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  • Well, they look prettier in the game :p.
    That is true~
    Your imouto since you mention taking care of her. Nvm, you imocon!
    The person you taking to now~
    Uhh yea, but translating is hard job!
    You can't read kanjis?
    At least it isn't bad, so you shoudl be proud of being an imocon and lolicon!
    PC games o_O. Recommend me pro gamer~ How many anime you following this season?

    Hard to explain. Yuri relationships are sorta sacred and holy AND THEY ARE ADORABLE! Too bad then~ Played any translated yuri VNs?
    Heh, I played maple story before! G-cash users make me envy them!
    At least more than me~
    How old is she?o_O Marry your imouto then~
    An idiot name Kou.
    When was the last time you played a VN?
    Hearing is easier, VN jap language is harder most of the time. Dialogues is always much easier, VNs contain quite a bit of narratives and don't forget DEM KANJIS.
    I don't see anything bad, so it must be good!
    Ahh, what i mean is no money = no consoles~

    Uuu~ Okay then ;_;. But yuri is still awesome! :P
    I haven't wasted a single dime in games :p.
    I only played VNs all the time. But you seem like you played a lot of games since you are knowledgeable about them.
    Then marry early :P.
    Not bad o_O. Finished G senjou and sharin no kuni?
    Much more difficult, the amount of text in VN is a lot and can take years to finish.
    Varies on different views and peoples. You find lolicon and imocon a bad thing?
    Mainly still goes back to $$.

    But? Being a yuri fan is awesome. Join us!
    /endures hit and gives yuri goggle.
    Cash is faster though. bad point of grinding = wasting time~
    Uuu~ at least pro than me >_>.
    See? Just wait till you experience it during your wedding.
    Aww, what VNs have you played?
    Gotta take a while since the game just got released, then again one of the translators working on it is my friend and he can translate quite fast.
    Uuu~ being a imocon and rorikon is not a bad thing >_>.
    Hmm, what problems? Never heard of having many problems~

    You said adorable! It is the 1st step to become a yuri fan!
    /me pulls Nemu chan back.
    Grindans still take time unless you use cash to lvl up!
    That is still sugoi, Nemu chan pro gamer!
    How to describe eh? Young couple is shy so relatives keep making fun of them~
    *points to self*
    Well, it has the most potential to be best VN this year. Up till now, I don't see any or the ones i played can take that spot yet. Yes, you done with it?
    Here is a patch for the web trial
    Uuu~ Nvm, you still is for me, even you deny it.
    Nothing~ Just envy cause i don't have any consoles. Getting 3ds?

    Why? Yuri is a holy and scared thing. They are adorable too.
    /me turns Nemu chan into yuri.
    Well, very time consuming and so slow lvling up!
    But you still play a lot~
    Hilarious wedding when it involves a young couple xD.
    Here is one~
    No idea on release date, just saw some announcement, there are quite a few series announced.
    Aiyoku no eustia! (haven't started translating) Played planetatian?
    Prove it?xD But you are one, it is a fact.
    You got a psp?;_;

    Uhh, rabu rabu between girls give out that aura!
    Yuri is awesome. You should love it!
    I think there are rather rapid undersea cables now so its np. Even MYM were an european Team with an American member (not for long because it was difficult to train wit hthe timezone ^^).
    I don't like grindans and MMOs. Woah, you are an avid gamer than what i thought.
    Good boy doesn't mean no problems, then again i am too nice till being exploited.
    Wedding is tmr >_>
    I am very stupid ;_;.
    Lol, they are going to have another kind of Madoka spin off in a slice of life setting.
    Yes. English translated ones?
    Just admit you are an imocon!
    The oreimo psp game has Kuroneko ending =).

    Working fine. I can sense yuri aura!
    You don't like yuri? MORE!
    What games do you suggest? Dota every day is hardcore for me already~
    Good boy but still encounter lots of shit >_>.
    Well, it is really early to marry at that age~ Then, my common sense sucks too. << AWESOME SHIT! May be :P Madoka play guitar?lol
    Hmm, i guess so~
    I love oneechans and others more though~ /me is lazy to dig through all the past VMs.
    Cause you are one?o.o Support relationship between Kuroneko and Kyosuke. Must be nekomimi and Hana Kanazawa.

    No, it is fine. See yuri goggles working good.
    /me take another one out!
    I meant as room to meet up not to play. Well I am again in that room maybe if today (saturday) you visit Garena you can meet me there
    I don't do any hardcore gaming, only VNS so i don't need high specs~ *looks at Nemu chan the hardcore dotaer*
    Uuu, I am been a good boy >_>.
    Hmm, what specific reasons? They marry out of love though and this is a suitable time, not out of rush or whatever reasons. Then again I won't know since I don't even been in a relationship before!
    Mami told Madoka to wish for a cake in epi 3, it was mostly a joke though. Madoka tea time, the slice of life school version of madoka!
    Still not out yet :P. Hesitate to dl HS version.
    Okay with most of them, like a few moe ones. I saw it, so it counts~
    Too tsun! I shipped Kyosuke and Kuroneko! Why Kuroneko so moe?

    *puts on yuri goggles* Hmm, i sense yuri between you and your imouto!
    OR you can post me a Pm here on AS I check it regularly. We can have fun with new Patch.
    I am online today (Friday) my Nick is GnS.Zera in Eurpe 1v1 2v2 high level Room (first Room) we can meet there
    Hi I noticed u play Dota like me, maybe you wanna play in Garena or Dotaleague or something?

    Me Garena Nick GnS.Zera. Or I can come Bnet but meh
    still haven't decide but my budget is small.
    Troubles leads to understand the world? o_O
    He's 22 years old. Hmm depends. What kind of reasons are you thinking?
    WHAT! Cake, tea parties, houkago tea time! Episode 3 Mami did suggest her to wish for a cake!
    HS subs kinda uhh incorrect for translations so i use Commie version. Yay! I make you laugh!
    Well, some lolis like A channel or Erio is moe~ I saw it so it is counted~
    Well, she can get a little annoying sometimes >_>. Saw the new oreimo episode? More Kuroneko! And !!!!

    What did you do to your imouto? Σ(゜д゜,)
    I want to change a new one though! No need to reformat now?
    Sometimes i wish all the troubles will fly away!
    Seeing my cousin marrying (1yrs older than me) next week makes me feel pathetic/lousy lol.
    Yes, yuri goggles for seeing subtle yuri moments (e.g madoka and homura hugging in the last pic xD). May be madoka should wish for cake in the last epi!
    Yea, dakimura. Already ugly, you don't wanna make me even weirder! Just put somewhr hidden~
    Ya.... waiting for subs for epi 4! More Feris nyan nyan and Mayushi duturu~
    Depends. Cause you are! Proof is hidden far inside our VMs.
    Well, ppl says she tsuns like a bitch. Kuroneko is superior! More intelligent, smart and adorable. DEM NEKOMIMIS! New episode = more kuroneko dere goodness!

    Uwa~ Tell me!
    Mine is like 4 years! Tsk, did you do something bad?
    Hai hai! But life sucks >_>
    Ok, roneryfag.jpg. ;_;
    Yes, i have yuri goggles! Yuri between oneechan and imouto? Madoka eating cakes and having tea party aka K-ON!
    I hug my cartoon pillow when i slp! I keep a pinku ribbon in my pocket~
    Kurisu = jap version, Christina = american version! I thought it was a girl's name.
    Some lolis are moe like Erio (denpa onna). It is a fact that you are a lolicon and imocon!
    Most ppl call here bitchdere lol. Oh new episode of Oreimo! More Kuroneko!

    Isn't it true?o_O Then, what are you busy with?
    How old is your com? Uwa! You still dota! You pro dota addict!
    I am working albeit my pay is lower than the usual job pay.
    Hope so~
    Yuri is the best! More like Madoka in a slice of life setting so called Madomagi Sketch!
    You want all plushy! /me follow churchofmadoka twitter and buy a pink ribbon tmr.
    Okabe x Kurisu = funniest pair. Kurisutina = Christina, sounds alike. Erio *sparkles*. Nah, may be i will watch 2 episodes each time. I am watching more than i planned ._.
    Heh, that makes you a moe fan, not a lolicon! Lolicons are more extreme!
    Hmm, Kirino is in the stfu category?

    Stuffs like taking care of imouto and dotaing?>_>
    What happen to you com? Virus?
    I have no consoles at all and so poor xDD.
    Ok then, I will wait for someone if there is any at all lol.
    What? King Madoka and Queen Homura? That means no yuri!
    I thought you want a Kyubey plushie........
    Enjoy more mayushi! No time...... now after watching epi 2 of denpa onna, don't want to put for marathon, Erio too moe (probably most moe this season).
    How to like lolis?o_O
    Everything is opposite in 3D, thats why 2D >3D. Real life imoutos are >_>.

    I thought ppl in a relationship is always busy o_O.
    I prefer to lose~ Slow line is something I don't want. IYAAAAAAAN~
    I not GOD like Keima. Besides, I don't have any console like PFP PSP and etc. I only have 1 laptop >.<.
    I should change my looks!
    How is madoka?Jesus Madoka died for our sins. Our prophet is Homura, she is our leader and our Saviour. Join the Church of Madoka now.
    Uwaa, going to watch today? Hmm, may be i will put denpa onna for marathon~
    Cause I am dumb and not a lolicon! Only lolicon understand what lolis are good for~
    Heh, actually from VN experience, Imouto tends to be more controlling and jealous~ Oneesans are more understanding and reliable, doesn't force you :p.

    Ponytails>Twintails! Busy dating? :P
    Can't even load google when it goes full emo!
    o_O you mean Keima? If it is, that is technically impossible.
    Learn how i ugly i am ;_;. Don't know what i am lacking though LOL.
    HOW IS MEGUCA?????
    :eek: pervert~ j/k. still don't understand anything with epi 3?
    LOLICON! So many lolicons, i need to turn everyone into oneecons!
    Hmm, no idea about 3D LOL. Older girls are more reliable and mature (referring to 2D).

    Ponytails are awesome! You seem very busy ;_;.
    Emo line just like mine?XD
    Sounds impossible! Hmm, still no idea what to put for marathon >.<
    Fail lots of time and fail horribly. Just another loser here ;_;.
    Just finish watching Madoka live stream, oh wow SO EPIC!
    Lol, well just follow it if you like it and everything will make sense a lot in the end. Mayuri is so moe~
    Yes, i understand what loli means but i don"t understand what is so good about lolis!
    Oneechans are kawaii and moe. They are so reliable <3.

    I like long hairs better. You watching Anohana and HanaIro?
    How sucky? My line can suck till I load google for 15 secs~
    I need to marathon VN too!
    So low cause i failed so many times!
    You watch Madoka for the moe? I watch for the story~ TODAY IS THE DAY WHEN THE HEAVENS SHINE AND MADOKA AIRS!
    It is going to be very confusing :P.
    Hmm, try turn me into one!
    More oneechans!

    I wonder what are you going to rewatch/replay O_O. You don't like that pic? She needs to put her hair down more!
    Cause other countries line connection sucks hard?:P
    Lets seeeeeeee, class in the morning, work in the evening and chores at night. Nichijou epi 3 was funny, no idea now what to marathon. Suggestions?
    Heh, 2D is my life for now.. What kind of stats?
    Is Madoka worth watching? It is basically like that! One of the best written stories for me because how everything connects itself and make sense in the end. I can only spoil and say everything is there for a reason!
    Enjoy the comedy for now!
    Not hate, just okay with it! Trying to turn me into a rorikon o_O?
    Uuu, just because I like oneechans and not lolis?;_:

    What VN you wanna replay? You mean this?lol
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