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  • Thought I'd VM you, cuz it's off topic.

    "Who is JLau :reallyconfused:"

    Jennifer Lawrence. There was a massive celebrity nude leak a few days ago because some hacker cracked the iCloud service from Apple. Don't tell me you missed that? xD
    Did you see the new Doctor Who?
    I just changed it only a few hours ago lol.

    Also new stickers! :444831: :444829: :444833: :444832:
    Oo-er, I guess there are people like that. I used to copy the game files off games I borrowed from the public library
    So I went to the redbox (It's a little machine they have all over the US that lets you rent movies and games) to rent a movie, and a game, and this is the game I got :/ Whoever had it last photocopied the game, and tricked the machine into thinking they returned it since the photocopy has the barcode.

    Thanks for your visiting message, maybe in the future, also I am very busy with learning stuff. I don't know what your activities are. I mean what you do in your free time...so maybe you watch anime, draw manga or read manga. But it's nice to meet you ^^.
    I have to design also a new header and background for UFU i have to many things lately that i done... :(

    i feel to much pressure from many sides!

    I see also many changes here... many people left Nazaka isn't arround any more?
    Madsova also?

    Man the older members are leaving slowly the forum.
    Thank god yes I figure out from where i can attend to a university in Germany (Berlin) For a Master Diploma of architecture i will just going there by plane 3 times per month.

    Lately i am so tired in many respects so i thought i should take it more easy at this August.
    well it's getting to crowded here i want something more relaxed more quietly ;)

    I am still working my sets and i am also uploading them here and at UFU forum where i am member.

    For now things is cool i am a bit tired tho i have many responsibility with family business and many staff so my time is limited... :(
    yo how are you?

    Well i am not coming here lately :) Just only to update the renders & signatures threads with new art :)

    So how is it going?
    US citizens have always been allowed to own guns since the country was created. Gun violence hasn't been a issue in the US until maybe the last 20 years, so I believe the issue isn't guns, it's a change in our society/morals that's the problem. And disarming every US citizen isn't a realistic goal, our government doesn't have the manpower to achieve that goal. Not to mention that can easily trigger some very violent organized protest. Some cities allow citizens to voluntarily surrender their guns, and the city gives them money in exchange. Some people turned in military rocket launchers in that program, no idea how they got those D:

    That being said, the states/cities in the US that allow citizens to carry concealed guns with them have seen a drastic decease in crime, I guess criminals think twice now knowing everyone has a gun.

    I believe citizens in the US should be able to carry firearms, however, I think a mandatory gun safety class should be required whenever someone purchases a firearm, and parents should lock up their firearms at all times. Most shootings are from kids that got a hold of their parents/relatives firearm that was just laying on a table.
    If it has bad grammar I tend to abort after a few sentences. :P

    Even ones with good spelling and grammar, I often leave them a list of mistakes at the end (and hope they want to fix them). The best fanfictions tend to be ones where the author actually plans it like they would a normal story, rather than just getting excited with an idea and jumping in, which normally ends in boredom/disaster/dead fic. Series like Naruto are nice too because they have a great sandbox environment with a... less than magnificent original story.

    Sometimes I just treat it like crack when I want to see more of the characters I like. >_>;;;;
    I always cheat when I can :P
    I think Japanese has 1945 kanji or something.
    Yeah it's beautiful, but when it comes to actually learning it it's not practical at all.
    I don't have trouble telling them apart, I have trouble learning them. There are too many.
    Btw those 2 might be too advanced for me, I only know about 150-200.
    Well my Japanese isn't that good so I have to read the translated ones.
    Kanji are a real problem.
    Uhh, sorry for being a creeper, but I noticed this on T's page: "Hmm I'm not a fan of fanfiction no matter the series... official story is all that matters."

    Just thought I'd mention that was exactly my stance on fanfiction for a good many years, until one day I finally gave in to someone's suggestion and sat down to read a good one. The nice thing about fanfiction is you basically can get a sandbox setting, and then make something unique out of it. Less work for authors because you have so much to work with already, and less work for readers because you're already familiar with characters/setting.
    Personally I love the ones where they either make everything ridiculous, or make some of the characters (generally the protag and villain) as smart as possible.

    That aside, I still almost cringe when I tell people I'm reading fanfiction.

    He was created in a unofficial Transformers story, the Decpticons attacked the Autobots with all of their combiners, and the Autobots were all about to be destroyed. In a last ditch effort they had the Dinobots combine, but apparently when they combine they can not recognize friend from foe, and just attack everyone in sight. The Dinobot combiner destroyed all the Decipticons attacking, and then started to destroy the Autobots, so they had no choice but to destroy him.

    Yeah, she is my favorite character from Kill La Kill!

    I just started watching Girl Und Panzer, it's okay so far.
    I believe their is a unofficial Dinobot combiner, but I wish they would make a official one.
    Oh? What expectations would that be?
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