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  • Well my family like to travel a lot so..I usually end up everywhere o.o
    I don't remember that much of it but I had some fun over there. Had some tea at random stranger's house :3

    My safety goggles will protect me! :evillaugh:
    I totally thought you were serious :/
    I've been there! :runhappy: But that was like..6 years ago >_>
    I'd love to go back sometime soon though. Ima stare through your window if I do.. :ninja:
    An hour apart D: I'm not lazy or anything but even I wouldn't travel back and forth that many times. I'll have to settle with internetz too >_>
    Are you..from Indonesia? Just a random guess o.o
    We got scolded for spamming where we shouldn't xD
    There are only a few I use frequently..6 or so..

    I live very close to the..uhm..what do you call it, City? City center? Along those lines :3
    I've lived in the same neighborhood for as long as I live in the Netherlands. We moved a 2 times but only like 10 min away from our old house. Just a bigger/newer complex I guess.

    City center (with the shopping malls and theaters and such) is like..10min by public transport away from me, the beach is 15min away from me, my 6 best friends live 7-10min away from me.
    Got everything I need very close by <3
    Origami, nice :0 I can fold a frog, a butterfly and a crane but that's it :3

    In all my years on this forum..I think I've used that onion like..3 items at most >_>
    I like :runhappy: and :casserole: a lot <3
    Yea that!

    Well..that doesn't help me much :3
    I piece of paper could make you go like that for all I know xD
    Random drop by :3
    We haven't talked much outside of LPW so..ima stalk your profile now :x

    I dun even know what stuff you like and.. I DUNNO, random stuff! :ohnoes:

    EDIT: Unless it's a bother.. :deadsad:
    yeah, the steam winter sale is usually around Christmas.

    Flash sales are the lowest the prices will go, won't go any cheaper.

    Fallout 3 is a good good game also, it's by the same developers that made Skyrim, it should be cheap during the sale. It's a huge open world game like Skyrim, but instead of having a fantasy type setting, it's set in Washington D.C. 200 years after a nuclear war devastated Earth's population. So you are pretty much walking around a wasteland.
    War for Cybertron is good, so is Fall of Cybertron.

    Another thing to do is to wait till the last day of the summer sale (June 30th) they should have all their best games on sale the final day for the Summer Encore Sale. That's what they usually do
    Another thing about Skyrim is that it's a game that requires you to invest a lot of time into it, it's not the type of game that you can only play 20-30 minutes at a time. So that's something to consider if you don't play games a lot.
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