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  • Didn't watch the movie yet?
    Uwah ok*drops note*
    You can count on me!
    Drink milk - calcium - teeth stronger?xD
    Iyaaaaaaaan~ *Hides in a corner*
    You know Nanoha will win no matter what~ Nanoha promotes being mahou shoujo is good whereas Madoka does the opposite~ Most mahou shoujo basically is happy.
    Uwah.. you can see the future~ You must tell me who is my future wife xD.
    Check is gone playing with Sana~
    Drink milk?mmm
    *shy and drinks tea with style*
    Madoka feels dark compare to other mahou shoujo shows, focusing on bad points of becoming on a mahou shoujo.
    Kyubei is suspicious and I think the contract is a devil's contract.
    *protects Nemu chan frm Check*
    Brush teeth~
    *holds Nemu chan's hand and blushes*
    As usual, good luck on finishing them ;). You finished Madoka epi 2?
    Loli services.... Uwah, Ima protect you frm indecent ppls!!!
    mmm, one lolipop two days isn't bad~
    *Gives Nemu chan choco properly*
    You say you have no time and your list is sooooo long again~
    Other services as in?
    Lolipop can make you fat?>_>
    *Founds a box of chocolates and eat myself*
    A few only :P, almost all of the winter anime.
    Feeling better today~
    Arigatou~, you can open a massage shop~
    *Gives Nemu chan lolipop*
    Which series?
    Had a nap just now but got worse and i got a headache >_>
    Hopefully tmr i can skip work and get a day off ;_;
    *Accompany Nemu chan till slp*
    What anime u following this season?
    Only the hospital is opening at this hour. Other ppl say i have been working too much hmm..
    *Pats Nemu chan*
    Your ava is nekomimi, so obvious you like it~
    Back frm nap.
    Hehe no idea.
    Blabbering nonsense~
    Nap didn't cure my nose, now got headache >_>.
    Just an example for edible o.o.
    I don't make any sense anytime~
    *Waves* I think i am sick with a running nose >_>.
    Same reason as you~
    mmm....For example, lolis are not edible but ppl keep saying they eat lolis.
    I will leave it as that, don't want to elaborate deeper.
    You sure like Azusa. I like Kuroneko~
    mmm... you want to eat my clothes?:P
    Elaborate ka.. Normal is normal, decent is decent~
    *pats Nemu chan like a neko*
    Blasphemy, who doesn't like nekomimis?
    NOOOOO!! At least i can get some of them dried 1st~
    i like them normal and decent size.
    No use denying~ *Gives Nemu chan lolipop*
    Nekos are kawaii yo~
    Finally a sunshine day!!!
    I like thin gals :3
    Dota addict~ *greets Nemu chan*
    My cat and dog are exceptions, they get along well.
    Rain stop now. Expecting some sunshine tmr~
    Scare u get fat and not kawaii anymore *blush*
    Wtf... its 4.30 and you still haven't slp. *sings lullaby to Nemu chan*
    Yea.. i have a cat and a dog together at home.
    lol the hairdryer method. very slow and eats lot of electricity.
    Too much cookies can get fat easily~
    *gives Nemu chan good night kissu*
    White white cat is still white. I also have a dog too.
    Rain, no sunlight. Clothes won't dry~
    Monies!!! but i am one of the two who can make cookies in the family >_>.
    *loses to puppy eyes and gives jar of cookies to Nemu chan*
    Normal street cat. Black and white cat.
    Old clothes are smelly and dirty >_>.
    Most of the money don't go into my pocket. I only get the worker money ;_;.
    *Shows the jar of cookies to Nemu chan*
    That is not my cat but i got one~
    I like to be clean >_>.
    Ya but i am making quite a lot for selling.
    *Has another jar*
    Not my cat~
    Hai i am nekkid~ J/ks wearing old clothes >_>.
    Easy but time consuming!!
    *Hands over a jar of cookies to Nemu chan*
    Neko de geso!!!
    No clothes to wear >.<.
    Going to be a lot of work to make cookies ~_~
    *Gives Nemu chan cookies*

    Yea 3 days non stop rain. Clothes can't dry >_>.
    Only preparing materials to make myself :P
    *Holds Nemu chan hands and smile*
    Raining for 3 days. Incoming flood!
    Preparing to make cookies~
    *sad and look at Nemu chan with puppy eyes*
    Both of my families are big xD.
    I can get quite a lot of red packets~
    Oyasumi Nemu chan *gives Nemu chan good night kiss*
    So how is KoreZom for you?
    Can't wait till CNY for red packets~
    *Relax and pats Nemu chan*
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