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  • I just eat (or more like devoured?) the Light Novel Gekkou today and I will strongly recommend it to you. I sincerely bowed and said "Thank you for the food" after I finished reading it. I won't spoil anything so just give it a read, it won't disappoint you.
    Ok sooo it was complicated for me but I'll give you the abc's~
    Uploaders can post wtv if it happens to be from another source other than asl. ASL would have to upload for an asl re-up request.
    sooo you could take a request if you manage to find it elsewhere~ and you don't have to worry about whether or not asl already has it.
    Whether or not they're asking asl directly doesn't matter, you could still try if you want XD
    ASL had V0 of the rewrite ost (which was why I was waiting~). idt that person mentioned what they wanted in the first place x-x
    soo yep, I usually check the music section daily (often and all~). But hopefully you won't have to wait for me soon. hasn't it been 2 weeks already? x-x lol I might have to remind them
    sorryy I was waiting for another staff/admin to answer about something. I remember reading in the rules about not having multiple threads of the same thing. I'm not sure how this applies x-x I'll find out soon and either unhide or let you know. It might take a while since idk when they're on x-x
    I wanted some motion since I was playing many slice-of-life type of VNs, and I like a good amount of action once in a while...I already made up some ideas for an original fanfic I have had in mind for quite a while already. A little chunni you could say...well, there are battles with Universal Gods so...pretty chunni. A lot.
    Though I won't disregard the slap stick comedy type, I have seen probably the same pun already more than 42 times! (and laughed about 24 times...) but still a change is good from time to time. Or maybe is the characters that annoys you? Try some translated Light Novels, and go for the epic protagonist to give you a different feeling from the average-guy type from most VNs.
    Translating VNs is indeed quite tiring starting from the raw one..."back in my days" (this is for anyone who read Medaka Box) I searched for a translation of the game Ikusa Megami Verita, and read how troublesome it was due to the long story and the problematic words used, and when I actually played the game, I feel pity for anyone trying to work in that alone. I'll probably feel tired from the demo alone. So you could say translators and uploaders are like the saints from this era.
    Sorry man I got a little busy these days, but I kinda understand your hate for that subject, since mine is directed to "environment"....I mean, sow some trees is good...well it was only one but yeah, I think is not that bad but if you really want to make some change for the climatic change, one tree is pretty much worth nothing. But try to make an old-type teacher to understand that....it makes you Arrrgg!!!

    Benkei's route is a maybe?!:enraged: That should be top priority! My only reason to play A-1! What kind of mentality...?! Well, let me calm down a little :dispirited: I should not say much, since they are going to the trouble of making a translation...I understand and respect all those people from anime/manga/light novel/visual novel translations and pretty much admire them...but leaving Benkei's route on maybe is like going to a restaurant that specializes in meat, and ask for a salad. That's the feeling I get. Seems like I'll still keep to the translator engines. I almost finally finished Shinonome's route from Princess Style but I may qualify it with a 6 maybe. The writing didn't feel good (and with a translator...) but mostly the route itself, since it's first the common route and then splits after a little over the half. Yeah, there is a lot of ero-ero but the way they got together was...I didn't understand. So, for that reason I will seek some BOOM BOOM and PEW PEW from Zero Infinity, I think I was at half of the common route. I'll give you my impressions later.
    And I started Sword Art Online...for the third time (manga-anime-light novel). Still pretty good.
    it fails to install the plugin, it might be a different version needed. I might try again later~
    Hmmm, yeah I sometimes get carried away...and I'm really bad when it comes to informal language to reduce words.
    I doubt this late in the game Dies Irae will get a translation, so most you can do is play it with translator, but it get a little easy since the MC is voiced. Aaaaaah, don't remind me more of Majikoi with ITH, since that's how I play that game. Well, if I make memory I have only played G-Senjou and Kamidori in english. Aside from those...either Raw or ITH. I may re-play some of the Raw ones in the future now that I know of the translators.
    Light Novels enter in the culture of books right?! Because the quantity I have read is quite...and here is when you figure out my addictive personality.
    A troll profesor? Don't worry, that kind is everywhere, so it's not really that much to rage for. I as well prepared once a presentation about "Opera" for some Art classes in the first semester and I put all I have there since it was last project and even bring some "Music Opera" from the classical to the recent years "Rock Opera". And what did he do? "Out of time, lend me the usb, *fast check*, oks you got full mark" I was gonna scream that I was already prepared to present it, but since I got full mark I let slip and got something to eat. I was hungry that day. The confused rage added some spice to the food.
    And for some reason, Anime-Sharing didn't let me put the two messages below in one only. Something about 200characters only...did I bug something again?!
    Since the beginning I'm pretty fond of reading, in a summer some years ago I read around 16-20 books from Isaac Asimov about the serie of the Fundation, all in PDF and in the laptop. You can imagine how annoyingly was to get in one position while reading...I sometimes found myself reading upside down. And another thing I mostly love about the VNs is that you can pretty much choose which heroine to follow...there are way too many annoying tsundere loli winning the harem race, and they annoy me as their name suggest. I prefer the Yamato Nadeshiko! But yeah, I mostly can see them that way, the only thing they lack is for them to be completely voiced (even the comments and thoughts) and people may love that. Of course, with some more animation, but that completely ends turned into an anime and loses that which difference the both of them. So let's hope they get going the way it is for now. No wait, let's f*cking ask for some better stories and not only nukiges and chara-ge! I seriously want some other VNs in the level of Senjou no Maou or Dies Irae. :desire:
    Well I have quite of a Chunnibyou from time to time...which is making me think of a fanfic I was trying to write, but there is so much chunni in the story even I may get embarrassed if I showed to some one else. And is not something really bad, but when we were playing D&D for the first time, and I tried to create a background for my character my friend said: "No Gods, Demon Kings, Angels, Sci-fi shit, universal entities, time travels, doctor who or references, etc etc" and I was :forsaken: . Still, I kinda understand, I tend to blow thing out of control when I was trying to tell a story. Not good in that part...and about the Oreimo message, I'm more of the irreal-raven-haired-big-breasted-bro-con ones-san type. I sometimes wonder how much anime/manga/VN/LN has affected me so far. Then I brush it of caring less than a person does about what an ant would get to eat for tomorrow (unless he works with ants, then that one doesn't count).
    I won't play more Demon's Souls, my supposed new control has cracks on the back side...I should take an anger management course or something around that.
    Of course! Well, that's kinda blasphemy to the producers who put their sweat and souls in making a decent story! ...well some of them. And here I thought playing for the heroine you wanted was kinda bad...But seeing as I'm not the only one, there shouldn't be any more problems. And yeah, I'll mostly use the phrase "Heroine X's route", refers that I completed her route, or I'm on the last part after the climax and there is just icha-rabu. But if I mention the game only and said I completed it at 100%, I'll probably have played the whole game step by step, without skipping any heroine. Though it's really unusual for me to like all the cast, I tend to do it when the story is quite interesting (Tokeijikake could be one of them, it's in process).
    Oh yeah, I finally finished the first 4 translated volumes of the Light Novel Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei and I'd tell you if you got free time (even if it's only five minutes per day) you should totally give it a try. The volume 6 is translated already, but not the 4 one (FUUUUUUUU!). And I checked again and Oreima has 5 volumes translated already, so I'm reading the second right now. It's a little ironically-creepy I have a 14 old annoying sister. Good thing I don't mix reality and virtual...right Captain?! I feel a little bad for that, but that won't stop from reading the Vol. 8 dedicated to Kuroneko!!! when it comes out of course...
    I'll give it try...again. Since I downloaded the game and made an account already...but I finished the download when they were working on the servers...but since that's usual when I play one of those games (In Aion I went through the same incident) I waited and after the repairmen were done I intended once again to login...but it didn't recognize my account! I know I'm cursed, but C'MON! fuuuuuaaaaa.....I'll try again to see if I can play. I decided to install it in the old lap (Win 7 too) and by default it gave me a medium in graphics resolution. Unable to connect to patching server.....Oh yeah, my internet sucks too.

    Jahajahajahajahajaha, I know what you mean, I sometimes even write those horrific ways from the translator in forums or comments but don't worry, there is always a grammar nazi there to correct you. Well, is 9gag after all.
    The problem with me is that I play more for the character in the majority (ALL) of the time, So I hardly complete one VN before leaping to another heroine that catches my interest...but I can make a list and yeah, all the VNs I have played recently are with translator so it's better to keep them after the finals in english.
    Me playing MMORPGs is something...bad. I may have an "addictive" personality so playing something of that kind always tend to end up bad in some other places...but who cares! There is a Mac version for the game, or do they run on different servers? If not, can a lap with 3GB of ram, graphic card less than 512MB and a 1.87GHz of processor (core duo if I remember correctly, I don't have it with me now) run it? Or tell me about the size of the game to see if I can fit it in the Virtual Machine. Having you talking about it and checking their page made me want to give it a try...
    On the Visual Novel's news, I just finished (well almost, I think I only lack come last H-scenes) Mihaya's route in Natsu no Owari no Nirvana (the Raven-haired big breasted suicidal Yamato Nadeshiko) and I gotta say, If you want some pretty dramatic game, you have one there. I almost gave to sweat from my eyes. Not so heavy themes...well that depends on what do you consider heavy themes. But I can easily suggest the game, nice amount of comedy, way more amount of drama and some little icha-rabu. Need more of that. So it's a serious game about 5/8 the time. And I finished Mibu's route (the Silver-haired but of course) from Tokeijikake no Ley Line -Tasogaredoki no Kyoukaisen- and I died because of diabetes given by the excessive amount of Vanilla. A great background of the history that you won't grasp completely without playing all the routes so I need to finish it this week (the game is in the other lap) and continue with the sequel (not fan disk) Tokeijikake no Ley Line -Zan'ei no Yoru ga Akeru Toki-. "Pretty emotional" is the phrase I was looking for the first one, the second has an epic protagonist and the characters are amazing as well. So there you have more VN's recommendations.
    Jahajahajahajaha, I can't really laugh more since I'm probably the same as your friend...when I was playing Dark Souls with another friend, you can only summon to some range according to your level, I said "Yeah, I'll wait for you in SL 50" it was the starting of the week and we were going to play the weekend...we ended up playing at over SL 80 since "someone" was bored and decided to get some trophies so I needed some souls to upgrade weapons and the like...and what happened was that and this and I said one day before "ah yeah, get to SL 80, I level up a little..." and he thought probably the same as you.
    Of course man!:thumbup: Give it your all even though you guys hate french as much as I do, probably. Well, if something interesting comes out in french, I may change opinions...but for now, yeah. I don't play too much...I read too much, but in the iPad (which is probably the same or worst). But I already use glasses so I don't even try to care anymore.
    do you have an explanation for the difference between 320k and an extended version? you should probably have that in your threads.
    Also remember to make a thread before answering a request. (link to thread instead of direct links) This is to help keep track of what's dead and what's not, and to keep re-upload requests together :3
    Don't go down that road, please! I had a friend who tried that game and do you know what he plays now? euphoria. Which is............:spiraldown: Just no, better try some other not-so-fucked-up-game in english, or plainly play with the translator, there are many games out there who won't get a translation and are quite awesome. Of course, you must dig the phases of plain nukiges and un-interested games before reach the diamond ones, just like minecraft.
    I get the MMORPG part, but what does the F2P stand for? I'm pretty noob in those games, my only somehow vast experience comes from Aion and I only reached Lvl 44, but got Skyrim later and quit it. Now I'm expecting my mail from Elder Scrolls Online that says I was selected for the Beta! (thing that won't happen, and even if it does, my mac will have more than one problem trying to running it) but still, I'll get that game once it comes out! ...if I'm not broken by the time it happens...
    usually villains, and sometimes side characters, but I dont remember any of the main heroines dying
    And now I'm getting my ass kicked in the New Game plus....I swear if I continue to play these games, I may awaken to some kind of weird fetish when I like to get punished a lot...Better go to the Vanilla Army! And roll the dice to see if you can get some healing sources. Oh yeah, I just tried some Dungeons and Dragons for the first time with half of the rules (?) maybe, but now I want to write a story for the next time! And I'm a Level 2 Fighter!
    that will stay that way for quite a long time, I'm sure...
    For now, I got most of Erna's route from Mercuria, and you may ask, didn't I say I was playing Relay Broadcast? Well, thing happened here and there and I wanted a sempai so I played Mercuria. I feel no regret whatsoever. Now if you excuse me, I must get a Silver haired heroine...twice :samuraihero:
    Then if we were to compare it with spanish, it could be Mexican (spanish), Spain (spanish) and Argentina (spanish)? Well, even if they are the same, what mostly change are the pronunciations and the definitions. And the words used in the day-to-day. But they are still the same language (more or less) just with variations in some details. The connection I was making between french and spanish was just the way to make a phrase, since that's kinda the problem the people have here with english, since the composition is in the other way in contrast to spanish and french. But that's pretty much my knowledge on languages, so that's why I don't know any German...hell, I haven't even give it a try yet and is my second or maybe my first option for work aside from Japan (yeah, I'll definitely go there at least once in this lifetime! even if I need to go swimming and cross all the Pacific!:samuraihero:).
    DD? Well I give in to Torrents some time before the complete closure of Megaupload back in those times (blame girlcelly and checkmate) but if you want some news on it, try engadget, genbeta or xataka...wait, only the first one is in english at least...well, never mind...

    On an unrelated note, I finally completed Demon's Souls for PS3 for once! And without any help from another player! All by myself! Though I rage quited pretty often in the beginning...and in the medium part...at the end of it, I finally managed to understand why I was shit*ing all over dying and dying and dying....FUUUUUUU! And I signed for the beta version of Elder Scrolls Online (ESO! am I just imaging things or does it look a little like Sword Art Online, SAO? Will I get trapped in the game as well when the complete version gets released?! Am I gonna be a beater?! ...well, if they select me, of course) cross fingers and pray to your local God Slayer.
    Hey, how can you leave Miyako out of the top?! Well I'll need to recall all the girls from Majikoi to make my top but aside from A-1 I don't have any other one installed, so I'll give up for now. But Yoshitsune scaled pretty quickly in my ranking after that part. I'll wait for her game with high expectations.

    Well english is one of the most easy languages out there, and you can practice quite easy with the tons of material in the web, but french is much closer to spanish in composition of the text, I don't know that much of french but I know is quite easy for spanish speakers to learn it (I'm a lazy person and there is nothing that needs my understanding of french), and I don't really know which languages are most related to german so I can't talk about that...
    So how was Benkei's route??? Did you want MOAR?! Isn't she lovely?! She even got jealous of the harem Yamato has, too bad there was no H-scene with Benkei and Yoshitsune...but that's asking for too much right now.
    ...well, that's quite the old lady maid there...I seriously didn't expect that one! but after Komoe's Toaru, I don't get that surprised anymore.
    Fakku...Fakku...Fakku...Best comunity EVER! Ok, that's off topic and doesn't even...arrggg yeah, that.
    I only checked the Cafe and girlcelly's torrent of the game, so I read something about the releases of the next games, but either way, I'll try all of them when they came out so no worries here!

    By the way, I just finished first day of new semester and....it's gonna be a pretty long one...I kinda understand now why some people prefer becoming strippers than facing math and physics, well the level is different and many people would just punch me in the face if I try to explain them something about it so I think I'll just go cry in a corner while still studying for what's to come.:forsaken:
    It does say it has seeders.. but I'm not sure if I'll get it from them. Hopefully it's still working right :/
    thanks for finding this :P
    I just finished Benkei's route (well in the morning but I rage quited around 5 times Demon's Souls so I wasn't in a mood to write...)
    and I gotta say: I'm really expecting now Yoshitsune's Route!!!! I mean, Onii-chan?! It's like the game read my mind!!! Where are you from Majikoi A-1, Rusia?! (in Rusia the game plays with you) Seriously, I was gonna say here "hey, wouldn't it be awesome that Yoshitsune called you Onii-chan?" while I was playing and then it came! Now I understand the reason of kawaii aruji~:blushhappy:!!! And about the route itself...well, what else can I say other that it's awesome? First is Benkei, second is Benkei and third there is a little of Yositsune. As always, I'd have liked some more H-scenes but I can't be too greedy...hell no, I want more Benkei and Yoshitsune!!!:objection:
    And that's the reason why I don't do reviews about Visuals Novels...I'm a little biased and not really much descriptive...
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