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  • No idea, i thought you like being called oneechan especially by imoutos!
    Gc ones are very space consuming @_@.
    I collect cgs for my favorite game for the MOE feeling.
    I think she is Madoka's black cat, she is frm the future!
    Every passing week, i rage harder at Kyuubey!!!!

    *Baits Nemu chan with lolipop*
    *hugs nemu~chan*

    kinda busy~ ;_;
    i'm busy with school stuff and playing otome games lately~
    i haven't seen you for some time now~ what have you been up to?
    /me picks Nemu up and licks her wounded hand
    It looks interesting to me :p
    :o Since when did you become an oneechan to Kou? Nemu-nee! w
    Ah well, school started and all, but how did you notice I got (somewhat) busier?
    Though, aren't you yourself busier nowadays, too?
    Hai Nemu oneechan!
    Nah, I don't use torrent much, mostly i get cgs from him
    Just search the thread he created, Warning : There are quite a lot of rape theme, sick fetish cgs so proceed with care, just find the correct ones to collect.
    PS: I only collect cgs of my favorite games :P.
    I want to find know about who is Homerun chan!

    *tickles Nemu chan*
    /me tackles Nemu-chan

    Hmm, interesting convo you have with that kouhai-con. o.o
    What you want ppl to call you o.o?
    I mostly get mine from hongfire~
    Who is my future wife?:P
    Madoka tmr~

    Most of my aunties aren't married but they still give~
    Am i wrong?XD
    I don't collect cgs all the time like Check. So you want to collect imouto cgs?>_>
    I don't mind doing chores :P.
    Will have to see if i got time.

    I see. *Gives Nemu chan red packets*
    OK Madam!!
    Must be having some indecent thoughts hmph!!
    Yea, family like to push chores to me >_>.
    Hmmm, didn't watch Okkami xD.

    Small family?
    I guess that works.
    >< Sometimes it shows you the things that you don't wanna see. << what things you don't wanna see?
    I do a lot of housework ;_;.
    lol Ookami anime is kinda bad >_>.

    How much red packets you got?
    Oh lol. Boys buying stuffs like that is weird, i feel embarrassed >.<.
    You are looking for Hcgs so i guess you should have prepared to see some indecent things xD.
    Yea, why i am so irresponsible for doing all the houseworks? ;_;
    No love for Nemu or Yume in Da capo and Da capo 2?

    I feel better today, thx. *hugs Nemu chan*
    Google is everyone's best friend :P.
    I am not responsible~
    I see, which one is your favorite?

    Most is small amount except family given ones. I have sore throat, must have eaten to much cookies.
    Time to try one xD.
    Well, they can just go dl the cgs.
    lol, so responsible *pats Nemu chan*
    What have you played?

    Didn't count amount of money yet but i got 20 + packets.
    Is it effective?O_O
    I have nothing for them to stalk.
    You only have one imouto, no oneechans?
    Lol... you tell me you don't play VNs.

    Red packets~
    *Looks at profile pic again*. Would be better if my hands are smooth.
    Lol... for what?
    Other things =?:P
    Crap logic. I play VN for the story (this is hard to believe though).

    You like boing boing just like Terumi~
    Waa, bishoujo desu~ Cute hand?lol
    Nothing, they just stalking for VN pics i guess.
    What other things?:P
    Who needs VN when you have real life imouto?lol

    So you like boing. Well i like normal size i guess xD.
    So that is you :3. my fingers are short compare to the avg boys.
    Only on the net.
    Including the bath!
    I am lonely and ronery~
    *pats Nemu chan*
    Play VN every day = good life?>_> Open house = you invite ppl to come and eat/party during CNY in you house.

    Not all oneechans has boing boing ._.
    Is that you?xD. Shorter fingers and rougher skin ;_;.
    Used to being stalked i guess.
    So Nemu chan want some privacy time with her imouto~
    That is too hardcore but I don't think any ppl would want to stalk me in real life (ppl avoid me).
    *salutes Nemu chan*
    Uwa... i really play VN every day! Open house day should be the busiest.

    I didn't say i don't like them, they are kawaii but i like kouhais and oneechans more~
    mmm... my hands looks like a girl's hand (small size).
    Probably Check stalking, though i am used to being stalked at another place www. *waves hand at Check*
    Yes Madam!
    Lol... so 1st thing that come to mind is I can't play eroge www. Well, i probably won't have much time to come here with the visitings and open house.

    I won't deny :P. Oneechans for the win~
    I need bigger hands :P.
    Hopefully so~
    Relatives coming back to visit, using my com room as slping room xD.

    Your imouconess has no limits O_O.
    < ugly hand~
    Uh, i mean met in rl not on the net. *Gives Nemu chan lolipop*
    4 more days till CNY, 2 more days before my computer room got invaded.

    MOST, so you don't like loli imouto?:P
    Is your hand smooth?
    Uwaa, i mean real life ppls :P. But anyway *pats Nemu chan*
    Go buy it! You don't celebrate CNY?

    Most imoutos are lolis.
    yea, mus be all of the house work ;_;.
    Unless i approach them first, no girls approach me directly.
    Cheese cookies with pineapple jam fillings, NICE !!!
    You don't have to do it if you don't want :P.

    Loli imouto exists~
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