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  • G-senjou no maou was great I think (o´’∀’`o)

    but okay, goodnight man.. Sleep well!
    Ist kein Problem, ich werd sowieso auch nicht durchgehend hier on sein ... können ruhig auch schreiben wenn der andere nicht on ist, die Nachrichten werden eh nicht gelöscht :)

    Und wünsch dir noch nen schönen Abend bzw. nen schönen Sonntag ;)
    Thanks again nanashi1 m(_ _)m
    I'll check them out tonight, I have a little time then (*´∀`*)

    How about music? What do you enjoy to listen to?
    Abend :)

    Naja, nicht wirklich viel, momentan habe ich ja Sommerferien, da wird viel gespielt und nebenbei für den Führerschein gelernt ... und ab September dann wieder Schule :)

    Und was machst du sonst so?
    Ungarn? Ist garnicht mal so weit weg, ich wohne nämlich in Burgenland (in der Umgebung von Eisenstadt) ... aber Wien ist natürlich noch näher :D
    Ooh okay sorry I still go to high school so I can't work something too intense yet by law here (o・´_`・o)
    But it's fine, so I can focus on school. But I have summer holidays! ヽ(‘∀`○)ノ

    Lately I haven't seen any Anime, because I can't find the mood to watch any at the moment. Maybe it's becuase I'm doing other things?

    How about you?
    Haha no worries man
    I was just saying that I work at a Chinese/Indonesian food center (○・▽・○)
    Wow cook that's so cool (○・▽・○)
    Glad your day was good!
    I have work on the weekends, nothing too special just a little part-time at a Chinese-Indonesian take away shop haha
    Then went to the skatepark, did a bit of skating with friends, was great ヽ(▽`ヽo)
    Hi nanashi1

    Sorry about before (*;ω人). I don't always get a notification for visitor messages!
    sorry for trouble. How are you doing today? Hope all is good at work.
    I had work today too (・∀・`o)
    Hey nanashi1.

    Sry wegen der späten Antwort. Ja, freut mich auch ein paar Sprachverwandte hier anzutreffen :) Und wo genau aus Österreich kommst du, weil du sagtest Halbösterreicher? :)
    Sure, no problem!! (●っゝω・)っ
    I'm normally online on my phone, but not so active then
    Normally in the evening or late at night I'll be online
    Do your best at work again (*ゝω・*)


    Visiting my page...

    Hello there.

    <--- Para-sol VN? :3

    Hope it's all right to be friends. Something sweet?

    Please don't worry about it - sorry I must go in a moment too as it's getting a little late ヾ(´д⊂*)

    Uhm.. I've joined because I'm trying to gain more interest in the subculture, maybe play/read a bit more VN & LN, perhaps then watch the Anime adaptation. How about you? ( ´・∀・`)
    Glad everything is all good (´∀`。c)
    and sure nanashi1, お仕事がんばってください。
    Please do your best!! and rest well! (〃´∀`〃)

    Thank you for your welcome, nanashi1 (○´∀`)
    How are you doing? Hope all is cool! (ゝω・)
    There was an hour between the two posts, and as you said, you saw that one went up before making the other.
    Anyway, the edit button is located here:

    Using that you could've changed the first thread and finished your work.
    at that I am employed .. I go to ahcer a collection only from visual novels and his adaptations to anime.
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