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  • Any wrong with this respond?:P
    So you collect NFSW cgs. Ecchi~
    Adorable evil kyuubey you also like >_>.

    All the bad things happen in one day is (( ;゚Д゚).
    *wokes up, sees nemu~chan, kisses her on the forehead and stands up to stretch*
    *prepares food for nemu~chan to eat when she wakes up*
    *goes out for school but make sures that nemu~chan is tucked up before leaving*
    Oh my, yours got wet so easily, ne~
    *gets pushed* Aww, why push me? See, you're being shy! If you are, then I guess I shall refrain...
    Ara? I'm seeing a tsundere reaction! *pokes Nemu-chan's inflating cheek*

    Eh? Hmm, let's see... The way they behave, I guess? I like cool girls and all that >_>
    Wha? You're always like this! *shakes more* Say it say it say it say it say it say eeeeeeeet!!!

    Well, I happen to have quite a bunch of Singaporean friends, and I've heard enough of their rants about the education and such xD
    >_>. Okay.
    I only collect artbooks (SFW).
    Everything is adorable to you O_O even kyuubey!
    Kyuubey wants to nom lolis.

    Nvm, just a shitty bad luck day yesterday >_>.
    Have been so busy with life >< And now I'm into some korean dramas and IU the singer lol. Been such a long time since I'm really active on forum or online at all.
    *drops on the floor*
    *sits up*
    *stands up and goes to her own room to sleep some more*
    *still sleepy*'re right better move around and do some serious school work to be passed tmr~
    *stands up but falls back to the bed*
    *stretches arms and sees nemu~chan beside her*
    *decides to curl up and sleep again*
    Imoucons love their imoutos.
    Which part did i misunderstood?
    So you like yuri~
    There is no other pair anyway >_>, unless you want Madoka x Kyuubey.

    Today is utter shitty day for me, screw up in the forum, TV broke and etc. *sigh*
    feel tired and depressed due to lack of sleep~
    doesn't matter
    *slips into nemu~chan's bed*
    i'll just slip to your bed then~, we can't change our heights XD
    *hugs nemu~chan back* i badly need someone to comfort me~
    will you be sleeping early?~
    XD you don't need to remember the exact height, it enough that you know that you are a few centimeters taller than me~
    umm not sure, but i guess he is much more taller than you by an inch or so~
    i guess my height is not really important~ i'm happy enough to have an imouto over the net~
    hmmm. then i'll just hug/hold you tight when we sleep so that you would not move around too much~
    gyah~ please don't forget the 2cm. i'm 152 tall~
    >_> my boyfriend is a bit happy with my height since he is only a few inches taller than me~
    /me drags Nemu's hand and noms her fingers
    Okay, there's nothing to be shy about, right? *gets closer*
    You seem eager to make me jealous instead >_>

    Yes, I do <_< It's just that Checkmate always makes me look like an imocon and rorikon when all those descriptions perfectly fit him instead!
    W-whaaaaaaaaat? I demand you to continue that sentence! *shakes Nemu-chan*

    Ah, I guess so ~_~; And you being Singaporean makes it quite easy to predict, I think xD
    Yes, you are~
    hmm, you sound experience, sounds like you collect a lot of hcgs!
    /me catches Nemu's hand as she attempts to hit him
    Oh yes, you're being shy!
    J-j-j-jealous!? What are you saying!? Who'd get jealous!? Hmph!

    No, I'm not! >_> And unlike Kou(haicon), I lean more to liking senpai charas :p
    Who knows? Maybe you'll find my weaknesses to have yourself well-defended? >.<

    Thanks too :3 lol mentioning about Asians, are your parents like the typical Asian parents?
    i keep saying fuuuuu when i feel i need to do something~ XD
    L0L. i'm will not do anthing, though i might sneak up to your bed if you really were my imouto~
    gyah~~ 8cm taller than me!!! ;_;
    i think i should be the one calling you onee-chan...
    i wish you really were my imouto~
    i have to content myself through the net then~
    how tall are you anyway? i still think you're taller than me ;_;
    you have an imouto?!
    waaa~ she's cute...
    i want to have an imouto like her~
    but i somehow feel like she's taller than me~
    does that mean you're taller than me...?
    school~ ummm...a bit good...mostly bad~
    i must really focus on it or i'm gonna fail one subject~ my parents would feel extremely bad if that happens...
    so far i haven't played an extremely great otome game but i'm somehow liking it...i just really need to get my hands on some 18+ otome games X3
    what kind of real stuff?
    btw, who's the cute girl in you pic?
    Yea, you imoucon~
    Hmm, one set can go >10gb lol
    No idea, to feel MOE!
    Girlfriend as in yuri type?XD
    Kyuubey is evil! rageface.jpg

    *Pats Nemu chan*
    /me snatches Nemu's hand back
    Come on, why so shy?
    Oh yes, it does~ Why do you think it doesn't?

    Mmhm, he's an oneecon just like me, maybe that's why :p Though given your age, I wonder if you could even be an oneechan to anyone, save for your own imouto ~_~
    <_< Don't tell me you're spying on me!?
    Ah well, good luck with that. School's quite a hurdle for us Asians ~_~
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