to dismiss something for you, then how do you acquire new knowledge and insights in the first place ?
Surely not that long ago people believed the world was flat, and anyone who believed differently might risk looking like a "lunatic" for thinking differently based on the a priori of the day based on the premises of their days. For based on it, if the earth was round everything on the other side of a spherical globe would fall off... They obviously lacked the a postpriori we have today about the bigger picture of things. One should not discard a 'whole' just because one might lack understanding of a possible constituent part of something, thats not very smart. And is what I refer to as throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Just consider if I was working in a nations intelligence agency. And I had information that a secretive branch of the KGB was doing a certain "X" thing. But I could not fathom with my own reason why they would do such a thing. Would it then be rational to discard the whole intelligence report, or the whole KGB branch for that matter simply because there where certain things or maneuvers that a part of an intelligence agency trained in psychological and counter intelligence warfare did that I found myself unable to easily decipher and consolidate with my own reason ? If I did that my friend, you would probably be amazed why they hired me in the first place.
Reasoning and logic can even be correct (have valid inference)and still lead to a faulty conclusion if the knowledge or premises that it's based on are wrong or not fully understood or known. Therefor one should create conclusions and probabilities on knowledge after thorough investigation. Which just happens to be exactly what many people well knowledgeable and researched have already done.

The lack of evidence of these organizations beyond these fads weakens my priori that there is an organization.

The fact that extreme intelligence and organization would be required to pull this off en-grand scale lowers my priori that such people exist. The fact that most of these things would have to be carried out, or known by people such as celebrities/artists as you mentioned, who constantly remind us of their average intelligence level, throw this priori into a coffin and bury it in the ground. The fact that they are beyond terrible at keeping anything a secret also does extreme damage.

My result: it would be highly improbable for these organizations to exist, so I believe that they don't exist unless significant evidence is produced.

Lack of evidence or lack of your knowledge ? Your assuming a lot before knowing almost anything about them.
Extreme intelligence no, but organization ofc, wisdom and understanding yes.
Celebrities... ? what most things are you talking about that would require intelligence from a celebrity, doing what they do, making music videos and doing as they are told from their producers ? This has already been mentioned... The secret societies terrible at keeping their secrets ? Well how well has it worked for you until I started telling you about it, or the majority of most people ...? So well in fact that even if you are starting to hear some now, you don't even believe that they exists. That speaks for itself imo.

They used call signs and hierarchies, and now we have extensive knowledge about them, and all their levels of secrecy. Why? Because the only point of having a secret is telling someone else."///
We know ALL their levels of secrecy you say. How would you know ? Also the fact that some people know something about them doesn't mean the generalization that it's something the people know or are aware of as is self evident both in society and in this thread, or even that what a few knows is all. You also say we, which includes yourself, and even though you for some strange reason think so, its apparent that you don't. Your only assuming knowledge about something while at the same time being ignorant of what that knowledge actually is and denying the existence of what it reveals. It's like an oxymoron.
"Note that she also was incapable of keeping a secret, and this suspiciously sounds a lot more like she wanted to make herself sound awesome rather than actually having some deep rooted organization."

You shouldn't say that she was incapable of keeping a secret, I doubt you know. But how would you even know anything about her if I was not here telling you about it, and how many do think even knows she existed let alone her works of the majority of people busy watching the superbowl... You're making this kinda silly jumping on the first and unfounded explanation, wanting to sound awesome ? You know nothing about her... She's not the only one being a part of it, she was a teacher of doctrines and even Hitler was a fan of her works. This only shows how little you really know when resorting to superficial assumption like that with no background insight. Like the easiest though about it is likely to be right.
This assumes that producers are also masterminds. Given how they handle many issues in their jobs, this already seems unlikely Click here to enlarge.
In this scenario you have also stated that the artist himself was given the offer, and you even had the name of the organization. I don't think it needs to be said why this can't possibly work."
Short it doesn't assume that at all. Why would it ?
And I think It does need to be said why that doesn't work, why is that ? Cause I don't see a reason, and if it exist I would be better off knowing.

This argument is only valid if something attached to the symbols starts causing some big problem, and then some other big mysterious organization (or government) surfaces and knocks them down. Otherwise the point is moot: there is nothing to be accomplished from placing symbols in music videos.
That, as I've said earlier and you also say here, otherwise there is the other possibility as I've also previously mentioned of destroying credibility by making something appear base and ridiculous. But overall again you make more assumptions that there is nothing to be accomplished simply because you don't know what it is. As mentioned don't reject a whole based on the lack of understanding a part.
You lose me a bit here. How are they different? Perhaps because you find hands to generally have more meaning than faces? hmm

No I don't find find hands to have more meaning....and most of us don't, thats normal and only serves my point. Our face has about 43 muscles, many of whom have no other function BUT to express emotions....Happiness. Sadness. Fear. Anger. Disgust. Surprise. Are natural emotions and are naturally expressed trough facial features. Hands do not do, or have that function. Do you see that expression trough a face is a primary way to express something and is completely normal ? when it comes to our body language, which do you think express more, our facial expression or how we arrange our fingers ? Why is most of the emotes we use on this forum faces and not hands ? So it should be clear to see that a face is a natural occurring way for expression that comes innately, and that weird unnatural hand signs that no one really does, does not stand on equal grounds comparatively at all. Thats why I didn't even bother to answer too much about the 2nd post, they don't even remotely compare. And even when faces are drawn unnaturally the face is still a completely natural medium for expression. It doesn't matter what the expression is, but that it is made trough the face...

So they are in on it too. By this point it almost seems like we are the few people in the dark. There drop my priories again.
... :1 Again you assume too much. This is not rational. Who said that they where in on it ? some might be if they happen to be a part of some of the higher levels, some might not even have heard of them, and others might simply believe that whole heartedly. I shouldn't really need to explain every little self explanatory detail like that right. And yet they will still know more than you who don't even believe they exist even now, or any of the other societies for that matter. You are clearly ignorant of their existences, but by continuing to dismiss something based on how hard or easy something is for you to believe based on your personal old sphere of knowledge/worldview or just your assumptions you are essentially dooming yourself to remain that way perpetually. Even when the ultimate fruition of their plans are going along maybe in your own neighborhood you will likely then just switch on your tv and believe the first and easiest explanation being told on the news. While anyone prearmed with the knowledge to see may be able to recognize perhaps what is coming or what is going on, or where it might lead to. So if thats what you want to do, then there is really not much more point in me going out of my way trying to give you the answers especially for most of the insignificant smaller details, for there is always a plenty of things you will not understand if you focus only on those and not trying to acquire the knowledge to see the bigger picture, for I have the feeling, or fear that I would only wear myself out doing nothing else and in the end it still ending up being for nothing. Kinda like looking at a Picasso with a microscope, which by all means also has it's place, but is futile when trying to see what the painting actually shows you. Something you would logically need to do first before dismissing something as unprobable or false as I've already explained in part above.

I left no comment on the video because I didn't watch it :P
It shouldn't directly change any of my points though, just that I can't try to comment on it. :/

At almost half an hour I will most likely never watch it, I'm afraid (I think we have run into this before, you and me :P). :(
Yeah, I recall we have :rolleyes:, it's too bad though, it might have given you somethings to consider and help begin giving something more to base your thoughts on.

Yes I would certainly think so. Though that last picture is not so clear to see on perhaps, but I see your point. Did you fish those two examples online just to illustrate ?

[MENTION=68171]xXPsychoKittyDXx[/MENTION]; Some of what you write just seems like almost a criticizing, I might be wrong, but like "wow" (should we be ashamed because ppl are starving and you think it's stupid) and we should do something more productive like reading more manga like you or someone else ? I don't even know why you bring those things up, no one claimed you had to give anything up, thats not what this thread is about. Anyways I've kept hearing how obvious it all is, and yet it never really is until your confronted with something, and even then it is discarded point blank. I don't agree at all then it's "so" obvious...apparently. If they do it to distract ppl then that would more likely apply to the music videos and not the examples I brought up to begin with, and in regards to the more subtle things that almost nobody either notice or crosses their minds as something more then perhaps not. Most symbolism is automatically filtered out as just random "noise" and also has probable deniability...Just like this thread is already full of examples of, including your own comments. So again I must reiterate thats also why it works so well. But just to drive a point, if as you say they do it to distract people, then so what..., then they ARE possibly doing it, and you acknowledge that. And thats still ways ahead for someone who don't even realize that they exist, by saying that then you also leave the possibility of their existence as you also already said earlier that you don't deny. So I don't get why you seem to have a problem with it. Also note, I didn't even make this thread to debate whether they are doing it or not or whether or not they exist or not, or even anything else, I made it to show it and create more awareness since most don't even notice, and hear any possible contributions of information as I made clear from my first post. So if you think it's just too stupid, then perhaps do something better. And to be honest ...sigh you also make some rather stupid assumptions without much though, have anyone claimed that the core of the secret societies are busy with spreading art and symbolism ? Short answer, no. Artists do that, and are busy studying the liberal arts as it is for many of them as there are many branches and arms for different purposes and people, politicians are part of those who make war.

Now that I have given what I think is at least a fair attempt at giving out a response I will continue on to show possibly some other examples in a following post. Depending on how much I will bother.
Almost about the only one with enough wisdom and prudence so far to not making a lot of assumptions based on what she does not yet know better or have looked into while at the same time still respectfully voicing her current belief based on her current paradigm is [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; But I'm not too surprised. You live up to your name Princess. And yes, I wanted to answer earlier that I thought Ruri would maybe have a thing to say, and maybe appreciate such a thread, so I made a mention just in case he ever a revisits^^ Even though it's been a while now.
It does not prove one thing over the other even if it was so. Evidence may prove something to be, but lack of it does not prove something not to be.
Of course it does not prove something not to be, but the whole point is that it makes it more likely not to be.
Surely not that long ago people believed the world was flat, and anyone who believed differently might risk looking like a "lunatic" for thinking differently based on the a priori of the day based on the premises of their days.
Interestingly enough, it would appear that the spherical earth was strongly suggested in ancient Greece more than 2000 years ago, and formally proved in 300 BC. (this is mostly just an aside, fun fact! even, but might suggest that people simply weren't trying, or obvious evidence wasn't the true reason why this wasn't common knowledge). Also note that on this particular subject, popular belief doesn't sway too strongly one way or another.

Just consider if I was working in a nations intelligence agency....

This is not entirely a good analogy here. You would not throw away the report. You would instead adjust your priories that "this is their plan" and "I was fed false information" accordingly. You would throw neither to the curb, but if you found it entirely non-tactical of a plan or whatever it was, and you gave it a good analysis and could not find any good reason for it to be the case, then it would be a better choice to believe that there was a reasonable chance that you had been fed bad intel and take proper precautions.

Lack of evidence or lack of your knowledge ? Your assuming a lot before knowing almost anything about them.
Extreme intelligence no, but organization ofc, wisdom and understanding yes.
Celebrities... ? what most things are you talking about that would require intelligence from a celebrity, doing what they do, making music videos and doing as they are told from their producers ?

If you are purporting that there is a large groups of people spreading these symbols in the background. It MUST be the case that they are EXTREMELY good at plotting. Even complete idiots would notice them doing odd things reoccurring after a while. Therefore if they exist, they must be extremely intelligent. Mostly just for finding a way to keep that many people quiet and united under a cause.

Even if we work under the assumption that celebrities are complete imbeciles, I would be hard pressed to believe they didn't notice anything fishy and make a big media deal out of it, as they love to do. The intelligence on their part would be if they were in on it too, which you made it sound like could possibly be the case earlier.

This has already been mentioned... The secret societies terrible at keeping their secrets ? Well how well has it worked for you until I started telling you about it, or the majority of most people ...? So well in fact that even if you are starting to hear some now, you don't even believe that they exists. That speaks for itself imo.

If you are going to read any part, please let it be this. This is one of the main things I am trying to point out where you seem to be confusing yourself and not realizing it:

This is where I should come out failing and screaming "ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE IS EVIDENCE OF ABSENCE" at the top of my lungs, throwing holy water and fire crackers to catch your attention. I'm not sure if you realize it, but you just tried to tell me that the very fact that they have been so good at hiding themselves is evidence that they exist (and yes I read this multiple times to be sure).

This is the argument of absence of evidence. These sentences are almost ridiculously identical to the article where I learned the phrase, as a matter of fact.
(I could try to find it again if you would like)

We know ALL their levels of secrecy you say. How would you know? Also the fact that some people know something about them doesn't mean the generalization that it's something the people know or are aware of as is self evident both in society and in this thread, or even that what a few knows is all. You also say we, which includes yourself, and even though you for some strange reason think so, its apparent that you don't. Your only assuming knowledge about something while at the same time being ignorant of what that knowledge actually is and denying the existence of what it reveals. It's like an oxymoron.
Which once again falls into absence of evidence. We can not possibly know that we know everything, but based on documentation from people who were in the inner circle, we can say it is very probable that we know all or most of it. I did leisure reading on it once, but I'm no expert on it either, btw.

You shouldn't say that she was incapable of keeping a secret, I doubt you know. But how would you even know anything about her if I was not here telling you about it, and how many do think even knows she existed let alone her works of the majority of people busy watching the superbowl... You're making this kinda silly jumping on the first and unfounded explanation, wanting to sound awesome ? You know nothing about her... She's not the only one being a part of it, she was a teacher of doctrines and even Hitler was a fan of her works. This only shows how little you really know when resorting to superficial assumption like that with no background insight. Like the easiest though about it is likely to be right.

A secret is something when you keep information so that others don't know it. You appear to know it. Therefore it is not a secret. Therefore she did not keep the secret. It might seem overly simple, but I can't see how it could go any other way. If I don't know it, it is merely a secret from me - though it is a stretch even calling it that, if it is readily available knowledge. I don't consider higher calculus a secret just because it is something I haven't learned.
Hmm it is difficult to sum up why that was my reaction. Basically I was got the impression, by the way you presented her, that the way of backing up her secret organization might be like how a grade schooler would over glorify their father's occupation? That doesn't seem like a good example, but maybe you can get the idea? Though again it was a weak possibility because it wasn't her own words and I don't know all the context, so you are right on that account.

Short it doesn't assume that at all. Why would it ?
But if they are in on it, they are also masterminds. You can't actively support it in genius underhanded ways without being questioned/found out and not be considered a mastermind.

And I think It does need to be said why that doesn't work, why is that ? Cause I don't see a reason, and if it exist I would be better off knowing.

He had the NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION! Some joe shmo! Some virtually nobody! They tried to make a deal with him and presented facts about the organization! They can't just kill him if he says no! People will find out! He can just go and tell that to everyone. The argument "oh they'll all just think he is crazy" can't even apply here, that just wouldn't make sense. SOMEONE would end up telling EVERYONE, and then a good deal of people would do EXTENSIVE research into the matter. Maybe also people like say, police who research drug trafficking or sex trafficking.
This is something that sometimes happens in secret agent movies. This is the kind of thing that could never work in real life. They have to assume he would keep the secret before they even tried to make a deal, which if I make the stretch and assume it is a true story, he obviously didn't. This might be a tactic by drug lords for help with trafficking or something where it doesn't matter if more people know, but not for a super-intelligent organization. That it would be completely ridiculous is an understatement.

That, as I've said earlier and you also say here, otherwise there is the other possibility as I've also previously mentioned of destroying credibility by making something appear base and ridiculous. But overall again you make more assumptions that there is nothing to be accomplished simply because you don't know what it is. As mentioned don't reject a whole based on the lack of understanding a part.
If you can defend this by listing even one reasonably possible motive, I would consider it. I personally have no ideas.
Otherwise this can't influence your predictions before something actually happens. It can only influence your predictions of if something were to happen.

No I don't find find hands to have more meaning...

So you don't believe that hands can be as expressive as facial expressions? I could see where that would change things then. For myself personally as being an artist, I find hands to be immensely expressive. Hands always have to be 'doing' something. If they aren't, they just look weird. Sometimes the easiest way to make them not look weird actually is to make them look weird. XD

Again you assume too much. This is not rational. Who said that they where in on it ?

You did. Just there. In your post. Maybe have another look?
Note that this topic is about secret societies. If that is the case, all we can do is try to make assumptions that are as valid as possible. We have to make assumptions because the hypothesis states that these societies exist and are secret. If they were not a secret, there would be no need to make additional hypotheses.
You stated that historians claimed that they went extinct, which first means that they existed (probable enough), and second that it is much more likely that the historians would be trying to cover it up. You even put emphasis on "extinct", unless that was just to suggest that you can't kill an idea.

And yet they will still know more than you who don't even believe they exist even now, or any of the other societies for that matter. You are clearly ignorant of their existences, but by continuing to dismiss something based on how hard or easy something is for you to believe based on your personal old sphere of knowledge/worldview or just your assumptions you are essentially dooming yourself to remain that way perpetually.
That which can be destroyed by the truth should be. There is merely a large absence of evidence.
The basis of Bayesian logic is trying to determine how likely something is and is not to be, and then altering your beliefs to match. New information alters these priories. This is what I've been doing this entire time, but I guess I never exactly said I was using Bayes so sorry if that was confusing :/
Note: I also don't claim to be advanced as a practitioner of Bayes, but trying makes me stronger.

Even when the ultimate fruition of their plans are going along maybe in your own neighborhood you will likely then just switch on your tv and believe the first and easiest explanation being told on the news. While anyone prearmed with the knowledge to see may be able to recognize perhaps what is coming or what is going on, or where it might lead to.

You seem to keep asserting that I am making baseless assumptions, so let me then ask: what might their plan be, and why should they have a plan? Why not do it for fun, or just for some money making scheme. Unfortunately most of thing going around in the dark/advertising/bribing would tend to be a money losing scheme, and most people don't like those. What is any one decent candidate for our super intelligent organization that might involve all kinds of cryptic self advertising?
And for the love of God don't say world domination. If it was that boring of an answer they could easily have done it ages ago with their level of organization.

Set aside the organization, what would make you even begin to believe that they have a big master plan that has an end? Perhaps it is working as well as it ever will and that is that. Most people don't plan ahead several centuries, you know.

Perhaps even more important: if they have been around for thousands of years, what gives you the slightest inkling of an idea that any kind of plan will come to fruition even remotely[i/] close to your life time.
Lets wager that you live 1000 years. If they have been around over 1000 years already, how good should your chances be that they decide to enact their plans while you are alive? Maybe 50%?
This seems like another strong reason that should they exist, I have little reason to pay them any mind.

Once again: my point here is not that there is no way that these societies exist, it is simply that in my view it is more likely for this to be a point of artistic preference than for it to mean there is a secret society that communicates in manga and anime (not for that to sound condescending, mind you).
The point is that given the evidence at hand, I would be more surprised to wake up and hear that artists are in cahoots with ancient organizations than I would be to hear that artists tend to like drawing hands weird sometimes. For me it isn't about absolutely proving one or the other, it is about deciding which one is better for me to believe.
Sorry if I came across a bit harsh in this at times, but you seemed to brush past some things that I think are very important, so I tried to make them as obvious as possible.
its gonna be long debate.. and you will find world secret by searching this kind of things.... Triangle with eye, hand gesture.. etc.. as i know... they exist.. they moving in shadow... and somehow they brainwash your way of things without realize it. and they are everywhere

cmon.. in anime/ manga handshaking is normal... except gesture is abnormal....

and about tone art.. i dont think you should saying things based your imaginations genki... with his/her hand made..... dont you taking this wrongly in his/her art.?? nothing to discuss about his/her art...
i'm just saying, whether there is or isn't? what difference does it really make? what are we really gonna do about it? i'm not gonna stop reading manga or watching tv or listening to music just because there may or may not be illuminati symbolism in it. and yes, it is quite obvious due to the fact that i have stumbled into these types of conversations multiple times with multiple different people of vastly different backgrounds, ages, races etc. so it definitely isn't a well kept secret if so many people are on to it. they have entire websites dedicated to "is there symbolism in this" "is illuminati represented in this" "illuminati in popular media" etc. so it's not really anything hidden. if it's done by a secret society, they are doing a very shitty job at being secret if people know all their symbols and codes etc. also, a lot of this stuff is probably not illuminati or secret society honestly. some people just like certain things for the aesthetic value in and of itself. for instance, i really like eyes, they look cool to me. i would like to be a music artist. i also like the demon/angel dynamic. now just because i put those things in my music videos does not make it illuminati. people are too quick to deem things as "secret society symbols" or "illuminati" when it may not mean that at all. and even so, if a secret society is behind all that crap, there are still more important issues in my opinion than if these "secret symbols" are there or not and if they're trying to brainwash people or whatever with them. obviously, that's not really working because a lot of people either don't care and aren't being brainwashed. and if people are being brainwashed by symbolism, it's more due to the message in the media than the "secret symbolism". for instance, people say illuminati is in a lot of popular rap music and that's causing problems in society. honestly, i feel it's more of the glamourization of sex and money that's causing problems rather than secret symbols. sometimes it's the obvious things that are doing more damage than some hidden code somewhere. people are being killed over ignorance and dying because of the coldness of people's hearts rather than due to a secret message in media. also, the human brain is wired in a way to pick up patterns and such when they might not even be there. and even if it is there, symbolism has been around since the beginning of time and it's not going away anytime soon but overall i really doubt a hand position in manga means anything major.
the problem with conspiracies and the like, is that they detract from the real world problems that are accuring.

"ooh, reptiles rule the world". so what, that shouldnt stop you from helping your fellow man.

"ooh, theres a giant corporation that wants to exterminate 70% of human life". so what, that shouldnt stop you from trying to live a fulfilling life, no matter how short it maybe.

ugh. end of the day, nothing matters as long as you believe that what YOU do as a person will make yourself the ones you care about happy (without the sacrifice of making other people unhappy)
Hmm... mehs =w= That part about us not knowing about them because theyre a secret society... just a plain and simple logical fallacy... it cant be proven or disproven because there is nothing with which to base it on... An argument needs solid logic/proof to give it a basis...

Continuing with pyre's artist example... people see a lot of symbols and imagery in art and interpret it as freely as they want but that really doesnt reflect the artist's original intention.. Might have just been something random that happened to resemble some odd symbol or another...
Ill be the first to say interpretations are almost always wrong unless they know the person well... As you can see, there is quite a majority which dont believe in secret organizations so it is more probable that the artists saw the works of others and decided to copy than that they are part of the organization... Perhaps the very first to use the symbol if that wasnt just coincidence. A person is also much more likely to repeat something if theyve done it once (first time is the hardest) so that could account for any repeated imagery used...
With the example of the eyes and whatnot in rap... Well imo theyre trying to promote themselves as something for the tough so perhaps theyve just thought of the eye as a symbol of power and thus the tons and tons of music artists copying and repeating it... The arts were quite focused on the sharing of ideas before copyright came along anyway so ideas and symbols repeating in many artworks isnt anything different from what had been happening... :goodtea:
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Oh I just thought of something I should have thought of much earlier.

GenkiDan, have you played 'follow the money' with a few of these organizations? If you have and revealed promising results, that would be an enormous factor in influencing what I believe (and should for you and others as well).
It is nearly impossible to completely hide your money trail, and such an organization is in need of large quantities of money. I'm not sure where you would start or end in a case like this, but surely someone has done some looking into it.
Oh I just thought of something I should have thought of much earlier.

GenkiDan, have you played 'follow the money' with a few of these organizations? If you have and revealed promising results, that would be an enormous factor in influencing what I believe (and should for you and others as well).
It is nearly impossible to completely hide your money trail, and such an organization is in need of large quantities of money. I'm not sure where you would start or end in a case like this, but surely someone has done some looking into it.

You did. Just there. In your post. Maybe have another look?
Note that this topic is about secret societies. If that is the case, all we can do is try to make assumptions that are as valid as possible. We have to make assumptions because the hypothesis states that these societies exist and are secret. If they were not a secret, there would be no need to make additional hypotheses.
You stated that historians claimed that they went extinct, which first means that they existed (probable enough), and second that it is much more likely that the historians would be trying to cover it up. You even put emphasis on "extinct", unless that was just to suggest that you can't kill an idea.

Back from breakfast, and on re-reading I think maybe I should flesh this out a bit more.

If these people asserting it went extinct are scholars or historians, we should be able to safely assume that they have done ample research on the subject. Their research as led them to believe that the society went extinct, and no longer exists. This suggests that there is strong evidence that they no longer exist, and an absence of evidence that they do exist.

The hypothesis was that they do exist. This should lead to two cases: the historians were baffled, and against all odds they exist despite absence of evidence. Or case two, the historians are in on it too.

Since the absence of evidence case suggests against the society existing, it would appear more likely that the historians are in on the organization.

^^ the Fed. thats where it all comes from and ends up.

Do you have any evidence to support your case?

Another edit: aww man I must have clicked on reply instead of edit by mistake OTL
well being the central banking system for the largest economy in the world, doesnt take much to figure out how that works.
well being the central banking system for the largest economy in the world, doesnt take much to figure out how that works.

Hehe. Well I guess that is probably the case, but in general the game is to try to find approximately where the money starts, and where it ends up being used ( if there is any large amount of money that appears to be going somewhere and then disappearing, that looks like it could be connected to a secret society).

Lots of the time this strategy can work well for figuring out why companies/politicians will make certain decisions, or if they have some side projects going on that aren't yet public. An example would be if it appeared that suddenly lots of Google's money was going into R&D in some amount much larger than before, you could probably expect them to come out with something awesome in the next few years. :)
i know that theres a lot of backhanding goin on between the government and the fed. literally BILLIONS dissapear into non-existant funds & trusts (and the back pockets of certain bankers).

but hey, who are we to say whether its right or wrong :P
Politicians are known to be corrupt so people might not bat an eye at the tons of money disappearing? They might also use smaller countries which people care less about and wouldnt bother researching since thats safer though it might not give as much as a larger one~
As I've said if you rather draw conclusions based on what you don't yet know, or understand instead of knowledge through examination and investigation first. Then I can't really do much about that, or if I possibly could, it might wear me out. I could end up doing nothing else but trying to explain every little thing that you may deem probable or not based on your own reasoning while lacking in sufficient knowledge of the subject to help base that reasoning.
And I have replied to everything so far to show you.
But I will answer this quote below also now since it stood out so [size]"boldly"[size]. And then perhaps one or two other quotes, the rest would be mostly a waste of time imo since you make too many assumptions without the necessary knowledge and research. Some points you try to make I almost think you should be able to answer yourself even but you seem to rash and quick jumping on assumptions that lowers your own priori. Note Denial is a common psychological factor that works in most people as a defense mechanism to explain away things that the mind regards as too "ground shaking" or "hard to believe" And your assumptions of things over and over selects only the things which would make things harder or more "unlikely".
If you are going to read any part, please let it be this. This is one of the main things I am trying to point out where you seem to be confusing yourself and not realizing it:

This is where I should come out failing and screaming "ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE IS EVIDENCE OF ABSENCE" at the top of my lungs, throwing holy water and fire crackers to catch your attention. I'm not sure if you realize it, but you just tried to tell me that the very fact that they have been so good at hiding themselves is evidence that they exist (and yes I read this multiple times to be sure).
Don't worry, I've read everything of what you've said.
Then i think you need to read it more times still. Because thats simply Wrong, I did not say that was evidence that they exist. Where do you read that from that text ?...It's not there. But I was demonstrating how well it works even when you say they are terrible at keeping their "secrets". And asking you to reflect on it by asking you a rhetorical question of how well that as worked for yourself, seeing as you don't believe that the secret societies even exist. So it seemed to me that your argument conflicts with itself from your standpoint, cause you claim that if they are real and they leave themselves open to this much exposure as is evident that they do, assumingly everyone would know as a consequence of their lousy secret keeping, and yet you didn't, and don't, and even now you don't even believe that they are real or exist. Despite their so called "lousy secret keeping". And I think that speaks for itself I said. Never did I say it was proof for their existence.

You did. Just there. In your post. Maybe have another look?
Again, I didn't......
This is what I said:
"I remember saying that somewhere sometime when you where around. Yes some scholars or historians might claim that they went "extinct" or something after they where officially banned from the bavarian government and warnings sent out to the governments of Europe, their lodges raided, disbanded and members arrested. That show you just how much of a conspiracy "theory" they where. "
As you can see I never said that that they where "in on it", so it's something you assumed then as I said.

Oh but one more thing, I don't assert that your making baseless assumptions, but assumptions that are based on your certain logic devoid of the insights and knowledge into the subject, yes even the mere alternate possibilities it seems, since they always sway one way in order to make it harder or unprobable to believe. Which up until this point I've answered and explained to you. Instead of just doing that, I suggest that the next post I intend to make here, you actually see the video I''l be posting, previous one as well. And then if your up to it try and acquire some knowledge about it as a base for basing better more well informed probable judgments. But now I'll leave it with this to move on and go forward.

[MENTION=68171]xXPsychoKittyDXx[/MENTION]; It makes a difference if people that are unaware becomes aware, that is all I've ever hoped to achieve. Since it's unaware people that are most easily led astray and manipulated. I've never suggested any of you do anything, and like I said I haven't suggested that you begin "not doing anything" either, like reading your manga or listening to your music...I've already said that to you. And note also that I never claimed it was illuminati symbolism either, but I didn't bother saying anything when you first assumed it was, since many ppl just refer to any symbolism under that umbrella term now a days.

Hmm... mehs =w= That part about us not knowing about them because theyre a secret society... just a plain and simple logical fallacy...
rly ...? It's a logical fallacy to suggest that the reason you may not know and believe the existence about a society is becasue their a secret one that operate without direct admittance? lol sam. Thats not a logical fallacy. But it is silly to claim so.

@pyre: I see some money talk, well @baka mentioned the Fed, thats certainly one piece of the puzzle since they own it, as they do with most big institutions. After all, they Are the 'bankers' certainly worthy of being called so. They control or have great influence in the world bank, and the IMF and other like organizations, which issues policies. So if they want to hide their trail I think they would be better able to do so than anybody else. Money would be the least of their problems. I might include some of that in my next post if I'm up for it. You would have learned a little of that earlier as well if you had bothered to watch the video I posted. It's only 27 minutes long.
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Here's the declaration from the French revolution which they also are acredited btw, long before lot of the exposure we see today:

[MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; I see you do actually believe they exist. Then for some reason I felt like updating you on this.
And [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; sry for summoning you to what might be semi boring...but would you be interested in seeing this post perhaps...Maybe find it more interesting than my first.

Kennedy knew, and spoke out very directly, but since most people didn't, they probably never got the chance to really fathom what he was talking about ... but "they" whom he was referring too assuredly did, and they didn't like it.
There where other presidents before Kennedy who took action against their plans...and they just "happened" to get assassinated as well...just "pure coincident" ....? Ofc not, one has to blindfold oneself, and go into willing denial to just ignore the sheer amount of basis for them.

Here is a link telling a little bit of some history:

Now for anyone who have watched the anime Blood+. I wonder if you remember the characters in that series.
Anyone who doesn't have this information watch and observe the same stuff as everybody else yet has no idea what it means. It's only more so with symbols. For anyone who haven't watched it, or can recall very well take brief look here at the main chars: It's the antagonists I thinking mostly of.
But when certain anime's or any art for that matter contains things that you know belong to the doctrines of the initiates of certain societies then you can be sure it's no coincidence as some might sum it up to be, what comes to mind vaguely is Evangelion right now, it not only contains tons upon tons of symbolism but I specifically recall something about oneness, a core luciferian belief of uniting all of mankind together...

The Italian grand lodge of the orient also lost documents/archives during world war 2 that ended up in the hands of the Russian forces which they where able to have returned many years later was supposedly used by Stalin to blackmail European nobles and politicians.

The president of Yale University, Timothy Dwight, warned of the illuminati on a political sermon 4th of july 1979. Entitled: “The Duty of Americans, at the Present Crisis.”

A former President of Harvard University as well, Joseph Willard, Also warned of illuminati...
To quote: "There is sufficient evidence that a number of societies, of the Illuminati, have been established in this land of Gospel light and civil liberty, which were first organized from the grand society in France. They are doubtless secretly striving to undermine all our ancient institutions, civil and sacred. These societies are closely leagued with those of the same Order, in Europe; they have all the same object in view. The enemies of all order are seeking our ruin. Should infidelity generally prevail, our independence would fall of course. Our republican government would be annihilated..."

Your simply making a grave error dismissing something so easy simply because you think you have the basis to know based on your reasoning alone without checking the actual basis for their existence. A lot of greater men certainly disagrees with you, and not just you pyre(your just the one that happened to be the one engaging mostly into discussion about it), but anyone that "snickers/gainsays" against something like this without even knowing what their talking about is going to throw out superficial assumptions if they lack careful sagaciousness.
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