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  • Wishing you a happy new year!
    明けましておめでとうございます!(Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!)

    yeah, the gameplay seems to be solid which I expected since it was created by the team behind the Bayonetta games. It's getting good reviews for that, and for the overall presentation, but still, a 3-4 hour campaign seems a bit slim imo. I will wait for a nice price drop. Plus no Decepticon campaign :( I wanted to step on Autobots with Devastator lol.
    Read online that the Transformers: Devastation game is only 3 hours long and doesn't have a separate Decepticon campaign :( doesn't seem worth the $50. I'll wait for a decent price drop. I'll bet they will release the Decepticon campaign as a pricey DLC though :/
    Happy Birthday!! 。:+.゜ヽ(*′ω`)ノ゙。:+.゜
    OOOO Japan. Take me with you, I fit in a suitcase XD
    I'm going to Dubai tomorrow for a week ^^ Looking forward to it but not the heat..currently it's about 45 celcius on average >_>

    So yea, see ya in a week then, Adios~!
    Yea I know =[
    Lots of work lately and working some extra hours as well. Going on holiday next week so all the extra money is welcome :3
    I hope so! But I think, not really because I do have a looooot of other works to do too. Aish. .___."
    Maybe I can online for 3/4 days only per week. Better than never though. >_< Oh yea, any new anime you watch? ^_^
    Ahahaa.. yeah. Sorry about that! (Actually I even forgot that I have an account on this site) ;__; Now I am having a looooooooong break. I finished my foundation so I have like 4/5 months 'til I further my studies in degree. ^^"
    hello there! how are you? (i hope you are still there!)
    sorry for the extreeeeeeeeme tardiness in replying your vm ;////;
    i was very busy with uni stuff that i can hardly visit this site.
    btw, based on your previous message.. you told me you are a boring person? hahaha i bet of you heard about my life, i am more broing than you. >_<
    Currently watching Shigatsu Kimi wa Uso.
    I-I'm scared for the feels coming my way soon :deadsad:
    Love it though, didn't expect it to be this good.
    hmm... Maikaze is better than Hiashimochi~. Change Hishimochi for Maikaze~~!!


    「もう日本語を諦めようか」が正解。 :evillaugh:
    Though I went more than 50 times to 3-3, she didn't emerge... :(
    I bring up duplicate rare DD now, too. You should decide the priority to bring up by the equipment with the remodeling? Did you not say that Sonars and Depth Charges were insufficient?
    And.. I think that you should bring up Fubuki to bring Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director.

    私もダブったレア駆逐艦の育成中です。育てる優先度は、改造で持ってくる装備で決めればいいんじゃない? ソナーや爆雷が不足していると言ってなかった?

    Wow, congrats Maikaze~!
    I'm so jealous. :traitor:
    Where did you obtain her?

    I wonder if I should not make post for a while... Tired...


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