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  • The thing with the API link? Yeah, I heard of it. Will look into it, when I actually won the lottery.
    i dont know, if i can say that the problem is solved, but at least i can play with wlan connection. still have to find out what to do about lan.
    ok.. here is the problem. vpn doesnt work with my lan. but it works with my wlan for some reason.
    kk, need help. tried entering kantai lottery, setting up the vpn and the timezone. cleared cache and all. still keep getting the area error. =/
    I see no form of retaliation... yet.

    I shall wait patiently. :goodtea:

    Good day to you pichu. Hope all is well on your end~

    Argh... you dare to ask if I'm alright... you fiend...

    You've crossed into renano oujo-sama's territory now. No mercy.
    /me is in a frantic state and chants how surprising the events have become so intimate and fast どうしよう!?



    I accept!

    /me gets poisoned

    That is true. This lack of interaction only makes me want to glomp you more. For now, I shall start slow and /me gives a peck on the cheek

    There! Now, we are officially friends.

    Glad you like the dessert. A nice sweet treat can make anyone happy... unless they're sick, but that's another story.

    Let's have more fun and make more pleasant memories.

    Hello my dear pichu~

    All this time and I haven't befriended you! I am so ashamed... 。゜(`Д´)゜。

    Let's be good friends! Perhaps, even better than before!

    Please have something sweet for a wonderful person such as yourself.

    And yes, you are wonderful. You keep the chats lively, funny, and insightful.

    See you around~

    Yeah I thought the spoon thing was pretty amazing. Plus, he still has quirkiness left in him.
    And I saw plot for the next few episodes, seems like it will be good.
    I have plenty of time *sadface*
    I never actually visited any Doctor Who website.
    Capaldi is one of my favorite doctors so far. I can't wait for the next episode.
    Yeah that's what I was thinking. It could also have some connection with "heaven".
    Did you watch the new episode?
    Yeah that's driving me nuts.
    I hope his new companion is pretty (◕‿◕✿)
    I don't feel like it. It's better to leave it as a surprise I think.
    They put quite a bit of mystery in those 2 episodes, you know, with the "heaven" thing?
    How does infa know that she's leaving the show?
    Well it turned out rather well. And I'm really glad they kept Clara Oswald as his companion, because I like her the most. The first 2 episodes were great but I'd rather wait until more episodes come out.
    Exactly. Regarding that, I have a very fitting image.

    As for the cinema thing: No, not for free unfortunately. I pay €19 (around $25) a month for this membership pass. And with that I can go to the movies as many times as I like.
    I also get 25% off of Food/Drinks you can buy there. The price might seem a bit high but considering that nowadays movie tickets over here are €10,
    you only need to go to the movies twice a month to get your money out of it. As all my close friends have the same pass, we go to the movies a lot saving us a lot of money.
    It's like 50/50 for me. But I gotta say that most of today's English songs are..kinda crappy.
    But I do watch a lot of movies since I have a unlimited access to the cinema.
    I care very little for the celebrities themselves however.
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