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  • That is general fact :P.
    Hah, time is squeezed to death! Hmm, may be Nijichou on marathon?
    Probably still a long time to go, for now 2D! Level up in?o_O
    Heh, I think the infodump is very subtle, distributed all over and mixed with comedy. Actually they cut a lot of infodump especially Kurisu sensei lecture/debate against Okabe about 11 science time travel theories which might take 1 whole episode to explain. As i said, you don't want the whole episode is about ppl debating xD.
    Want some tiny little spoilers about the direction the anime will take?
    I like lolis, oneechans, ponytails, yamato nadeshiko and etc.

    Heh for anime or VN? Not enough hot pants! Oh well, milly is moe too.
    SG or Malaysian since i thought SG has better line than most asian countries :P.
    There is never any free time lol, still deciding which to marathon!
    Not all, but may be most? Confidence is hard to increase!
    Hmm, may be S;G is too complicated for you, it is a science mystery anime. Personally, i advise to stay until may be episode 8+ (if it follows the game) before dropping. S;G is not everyone's cup of tea.
    The animu already cut a lot of words actually, then again the character's interactions are funny.
    Nuuu, i not rorikon! I like oneechans ;_;.

    Yea, you could put it that way :P. How is Dog days episode 3 for you?
    Uwa, line connection these two days is so bad.
    Anime don't wait for us ;_;. It will pile up like a mountain.
    Girls don't approach me (ugly), I am shy and in-confidence >_>.
    S;G has a lot of talking, more like intense talking, also got a fair bit of action~
    Uuu, that is the description/summary/premise for the animu :P. If i wanna really spoil, it would take a lot of pages cause it is very complicating.
    you find loli cute =/= you like loli =/= you lolicon xD. OH GOD denpa onna is also good, Erio is cute (not a lolicon)

    Well, i play them again after a long time not every day~ Some VN stories are that good and unique that you cannot find anywhr else so it is worth it for replaying.
    Lol, shitty third world country >_>.
    I guess i manage time well o_O. Don't know how though for this season, so many VNs and animus.
    Yea, don't talk much to gals irl.
    Nah, the whole episode just about talking which will be boring xD. Ok i spoil you now, actually S;G is about time travelling! :P
    Hmph, I am not lolicon, I only find them moe! Oh god so many animu i wan to follow, so little time.

    Well, complicated VNs are harder to understand, you need to play a few times cause you might miss details. Of course, some stories are so epic and memorable that i replay them quite a bit.
    Uwa, sry for late reply, 1 day no eletricity and 1 day of no internet.
    Cause after study is work ;_;.
    I wa very shy person irl.
    It might not even appear in the anime. You don't want talking heads for the whole episode :P. You want me to spoil you?
    Lolicon spotted! Time for hidan no aria.

    /me gives Nemu chan chocolates.
    I do replay VNs especially my favorite ones. I might miss something when playing the Rewrite trial or you get noticed new things when you get new info xD.
    At least you don't need to work!
    YES!!!!!!! Then again, human beings can never be satisfied, i will probably ask for more later, better holiday every day!
    I am not good at socializing to be honest especially irl, i changed completely on the net though o_O.
    Nah, there are more details and far more complicated, S;G can't be spoiled with a few sentences :P.
    *crosses finger on 2nd season* Going to follow lotte no omocha?

    /me gives Nemu chan a hug.
    Only 2 more months till rewrite. I should go play the trial again to spot some hints/connection to the OP.
    B-B-But.... enjoy life before working :P.
    I don't mind an extra day (must be holiday though).
    They must think i am talkative!
    Nah, some are exaggerated, some science theories that pop out later do exist like black hole theory.
    Nijichou epi 2 felt less funnier. I hope if there is going to be Yumekui season 2, they stick to the manga.

    I think I already got a favorite girl, the dual-welding gun heterochromia girl xD.
    How come you are not having fun?>_>
    May be the Earth will rotate slower in the future, more days!
    Hmm good idea but no girls ever phone me xD, only I phone them~
    Yea, everything in S;G and C;H is from real world, as in settings (buildings), science theories and etc. They all actually exist.
    Madoka airs in 21th with 2 episodes back to back.

    I want short-cuts, Too bad there isn't any.
    For action stories, yea. Well characters are the still the most important for Key stories.
    I think i have more fun being a kid. Kid is relaxing~
    Could do quite a lot of stuffs like chores and studies >_>.
    Probably I am shy seeing girls or talking to girls face to face. I am more daring in the net xD.
    May be the content might be too depressing and you know the disaster that hit Japan.
    See my post in the S;G anime thread :P.
    They are different standalone stories. C;H is about delusions, S;G is about time travel. They are related to science though.
    Tooru so mooooooooooooeeeeeeee`

    Learn that my jap still suck, can't translate >_>.
    Well, both of them are not known as action VN writers~
    Eh, didn't mean that actually :P. I want go back to a kid.
    May be an additional 2 hours will be nice.
    Shy towards girls, I guess this is my nature lol.
    Apparently, MBS station delayed it cause of the content.
    The VN is very good, god's game! It is very confusing later, then if you follow my post in the S;G anime thread, then you shouldn't be confused too much. S;G VN is like a rollercoaster.

    *lvls up and learn infinite knowledge skill*
    Must be Kyoani though! Action is easier to animate than written.
    Being a kid is relaxing and easy >_>.
    24 hours a day is not enough ;_;.
    I am shy :P.
    Spam mails to Shaft then xD.
    Watching those 3 as well, though I am most excited about Stein;Gates since i played that game (one of my favorites).
    Still haven't finalized the list yet.

    Well, not all ppl know these stuffs~
    Only know some, still need to increase VN lvls!
    Just hope it will be good and may be an anime later~
    Lol, i want to repeat them! I wan holidays! Been a long time since i have holidays.
    Too much work ;_;.
    No idea! Awkward is awkward! Whats with the hmm? What i said was true though >_>.
    Still no confirmed date on Madoka lol.
    Never heard it before~ What new anime have you watched?

    From other companies and doujin circles.
    Romeo Tanaka wrote cross channel which was good. Ryuukishi07 wrote umineko which was good in the beginning then the later part was random and very bad, he uses a lot of non logical stuffs.
    AB = anime. Writing and animating action is a whole lot different. Writing action scenes need to be very detail and accurate compare to animating action which is easier.
    I want my childhood back~
    You must teach me!
    Nah, more like awkward. I haven't even had a date before! Didn't watch hentai~
    Your kyubey plushie?:P
    I choke when i saw the selamat pagi part, never expect to see local language in an animu lol.
    Talk about who then?xD Gossips!

    Well, the two writers working on Rewrite are not key writers. Jun Maeda isn't involved in the story, only the music.
    One is a good writer, other writer's last story was a trainwreck.
    They are putting a big risk by shifting genre. Still hope rewrite will be a popular hit, I love action stories.
    ! I want to learn piano too, and guitar. But it's definitely nice to have a dream, a dream to be a musician :)
    It's gonna take a few years at the very least to save up enough to be able to travel around the world. Lol. The movie hop is good! E.B young that time so cute >"<
    Uuu, you are the first to agree with me, most of the ppl say sch is harder than work then again they haven't work yet :P.
    You so pro in enjoying, I am sure you can enjoy later also~
    Well i downloaded one long time ago out of curiosity, then stop watching about 5 mins in. I also skip H in my VNs lolol. I guess I am kinda weird >_>.
    Heh, just hope is not another bakemonogatari delayed for 1 year. Well, I like random gag anime and Selamat pagi HAHAHA.
    He will probably tsun and deny again.

    Brush teeth~
    Not sure about Key switching genre to action. The story is not written by Jun Maeda who wrote clannad and etc. There is one good writer and one bad writer in Rewrite. Well, i like action stories so i hope it will be good but don't expect too high.
    I still prefer sch over work though xD.
    Uuu~ I don't enjoy life as much as you do >_>.
    Lol, too be honest I never touch hentai anime/OVA before.
    It is rumored to air on late April. Nijichou anime is hilarious!
    Hardly count as acting when he keeps tsun most of the time.

    Only a few sweets per week for me. Rewrite VN comes out in June.
    Not sure about anime. It is possible in the future, they even advertise the VN in TV which is like the first time for a VN.
    The OP movie already look like an anime lol.
    Same, yea not interested in what i am studying, but still this is life!
    Nemu chan seems to enjoy life easy~
    *looks at self* I am completely normal today~
    Uuu, good then xD. Well can't deny most ppl play VNs for the *ahem*.
    Good luck in exams. Still no madoka! sadfrog.jpg
    Not acting when everything he says are the same and keep tsun~

    A lot o_O. /me noms chocolate.
    Tell me xD.
    Hmm, there's not much to do outside.
    Nothing, I am normal. I still get that vibe from you xDD.
    Most ppl would stereotype us into pervert category for playing VNs >_>.
    Uuu, 20+mins per day ain't hard. Spring anime starts next week.
    From the conversations and everyone pointing out he is tsun~

    Ahh, I meant how many sweets you take per week xD.
    Nemu chan is so nice >"< So what's your plan for the future then since you want to do what you can before it's too late lol.
    I intend to actually travel around the world after I work and saved up enough of money. That's one of my plans for my future heh, must discover as much as possible. The real world outside with their wonders.
    Sadly it's gonna take few years to actually save up that much in the future ._. What bout ya? Curious to know ;D
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