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  • R
    so you're an independent lady thats pretty good~you don't usually let others try to comfort you:samuraihero: but i'll try to comfort you,please take good care of yourself~please don't get yourself exhausted.

    :eathead:oh this is your irc name i was thinking of this name but i was waiting to ask you ,it sounds cute~
    im currently at my cousin's house~im alright

    hmm....emotionally tired :deadsad: it makes me want to cry for you,don't tire yourself too much~
    take care of yourself~

    Renano umm.....can i call you RenRen it kinda sounds cute.
    well yes its for fun,how are you renano??
    poor renano,samy has reached 100% again he took the award
    wow :cheerleader:renano congragulations for getting the award
    I'm getting glomped by My Lady..didn't see that coming~ :fullblush:

    Ohw..I see..well keep your head and it'll work out, I'm sure of it ^^
    Yea..I am pretty busy but that won't stop me from visiting my forumfriends! I'll make my time to :3
    Almost done with the hectic stuff so..just a little more..
    Thanks for the encouraging words <3

    How have you been doing?

    Kind Regards and Take care *hugs*
    Makasete!!~ :3
    i'll try my best then..
    Are there any other or just me?(judge)
    I gladly accept it :3
    Hmm what job should i do for being "judge" on Chopstick Hairpiece Contest?
    Meh pretty much but I am fine and you???
    Le spicy :) I love it I eat it on almost everything especially on meat :3 <3
    This sounds harsh but I love my friends more than my family...... I only respect my mother and that's it for me though....
    I want to play a lot of anime music on guitar but it's hard to learn XD I can play Does - Shura but still need to work on it the same counts for Dear You by Yuduki/Dai and still learning Coward Montblanc by GUMI and My Soul Your Beats by Girl Dead Monster.
    I am really interested in ancient Greece and Japan :3
    Eyo (●っゝω・)っ

    Glad you enjoyed the beach, the sun and temperature here in the Netherlands started rising again but so did my body temperature, feeling sick on weekends.. like always (゚´=Д=`)

    yeah there's a lot more stuff I want to read(o´∪`)o
    I have a library card but there's something I dislike about the quality of the books, and perhaps the fact that I don't have it "forever" is quite annoying as I like to study them and come back to it every once in a while. Plus I like having a collection, there's something satisfying about it, jamming all these books, magazines, CDs and DVDs in the boxes under my bed (´∀`) even the stuff I'm not meant to have.. if you get what I mean ヽ(゚`∀´゚)ノ

    Anyways.. The deadlines for enrollment is next year February, quite a bit of time but not enough for me to decide (〃n〃)
    But I really see myself doing something with geophysics or nuclear physics in the future.. I don't know why but physics is one awesome subject I've grown to like in the past two years of high school (attractive physics teacher was probably a factor)

    But Dr. Hiroaki Koide.. Damn what a man, though I think Japan needs a social change in terms of its gender equality, honestly, right now the world is governed by dirty old pigs who feel they're gods, which is a pretty normal for a man, but especially in Japan, a country where gender equality is probably a few decades in the past compared to most Western countries.. it could help development even more if there was that social change, heck it could help the nuclear crisis, maybe not for keeping the Yen strong or keeping up the economy but c'mon.. at least toxic waste won't be pumped out like mad

    tl;dr: need more women in parliament, ethical problems solved. d(*^v^*)b

    Anyways sorry, there goes my rambling again, wish you the best

    Peace (*^u^*)ノ
    Thanks for making me hope :3 But you are right, they havent got the slightest idea ^^
    Also thanks alot for your tip with the mustache, but I think that my photo editing (if you can even call it like that :/) skills are not quite sufficient :whistle:
    Well then, stay well~
    i hope so too :P

    i think that K-on is a proof for that =]

    also why the bye bye? : o :happytears:
    a wild triple glomp attack :surprised:

    /me retaliates by cuddling rena rena

    /me runs away >v<

    Kiss? o///o;

    Well... just randomly yanking at the fishing line catches them in odd places...

    Hmm well maybe its just me then... xD Idk i have another one to play with maybe... but it doesnt fit the color scheme so i dont really want to use it...

    Current personality? xD Whatever youre currently feeling like?

    Hmm i do wonder how those elder people can just live on without doing too much... but i guess theyre enjoying life in their own ways~

    Well idk... always seems like theres some trick... im just quite suspicious of it all xD

    Hmm well im used to it.... found enough ways to entertain myself before...

    Monopoly... i always fail at the end... almost won once but some friend was threatening that he would rage quit if he didnt get the house and im like wth fine =.= Where the money you use came from? o.o Why?

    Well... i dont really know how to hug :/ Dont understand it all that well...

    Well forgive and forget sort of applies to other people xD Learn from your mistakes applies more to the self~ Not that great to just forget about that... I usually forgive and forget for most stuff... well not forget... cant really control forgetting and i dont think that forcing myself to forget stuff is that smart...
    Well i think the zombies would win in the end still xD Eating is kind of a close contact thing and if the chocolate is hard... wont turn out too well xD

    Hmm i doubt that it would be xD And i dont think ill leave clones as zombies for longer than it takes to erase it...

    Ohh xD Well i usually hear the movies whether i want to or not~ Tv is loudish...

    Hmm well depends what kind of saint i guess...

    Everyone has some thoughts which lead to something or another and somehow get somewhere... though of stick randomly and i really dont know where this came from... unless that food thingy... that looks like a stick to me... somehow unconsciously influenced me... and i though bubblegum cuz i might relate bubblegum to those food selling places at drive in movies which was the theme of google which i watched somewhat earlier at that time...

    Ehh how so? Vn could help i guess...

    Population of zombies or kinds o.o;

    Well probably arts... not quite sure if i could call anything else geeky...

    /me glomps ojou sama~ Well i guess ill try xD
    My Lady renano, just dropping to say hi :3

    How's everything? Hope all is well ^^
    As for me, only 4 tests left and then I'm pretty much free :runhappy:

    Much love and take care~
    I know :) and no I don't I buy Doritos Spicy Salsa and it's really hot XD
    It's a good thing to help friends as I love them and they're like a 2nd family :)
    It is fun but I am not really talented but it's a beginning ^^
    I admire culture... depends on the country
    You're welcome ^^
    Hiya Renano~ (^o^)/
    Hahahha, thanks~ you're lovely as always too~ ^^

    Yep, it can make me calm sometimes~ And thats why I choose lavender aroma for my shampoo~ :P

    Really?? Thanks! I really like that picture~ LOL, I must resize the picture many times so it can suited in the background~ 8D

    Same with me~ But I dunno, I kinda easy to forget the meaning of the romanji.. ^^"

    Wow! So many! I also have many games that I want to play, but sadly I didn't have most of them~ (○´゚ω゚`)

    Yep they're really fun to observe~~ Wow! I try to see the ant, but it makes me bored really fast~ ^^"

    Yep, I really want to learn how to cook, but sadly all my activity makes me can't learn it... >__<

    You drink soda with a tea?? OwO
    And you're singer?? Wow~

    LOLOL~ Well, maybe because me and samy really a random people~ 8D

    Thanks~~ I never consider myself as a feminine though... Coz I'm kinda a tomboyish girl~

    See you again Renano~ and I also wish that you always healthy~ and happy~ ^^
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