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  • eehh..??
    sonnaa~... T^T
    jya..what else..?? :3
    other than msn..?
    ah..what about social network..? :3

    hoo..Singapore.. XD
    near..near...hmm..jya..when I'm going there, let's meet..
    though I don't know when I'm going to be able to do that...ahaha...

    oooh...onna no ko..umm..still school..? :3
    No more shits = more time to rest and no overworking >_>.
    Yea, recover already~

    Train against players?:P
    So you are involved in fansub whem you were a loli? How you start getting involved?:O
    Mmm, I keep hearing SG is not that good in chinese, true?
    Nope, too deep for me, teach me!

    Like the idolmaster!
    I am older than you lul!
    There are still a few tearjerking one, prepare yourself!
    So you are yuricon if they are adorable :O (yuri basically is adorable anyway)
    :O become jelly?
    ........must be bug >_>, I didn't receive it. stupid garena!
    Cause i not rorikon! "Elementary students are the best" >_>. R-15 is too ecchi for me!
    I guess i will pass on that.
    Tiger and bunny i guess :P.
    ehehe.. ^w^

    err..IM..? what's that..? o.o?
    ah ah..I have yahoo messenger.. XD

    hmm.. sou ka.. .-.

    I live somewhere in the ocean.. :D
    hehe..uso..but if you want to believe it, I don't mind.. :3
    I live in Indonesia.. \(^w^)/
    nemuru-san wa..??

    err..nemuru-san..............................boy or girl..? (gomen na~..don't think bad of me.. T^T ah..I'm a boy.. :3)
    hai..glad to hear that.. XD
    well me too..doing great.. ^^
    err... :3
    I don't have msn.. :D

    I didn't chat often..but I talk much..hehe... >w<
    Must have overwork myself when my mum is at the hospital.
    Somehow better, Chinese medicine is working, take a bit of time to recover.

    Yes I will if you are at the opposing team! Seriously, might win but I still get pawned even with pro teammate.
    How long are you involve in fansubbing?
    You good in chinese or hanjis?
    Oneechans are simple, just look at how many types of imouto!

    Nemu chan the idol!
    Siscon < you are referring to yourself right? I don't have an oneechan!
    Har! You watch yuru yuri! More prove of being a yuricon!
    Mmm, I might want to travel to the future!
    Hmm,, must be some bug! Try sending me a buddy request! N|cff00ff00ubs
    You sure this is not all of the summer animes? :P Not sure to cont with RKB, dropped R-15 and Kaitou Tenshi.
    Everyone is recovering, my turn to fall sick >_>.
    Stupid stomach problems!

    Hmm, what i mean is ally AI always seem stupid, pawned by enemy AI~
    Busy subbing nowadays?:o
    I don't like to leave things hanging~
    Well, up to you~ I think it is ok to skip. Play other VNs like rewrite! :D
    Imouto is the most complicated stuff in the world~
    Which rori anime are you watching?:P

    I am sure your pics will sell like hot cakes!
    What a good oneechan ;_;. Yea, probably one of the reasons~
    Mmm, that is obvious! Kurisu is moe~ Suzuha ;_;.
    Confirmed yuricon!
    Curiosity kills the cat!
    Hmm, is your buddy list full?
    Mum is better now, still staying alert though.
    Father seems to fallen sick now >_>

    Don't know why allies AI always noob, opponent AI so pro.
    You always so busy!
    Bu yao!
    Hmmm, well actually they didn't cut too much from the anime. And the art is better in the anime and it moves!
    More like I don't understand imouto moe!
    Watched usagi drop?:O

    May be sell moe pics?
    I envy your imouto having a good oneechan like you. And I am the eldest so nv experience it before~
    o_O what ending did you see?
    And madoka and homu yuri!
    A price to pay for messing with time.
    Added. Receive the request?
    Sry for late reply, too much shitty stuffs happen this week, mother got sent to the hospital and etc.
    After work~

    Mmm, but when they 5 heroes gather together to push, I always got owned!
    Nemu chan ever took jap class before?:O
    We are both using English, or you want to use Chinese?
    Mmm, you watched clannad anime? The clannad anime is almost the same so no need to play again~
    Imouto moe is confusing stuffs!
    So watched what new anime now? And thx for bakatest subs!

    Pls sell me some moe xD.
    I hope i have an oneechan like you!
    FB is forumboards j/k. FB is someone, as for who, not telling you! I will give a hint that everyone is not exactly what you see, like Suzuha is ...
    Cause homuhomu is a girl! You don't feel sad for Mayushi's death? The world wants her to die ;_;.
    N|cff00ff00ubs < YEA I KNOW LAME NAME, BUT IT IS TRUE!
    There must be something you want!
    Busy rabuing with you!
    Hmph! I am correct!

    You don't know what the Ai team will do!
    Buy moe moe costumes?
    Its a combination of listening to dialogues and reading!
    What!!?? I am using the same language with you.
    I see, read the clannad VN?
    So tsun towards strangers, dere to imouto!

    You make it hard to understand!
    So now moe has money value :O
    Watch shows, my imouto need the dvd player to watch chinese shpws.
    Obviously, FB is facebook, facebook is the evil organisation manipulating time to control the world! Take a guess?
    Okarin is adorable too~
    Added you as friend, got the msg?
    You want imoutos??
    You can make him play! No time is just an excuse :p.
    I think i got at least one correct o_O.

    Ai+ so pro though, keep owning me!
    Ever spent money on MMOs?
    Use machine translator and rely on listening skills!
    Trying to be pure and innocent? :o
    Then, the most favorite VNs or the story you most like?
    Then, you are tsundere towards your imouto. Imouto rabu!

    Uuu, leaving things hanging again!
    LE moe? what is that?:o
    Need to delay i think, dvd player broke, need to get that 1st >_>.
    For FB, For FB, For FB, FOR FACEBOOK!
    They will chat about ways to saving their important ones :P.
    What do you want??!!
    Playing dota with your husband! :p
    Sch, dota, imouto!

    Any super AI?
    Any other MMOs you played?
    Playing VNs is not remarkable at all. Some ppl might think you are creepy!
    Same with me then! Gets you aroused?
    Which Vns you played and don't like?
    No dere !!?? I thought you are always dere towards your imouto!

    Then what's with the distance getting further?
    Needs better example!
    Mmm... needs a new lappy soon.
    And exciting! Still like Killyou moeka?
    The chronicles of Mayuri! Homura an Okarin should have a nice talk with each other :p.
    /me gives Nemu chan sweets
    Still gaming if you are married?:p
    Isn't it like always spending time with her >_>.

    Lol, which Ai version you use?
    Heh, i thought you went back mapling cause of friends.
    Well, i nv did something remarkable before!
    You read H scenes?:p
    All Akb2 games eh. Still good choices!
    The thing they go ahh! ugh!
    And you say you are not a tsundere!

    .... what? WHY? YOU DON'T LIKE YURI??
    Make senses, but the examples are weird!
    Hdd must be cheaper there >_>.
    Told you it is a talking anime! But there is some action in episode 13 :p.
    /me gives Nemu chan moolah!
    You will still be gaming even you are a grandma?:O
    What good things happened?

    Uuu... I only game during weekends, will see later.
    No mapling with friends?
    Sugoi in sucking >_>. I feel useless when compared to others!
    Nope. Oh you! Playing any VN?
    You sure know a lot.
    Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Type it out!

    We are admiring yuri which is sacred and holy. We worship yuri relationships! All hail Yuri!
    Rare pokemon?O_O, not sure if you get it or I don't get what you mean by rare pokemon!
    You store much more than me. I only have 1 tb.
    !_! You so cruel! So many animu ending! Still watching S;G?
    /me pats Nemu chan
    One day we will be gone from gaming!
    What good things and bad things?

    Versus you? :O
    So you quit maple? Bored of it?
    I sucks a lot >_>, useless guy!
    Hmm, true, we are very close friends. Oh Osadai, moe spaceship and Puchin!
    No I don't know! Specify pls~

    Yuricon = ppl like yuri, Yuri = the relationship. Why you no love yuri??!!
    Normal moe don't make me hnnnnnggg. I prefer moe in small doses. I always find moe to be bland when there is a lot of them, special and best when they are rare!
    :O your hdd space is more than mine. What yout store so much?
    May be she will reincarnate into a flower :p.
    Its ok Nemu chan! /me gives Nemu chan a welcome back hug.
    Busy with life or gaming? :p
    Bad things or good things?

    Still feeding like a boss ._.
    So you mapling a lot nowadays?
    The more i know you, the more awesome aura you give out!
    Can't de9 osananajimi is good, I only have 1 female friend which is my osananajimi lol. Which VN are you referring to?
    Imoucon, rorikon!
    What scene? Be more specific!

    Well, they say say yuri is a forbidden love, sacred, pure and innocent love! Yuricon isn't forbidden though!
    Actually, not all types of moe!
    Buy Hdd! How much space of hdd you have?
    Menma....... ;_;, last episode of DAT flower ;_;.

    Oh yes, it does! You're both tsunderes, after all.
    I can only say that it radiates from you :o

    What!? It's you who always say something suspicious and end up keeping something a secret from us!
    Nay, you wish! To begin with, why would I dream about someone like you? Hmph!
    S-so what then!? It's not your business either way, is it!
    Uuuu~ Meanie... I bet you won't even give any clue.

    Ohh, you'd rather give yourself to him to be his imouto, eh?
    Ehe :p
    I pretty much stopped caring about her annoying attitude as long as she doesn't get others like my imouto or mom involved :p

    /me resurrects as a zombie
    /me takes back his imouto
    Stop denying and tsun! Pro is pro!
    So many, even for same hero also got a few diff version!
    LOL, they keep push mid so early game, i can't farm need to def >_>.

    Class+work? You look so free! Grinding really take a lot of time though.
    At least a lot pro than me.
    Fighting only happens when we were small~
    >_>. I am more curious about you, so good at a lot of things and gives out a mystery vibe!
    Yea, I am closer to my osananajimi though :3
    You started mapling already?
    Why? I thought you love imoutos and roris!
    What kind of scenes are you referring to? /me whistles

    Too bad you don't want to become yuricon~
    Yes, mature moe is high level moe, not the sort of moe shown for fanservice or for the sake of being moe.
    Mami's battle theme <3. Needs flac version~
    Pikachu thunderbolt! Pokemon is my childhood :3
    Uh, sorry for the late reply >_>

    Eh, well... I talk to Checkmate a lot, so let's just say I know everything about the likes of you tsunderes!
    No! I was just thinking that maybe you were jelly since you have yuri essences after all :3

    Doko de mo aru yo >_> Usually you're always like that when it concerns... err, loli and stuff related.
    Noooo, I blame Nemu-chan! You make me dream~
    Baka! Baka baka baaaaaaaaaaaka! S-so what if I don't like tsunderes! You mad now? Riiiiiight, hmph!
    There, see? You always leave us wondering and in confusion!

    Ahh, I see. An obedient one, Checkmate would surely like :o
    Nowhere, but he's currently living in a different country to finish his studies if you didn't know?
    Yeah, I know :s Just can't help to dislike her attitude at times, lol.
    Really? See! You do want her after all! Over my dead body! щ(゚Д゚щ) (屮゚Д゚)屮
    Okaay, dota addict and pro~
    Well, i still need to google a little bit :P.
    Ahh, i get basic item like the threads first already~
    Lol, 1v5 >_>.

    I don't have time to grind in maple anymore sadfacejpg.
    You look pro enough to!
    We do, but always end quarelling (not the serious type, more like comedy type) xD. Most siblings relationship is like that i think. You trying to get me interested in your imouto? I also don't have much friends to be honest, only 4 males and 1 female osananajimi. No girls is interested in me~
    I did, can you pls cc, followed by F4 button xD. Ksing them later ends up with them calling help >_>.
    I guess that is one of the points I don't like about MMO xD.
    Start now~
    Yes, a route where Kazuma ends up with Ayumu. They both tsundere!

    Too bad then :3.
    Mature is a good thing and mature is also MOE!
    Uuu, I was trying to be funny~ The madoka OST is out~
    Ah, just asking if it is good or not xD. Thought you might watch cause pokemon is adorable too.
    How do you know all these stuffs?!?!
    You should go teach ppl dota Nemu sensei!
    Play against AI, only farm butterfly, still got pawned badly, they 5 heroes keep throwing skills and push so fast, can't farm >_>

    I have no friends playing maple now xD.
    Looks like you can own the world!
    Not necessary, we just don't get along well. Nah, she is too young lol. AND I AM RONERY.JPG!!
    I will pay attention to the staff names for groups and find your name~
    Pls cc? They come and ks me, then tell me to cc lol. AND IF I CALL THEM CC, THEY CALL THEIR PRO FRIENDS COME AND KS MORE. I GAVE UP AND CC BUT THEY FOLLOW ME AND KS ME EVERY CH. Oh god, get a life >_>, I am just a noob.
    May be a closet of shoutas?:P
    o_O I don't like Ayumu (biased because of the original VN). Yea, but the animu is pushing AnaruXJintan.

    I hope you become one~
    Oneesans are also adorable!
    Cause Madoka is awesome!
    You watched pokemon best wishes?
    Why you so pro? Why you know all this awesome stuffs? Why i so noob?/me bows down to Nemu chan.
    No ice arrow? I will try on AI tmr~

    Maple is boring when play alone.
    Nemu chan is master in dota!
    Nah, majority siblings relationship is like that, always fighting. So still a loli. Sa~~
    No idea which group you are in >_>, so many groups~
    Grinding is still boring though, not to mention stuffs like ksers >_>.
    They are called hidden closets for a purpose!
    Shoutacon spotted~ I wonder if there is deeper meaning to Menma's wish.

    But you played yuri games!
    It is true that you love imoutos!
    >_>........... I just love madoka anime, any problem with that?
    I want to hug Tooru again after 07~
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