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  • Thank you:D

    Oh yeah, could i ask for your help please

    it's about seems like i can't insert image from my computer...

    Could you some me the way....?
    Good morning renano....
    Thanks for your support yesterday, let's do our best today too:)
    Same here, it's always a pleasure to chat with you, Ohime-sama...

    Thanks... You made me blush... Hahaha...

    An, yes, every one is unique in their own way, the world won't be perfect with out that fact. Some are black some are white and some have fair skin, some are nice, some are bad, and so on...
    Still it's hard to blend with a society that's always changing and build by different elements...

    Aw.. You made me blush again, thanks for the compliment. Tough my words are gracious but what am I doing isn't like my words some times...

    And I didn't regret meeting you and everyone here until now, every one is nice...
    Take care, until we meet again...
    Knock, knock? :ninja:
    I hope i will stay that D: and thanks again :3
    Since you approved it, here is the new avatar in action (ok..., an avatar in never in action unless ist a animated .gif one... so what is it then? "in non-active action"?:o_O:) And again you know much more about my picture then i did myself~ I now feel so simple minded D:
    But if it only suits me to some degree, what does then fully suit me?
    So stay well~
    Harro Señorita~ ^^

    I knew you knew what I meant lol
    (A bit of a hassle for me to type lol)

    Doing daughterly duties aye, I kinda know how it but with brotherly and eldest son duties lol

    I won't do anything anything to~~~~o dangerous :pinocchio: :XD:
    I'll be safe so I can meet you one day renano ^^ :XD:
    (It would be pretty cool though)

    >///////< Thanks ^^
    /me hugs again and returns the kiss on the cheek ^^

    Well C'ya around buddy
    Bai Bai~
    Hello again~

    I live in Brazil. It's hot 90% of the days of the year. >_<

    Yes indeed. I love the comedy genre as well. :3

    Nah, I must have sounded pretty enthusiastic about it but i dont really read that much. D:

    I see... '-'

    If it's made of chocolate i can eat it. xD

    See you later~ Much happiness for you too. :3
    Indeed! As I am going to play My Soul Your Beats by Girl Dead Monster XD And I am trying to make a I=Fantasy by SeeU on guitar tab XD
    After I joined Karate instead of stiffness I get tired XD But it's fun so I don't care
    Hunting seems interesting... I always wanted to hunt on animals with a bow XD or a sword
    Indeed I need to beat a boss at BRS the game and I started to play Tekken DR and 6 and Tales of Eternia again :)
    Don't worry I am also yellow and I went on Karate to get rid of a aggresive nature and I like to kick and punch around XD Strenght is god enough to break ribs after a few good full power punches :) But when I switch on offense I concentrate on offense so I let down my defense because of it XD
    Oh... well yes they could go and become a brat too :/ I guess it depends who it is...

    I went fishing with relatives before but i usually just stand around watching the rods xD As for bites well there just arent much bugs around when i went with them so i didnt get bites... well i guess it also depends where...

    The color codes... i just repick the colors every time xD Theyre usually just a bit off of the older colors :3

    I try to avoid arguments... Dont really see any benefits usually... Well some arguments where the two sides are about equal in terms of influence and makes me actually think about stuff are fun~ Usually dont mind losing those arguments~

    I pretty much got them for free xD Cant really play with them when theyre sitting in the tank and the turtles... well i didnt really play with them either :/ Probably couldve though... And sitting in the corner... well... out of sight out of mind... so yeah >.<

    Lol so you can see what happens with aliens and the such? Might be fun~ As long as we dont turn into a food source :/

    My rules moderates the chaos xD I usually seem to have a certain overpowered character though... :x I dont have any toys to represent naked horsemen smacking people~

    Webs yes i suppose :3 Does seem quite like a spider web~ Somewhat more durable though xD

    I dont either actually :/ I usually play single player stuff... when i play multiplayer i seem to mess up a lot xD

    Hmm are they stealing your luck? xD Well dealer has a higher chance of getting money overall~

    Well yes they do care but they dont really show it much...

    Lol blindly follow a leader who is blind himself~
    Well sacrifices... i dun really like them either...

    Mutations into rocks and flowers? xD They might be able to escape elimination should we manage to fight back against zombies somehow and then mutate into something else which starts WWZ2 or if they bite then they could maybe cause random zombifications with seemingly no origin like with all those impossible to beat zombified bugs :/

    Lol nah~ The movies are usually interesting enough for me to stay awake :3 Watched MiB3 two days ago before disappearing xD

    Well different people have changing standards for saints~ But yeah good people seems like the basic kind of saint :3

    Hmm i dun think ill make it in a poetry contest... But it was fun writing random poems xD

    I would be reading manga instead of watching anime... Probably wouldnt know this site either... which would contribute to... random stuff which may or may not happen...

    Well it would probably be doomed anyway if all the humans died... they would need to have some of the more intelligent zombies around to do stuff and keep the other zombies from finishing all of their food supply... Probably would be hard though...

    Yes... just they think that their ideas are superior and ignore anyone who wants to change/improve on it...

    Nah apparently im still buff despite my probably getting weaker xD Or so my relatives have been telling me anyway~ /me wishes ojou sama happiness too :3
    Hi, renano..

    thanks for the cake:)......

    i know it's a sudden, can we be friends?
    Hey Señorita ^__^!!

    How ya been? Just figured I drop you some love on your page ^^
    (Not that kind of love friend love is what I mean here people >_>)

    Hope everything is going good for you ^^.
    Missing ya alot here on the forum I do.

    Well I guess it's time for me to go so on that note I'll leave you with a big warm hug ^^

    /me big hugs you ^^
    Awwh Dear,..

    I can hardly hide me being a bit enthusiastic reading yours. You have always been a joy listening too since day one.
    Reading your messages is like a hug for my heart, makes it feel all better :j You've always had such a soft, gentle and loving way about you.

    I have been scratching my head a bit where the food part came from though ^^ And why you mentioned that, I can't seem to remember any reference too it... though I am a bit strict with myself I suppose in some eyes when it comes to my health in regards too food, you might have learned that about me at some point. But I happen to enjoy my vegetables and organic food so np. One just needs to find a way to make things taste good, and healthy food can taste just as good and even better than lots of the junk....or at least so i keep saying to anyone who thinks healthy foods must taste foul.

    Yeah, I think its pretty cool I know some Japanese also hehe, inevitable I wish I knew more, preferably a lot. But meh, I feel good about at least knowing some. Then I can relax a bit and learn slowly as it suits me or time and or interests\motivation allows. :-: /you makes /me have yet an other grin then~

    I want too also hear your cute nyaa at least once in my life time also, wouldn't want to miss it ! I was probably sleeping late that day, yes I think i recall I was, cause I heard about your short but gracious visit later when I got up~ think that was then*
    Ehe just for fun you say....o'rly

    All right, late again while typing this, take care, and enjoy the summer weather, next up comes a special season with some special depth and a lot of intense colors.
    Hello again~

    :o Where do you live?

    I know how that feels. xD Altough i enjoy singing my voice sucks. xD

    True. '-'

    I haven't read that many books either though. xD

    Btw, sorry for saying such simple sentences, it's just that i can't think of any way to develop them. :/

    I eat chocolate almost daily so i'm OK in the sweet department. :3
    See ya later~
    Hiya Renano chan! Long time no see! (^o^)/
    I really miss you! >o< *hug Renano*

    Well, the problem with my hair is they really easy to fall down.. especially when I get to wash them.. >:(

    Thanks a lot Renano chan! I will take a look at that site when I have my free time! XD

    Well, yep I really like them! And all of that because of the game that now dominated my profile and my ava.. ^^
    Well, I'm also like you too~ anime with bishies is the best~ 8D
    Well, I look for the story though.. :)

    Yep.. we never really have enough time to be honest~ :D

    Yep, its lovely~ especially when the sky is so clear and you can see all the star in there~ Sometimes I do that when I have a problem.. doing that really can calm me down.. :)
    For rain, i dunno I just like to see it maybe sometimes imagine something? XD

    Yep it sure, my favourite is ice cream of course~ wow.. I can't really stand to drink hot-thing in summer.. ^^" sometimes its okay though but not everyday.. XD

    Well.. you're right~ I love making story though.. XD

    I'm agree~ and thanks for the picture also Renano chan! Its a nice picture~ and have a nice looking sweets as always~ ^^

    By the way, how are you been? I hope you're alright!

    See you again! ^^
    That's the spirit! :)
    Sleeping for a whole day is a drag XD My muscles would be really weak after that XD
    I eat everything as long there is meat included :) Meat is the best thing man has ever made to consume XD
    Yup... But just a few more weeks and I have summer break! And then I gonna lay my ass back on my bed playing on my PSP XD
    I suck at both Kung Fu and Fencing XD Kung Fu is to hard to memorize and fencing is just... Too elegant for me XD And with Karate I can go all out all thought... My attacks are nice but my defense is weak XD
    I'll keep this short because I know you're busy and I'm taking off in a moment but how you doing? (*ゝω・*)
    And thanks, I'm healed up now but less active behind the screen because well, grades are in and we really aren't doing jack in class so I'm using the free time to go and make some good time to get closer to some friends.. try to score with someone special.. the usual (・´∀`・)

    Oh! and we got really far in Project East, but not far enough yet, there is a possibility we won't be done even by the end of summer.. This is the third time designing the layout again, the second one was a little heavy on resources, needs more css, and we have settled with the name Genba: Below Tokyo, we thought it works out well!

    Anyways I've got to go run, going to a local concert, unown may be there too I am told (○´∀`)
    For now have the new single by KAT-TUN that's not even out yet, but we have it anyway. This shit goes pretty damn hard to be honest ( ´ー`)

    Yeah i'm healthy and i always do things i like. xD


    I've tried it so many times now that when i try to draw something i'm already discouraged. :s

    Yeah, i love fanatasy. :3 And for some reason i have a thing for Alice in the Wonderland dunno why. '-'

    Indeed it has been quite nice.

    Bye for now~²
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