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    Hello to you too, Ohime-sama....

    Thanks for the compliment, but I'm still have to go a long way to be like Rikuo.. I mean, he's charming and all, a good leader, and thinks about his comrades...

    Yes you were right, I always need someone to talk about my problems..... But the good thing is you guys were always here... and thank you for that...

    Yeah, everyone is so friendly here. It feels like a second home.
    You guys are lovely. It's a good thing I join AS.

    Well about Sam, he sure is my aim for now. Being the Top Poster, I want to surpass him. He did say it took him 8 months to come so far so I'll have to do the same in less than 8 months. It's easier said than done. Still, I like challengers.

    Wait are those girls giving me a present here. Hmm, YUMMY. I'll eat it.

    There's a lot of things to thank you about so here a big THANKS ! ! !


    I'm getting the feeling you're from royal family or something.

    Take care (*_*)

    Thanks again for your kindness :P
    of course we can be a friend.
    may good fortunes flows upon your day :D
    It's just the way I grew up. Since I was always bullied, I had to stand up for myself. Now I find pleasure when I inflict pain and receive pain. Oh, I'm such a mess...

    What I think about my layout: I like purple and Touhou.

    I honestly find requests to be very pointless. I cannot fully satisfy the 'customer' because I don't know what they are thinking about. If they want the 'perfect' signature, then they should learn for themselves. I'm like a slave.

    Ooooh, TMNT you say? Raphael is my favorite. Those twin sai are just... AWDNWDA.

    Nope, not at all. But I find it uncomforting when I always see sweatpants.

    Tch... I should do something about that perverted mind of yours. I think some bondage would get your head straight.

    When I read 'throw my stuffed animals at the wall', I thought about that 'squeek' sound they make in animated shows/movies.

    A bit of both. It's something that I love and I should be punished because of it. Punish me, renano! Please~

    Yeah, I'm always scared that a pop-up from an adult website might come out of nowhere and scare me. It hasn't happened to me before, but the thought of it just gives me shivers.

    Oh my, that is quite amusing to read. I think they should repeat Grade 1 over again for such idiocy and a horrible example for others.
    Renanoo <3
    How are you, My Lady..?

    If there's anything I can help with, please let me know. I'll try my best to help you ^^
    As a wise man once said; " A life without you on the forums is like a broken pencil... It's pointless~"

    Anyway Take Care!
    *Bows and leaves*

    Nah it didn't sound weird. xD You should take care of them. :3

    I've tried drawing but i just can't seem to get the hang of it. :s They always look so bad i just give up. :s

    Yeah i know. '-'

    Thanks. :3 Btw, I generally like anything that involves Alice in the Wonderland. xD

    It has been enjoyable for me as well. You're a good and considerate person as well. :3

    Sure, let's be friends :)
    Oh and one more thing...I also "love to lie" as well! :whistle:

    It's not that I dislike time and messaging people. It's just that I am a bit rude on the forums, but that just supports my sadistic behavior.

    Though that does sound reasonable. My layout is not exactly appealing.

    Not much people have requested one from me, haha. So I don't think I'm envied by much people.

    Mine had a little design of Mufasa and Simba from the Lion King. Aw yeah! Did yours have a design?

    Everywhere I look around, there's someone with sweatpants. I guess it's judged on where you live in the world.

    Yes, Decalcomania-land offers heart transplants. What did you think 'that way' meant?

    I just know I won't be doing that again... What do you do when you're upset? Besides type in '(Insert whatever here)' on the forums?

    Not all of the time. I usually have it when my sadistic-side takes over and I hurt someone on the forum.

    Well, there are a few things that frighten me, such as using someone else's laptop or computer, using a spoon instead of a fork, etc.

    I didn't laugh... But all I did was think of those guys getting their faces ripped off because of the firecrackers, or someone bursting into flames.
    The art work was amazing... That's why I'm cosplaying Rikuo for the event on 1st July...

    Oh... I see.. I always tried to get some attention cause my parents are to busy with their work and my little brothers and sisters... So I start searching for attention... I start trying to get the first rank in my class... I start cosplaying.. I start to take Martial arts lessons... Then I get my attention from my uncle that brought me to Japan.. he just got married to a Japanese women so he don't have any kids yet.. He was like a big bro to me... I often stay awake in the night working my homework while accompanying him, while he do his works...

    We often visit Akiba back then.. I'm searching for costumes.. and he search for some hardware..

    And being a foreign student sure gives one so many attention...

    And I just can't live with out some one that I can call "my girlfriend" or "my girl" I dated 3 girls and all of them last for at least 1 year...
    Oh.. Sankyuu...
    I like Tsurara too... She is like.. Kyaa.. Kawaiii.....

    Any way.. thanks again for your concern.. I never get those things..
    Remember that I post something about I live at the school for the graduation ceremony preperation.. No sleep in 4 days.. LOL... And I still can dive my motorcycle home without a single mistake...
    I think I can stay here for a while..

    I don't feel sleepy yet either....

    Thanks for the lullaby...
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