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  • Rapdrgon und das gleiche, wo 2-6 Stunden warten muss und leider registrieren muss und nur leider einmal pro Tag downloaden kann, das ist mein Problem...~
    Moeshoden...~? Ich wollte auch mit dem spielen, aber leider bei den aktuellen (oder besser gesagt, seit Anfang des JahresT.T...) DL-Host konnte/kann ich nicht downloading...

    VN: Der Spin-off von Sharin no kuni, Kourin no Machi, Lavende no Shoujo...~
    Anime: In diesem/letzte Woche sind die wichtigsten Serien zu Ende gegangen, SAO und Muv-Luv, die waren wider episch...~
    Okay,..... Mal was anderes... Welche Animes/VNs schaust/spielst du derzeit, und hast du Ziele dies bezüglich...~?

    ...Und happy Xmas^^/!!!
    Oh, verstehe... Aber ich wünsche dir nur das Beste in deine Zukunft...^^

    ...Aber in nur/weniger als ein halben Jahr ist es vorbei mit Schul-Leben und das Gleichen, du musst ein bisschen schon daran denken - aber das soll keine Aufforderung von mir sein, das ist nur ein Gedanke...~ (Oh man, Ich höre sicher langsam an wie deine Mutter oder dein Vater, das kann ich mir nicht selber glauben wass ich gesagt habe:eathead:...)
    Ich hoffe, dass du in deinen Bereich ein freien Stelle bekommst, denn Spezialisten wie du braucht das Welt... ...Aber, ...aber, wenn nicht, das sage ich nur aus Vorsicht, dann kannst du sicher in einen anderen Bereich deinen Platz finden^^...~

    ...Aber wenn du in der Software- und Nippon-Sektion bleiben willst, dann kannst du in Japan dein Glück finden, dort wärst du sicher willkommen - aber bevor müsstest du etwas nihon-go (Japanisch) lernen/können, Ich könnte dir die Basis kenntnise beibringen..., aber da nach musst du deinen eigenen Nihon-go Style entwickeln...~
    Okay, das war mir klar..., aber würdest du jetzt hinten einer Ladentheke sitzen/arbeiten und was verkaufen oder so...~?
    ...Oh, willkommen und g'Tag, Puma...~!

    Hmm... Ach so... Aber was würdest du arbeiten derzeit, was sind deine Qualifikationen...~?

    ...Und du solltest auf jeden Fall zur/zum einem Uni gehn, wenn du in der Software-Brache möchtest...~
    Yeah, thought so. But since you will get a new lap, maybe in that one you could try one last time and finally be able to play it! Samurai! Yamato Nadeshikos! (btw, those are my favorite type of heroine as well, if you spot one, send her to me).
    The last CG of Moeshouden looks pretty good, and I hoped the anime serie would have included the main protagonist...too bad, but at least we got some fanservice.

    Well in my case I was in my room ready to sleep while reading some mangas, when suddenly the internet got cut out, and the cellphone as well. I certainly thought the end was coming but I was under tons of blankets so I didn't even move a bit and thought: "If you're gonna end, do it fast, I don't want to get out of bed". And I went up some levels in my laziness.
    Jahajaajahajahajahajahajaha, well I'd have wished the same but my katana I ordered by mail hasn't been received yet, so I have no real weapon to defend with...only my right fist clenched and going straight forward! But that's not gonna work so well if I don't have the Imagine Breaker. Or maybe I have it but I just don't know it yet?! There is no really a way to prove it...

    PS: Will be playing Koiken Otome while in the ranch, 1 week without connection to....anything, so I'm getting ready right now.
    Was soll ich denn sagen, in diesem Jahreszeit war und bin immer noch mit Arbeit verheiratet, aber ansonsten geht es mir fein...~

    ...Oh, das is gut für dich (:eathead: ))) Irgendwie vermisse ich das alte Schulzeit...~)....~ Es kann sein dass es blöd anhört, aber was machst du denn jetzt dann...~? Arbeitest du weiter mit deinen TL-Projekt oder was...~? ...Ach so, fast vergessen, wie geht's...~?
    Guess which game got his fandisk out already! And still has lots of issues about the installation and some other problems as well. Hey, at least it's not minori and his just released game that screws people fairly if they're not japanese running in a Japan OS. I'm gonna make a fight for it and try to see if I can install one of those two at least.

    PS: by the way, the new from eufonie has sword-wielding heroines, exactly what I'm looking for!

    PSS: It's the end of the world and I'm just sitting here, downloading VN's releases.
    Have you seen any recent VN with any maid with a sword?! I suddenly feel like wanting to play something that includes an heroine like that. I don't know if it's the combine results of too many dark souls/skyrim and my maid-born fetish, but a I want some heroine who is a maid and uses sword! And don't forget the oppai!
    I think...I better...keep calm...and continue playing skyrim.
    I don't think it will be addictive enough for you leave the examns, well I didn't read anything about the online mode so, yeah better keep it safe and wait till 20, for now just keep it with the finals and accounting...we all in our career have bad memories about it.
    Ok, just tested Chuning-Lover right now that the problem is out and is totally a chara-ge as far as I can tell (I'm in the beginning but you can see it from miles away) but this totally cracked me up specially because I'm following the anime right now:
    WRYYYYYY- (and before that is the "muda muda muda muda muda" from our favorite villian Dio Brando!) (I'm new to upload services....sorry)
    I'll continue playing it and swithching beetwen this and Zero Infinity (because some screenshot I saw....damn).

    About Farcry 3, I haven't played any of the series, but from the third I heard some pretty good reviews from Vida Extra and similar pages, saying that it wasn't the usual FPS, but I didn't dig in too deep since I wasn't planing in getting it (mostly because I'm poor right now, but hey, I'll have a katana and be more poor!), and why don't you try it first from some demo or torrent maybe? I bet it's already out from Skydrow or Razor...(of course, if I were to give you an advice it will be for you to continue playing Dark Souls....and count how many times you rage quit! My first time playing I had seen some playing the begginning and the end so I only had problems in the middle but...oh undead Gwyn...)
    The first video I didn't really get it since I didn't watch K-ON (well, I watched like 5min of the first but I was: "...meh") but the second one was...man the epic-virginess of that video is too damn high! And the lyrics are just...I know what you mean...

    Tip, if you install Chuning-Lover, don't add any of the tokutens that appear around the game, since one of them takes the eyelids of the main characters, I don't know exactly wich one but the game withouth update/patchs works great.
    Let me re-install it and see if the things with the eyes was caused due to the extras (hope so) and I'll give it a try. If I can't fix it, I probably won't be playing that one. It's just...too weird to keep watching, and the only time their eyes were right (the loli doesn't count) were in mid-day normal talk and a ahegao-like face. Even weirder.
    I just get the usual, the list and that, but that isn't in german...but what crossed my mind that your blog should have is the song you send me: ~tsun tsun dere tsun dere tsun tsun~ Now I want a loop of that song. Or maybe not, it will end bad.
    ....10hrs loop maybe? Not because I like or anything?!
    I'm in New Game Plus so that's....fuk. I'll try again this afternoon, but that Sphynx was....holy freak this game is even harder now! Try it again! Just be patient...very very patient. And I suggest joystick (you got it for PC right?).
    I was trying Chuning yesterday but I don't know if it was due to the tokuten or patch, but they appearead withouth eyelids (except for the loli, why only the loli?!) so I'll try re-installing them tomorrow (I don't have any lap with me today) and see what happens. I want that Dark End Magician and the Android Maid! But yeah, I heard something like that as well about the translation, maybe with the hype from Chunnibyou they decided to translate these one.
    First time in the DLC of Darksouls: ~Lalala~Oh, a new boss!
    Half and hour after: ~Lalala~Let's burn the DLC of Darksouls!
    I forgot the "if you know what I mean" part. But yeah, we're probably thinking the same (we have reached that level of ecchi-ness). Still, I'm going for Fusehime (the one that looks like she has dog ears...) first since there are quite a bunch of important decisions and bad ends. This may take a while. For the time being I'll star Chuning Lover, quite tired of sooo many Darksouls, enough for today.
    I just wanna know where the blood comes from...maybe it's from...*sudden realization* O.O Playing that ASAP. By the way, that's my comment on the pic.
    ...ummmm oks, the one I was talking about was this one Tamasuza, but this is a NSFW, so...take care where you open it.
    What was on the TV the moment I read these: spongebob and how to write an essay, you start with "The ..." And that's all the help I could give you. To begin with, I doubt it's written in english...
    Finally decided in my next VN: Tsukumo no Kanade, I'll continue this one mostly because of Tamazusa, check the tag of the VN so you could understand as well. I thought she was a loli. I was wrong.
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