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  • Heh, yeah I guess I should, thanks
    anyway, I've got to go for a small whhile, friend doesn't like walking her dog alone |● ' _ゝ'●|
    Then I'm probably headed straight for bed super early today, starting to feel like shit, fatigue.. my health is kind of real bad
    So peace! have a good rest of the day( ・∀・)ノ
    Unfortunately I can say that because it's my second time doing the year ( ,◉;w;◉,) meh, demotivation
    Lol I think a waterbed would be nice and cool xD But that wouldnt be so nice during cold days...

    Our family is quite close so we have tons of random events and everything~

    Np :3 Doesnt take too much too just have a little prayer for someone~

    Veggies eating veggies? D: Nuuu why cant it be something like piles of fruit :x

    Ehh :x I dont like it too sour... Well idk i like sour sometimes...

    Nuuuu i dont wanna turn into a :casserole:

    Ehh my sis's room has a hole in the wall xD Not from me though~ Well practice would probably help :3 Though i guess not poking holes into people is kinda important too~

    Hmm yes quite the odd system xD Newbies have an advantage over anyone thats been around longer in terms of flexibility so best time to take the throne is when someone starts~
    Well I heard you had dreams during my lurking, now I'm gonna have some too :D
    Oh and btw, since I can't possibly undue my lurking at this point, I just want to add that I think praying can relieve stress ^^
    Sam does it already unconsciously...You post such nice pics, thank you sama
    Ah, sure I won't, thanks <(_ _*)>
    Though it's not really much to worry about; I'm still at high school right now heh, it's not so difficult in The Netherlands
    I'm just lurking around, rly wish there was 3 way communication.....You and Sam are getting along so tight I cant even get a stamp between you two :)
    Word! (^ω^)
    Though I've got to start thinking about doing my homework soon, got lots to finish for next week ゚。・゚ヾ(゚`ェ´゚)ノ。゚・。
    Meh, I think I'll continue tomorrow, too tired to think at the moment, and supposed to be going out tonight ヽ(´c,`)ノyawn
    Thanks! You think something (partly) instrumental like this would work?
    It's Hip-Hop, but just because it's Hip-Hop doesn't mean it can't be a love song hehe
    Hey thanks, and hope you enjoy SS+
    So i'm sitting here behind the computer, no idea what to do with these clips, I guess I'll roam around YT for some ideas.

    Think this is a good song as well for the AMV?
    Okay, will look in a moment, thank you; thought my fail dubstep music choice my last AMV kinda sucked hehe, I kind of suck when it comes to music + Anime
    Have you seen Amagami SS+? Managed to warm up my heart all month hehehe
    ★-(・ε・` Hey, what's good´・з・)-☆

    I wanna try to make an AMV on an Anime in which nothing ever happens (Amagami)
    recommend me a song please (●´U`●)
    My library is 99% Hip-Hop hehehe
    I sleep in all positions pretty much xD Keeps rolling around trying to find a cool spot~

    Well yeah i guess its good that i still remember him... We visit his grave about three times a year xD His birthday and whatever other days~

    Lol well i guess ill just give a little prayer anyway~

    Ehh again? When did this happen before? o.o;;;

    I like citruses too xD The tangy sour taste~

    Mehs someone stuck gum in my hair before =.= *continues reading* Hangs paper with? o.o *continues reading* "and to see you squirm as..." wait wha? *reads again* o.o Ehh... i dont think i should... umm well... :runaway:

    Ok... i have a dartboard for that... so dont really need to hurt my stuffed animals... they just sit there... peacefully... sorta lonely... somewhat squished by the bed and the wall...

    Hmm he was at the 99.#% before xD But his account has this thing where his activity drops fast :x (I had that for about a week... couldnt keep 100% cuz it dropped slightly slower than i could spam but it still dropped...)

    Yeah Goodnight~ xD
    Hope the headaches get better :x They usually pass for me after i sleep... Unless i slept in a bad position where i have neck pains for the next day...

    Youre welcome~ :3 Actually I didnt cry at my grandfather's funeral either... >.< I feel that i didnt get to know him enough... I only really remember him as the person that sat around and watched tv with the children...

    Ehh... :x Well... more prayers? xD For your headache and your other dream~

    Dance? but i dont really know how... at least not alone anyway :x Dance class was pretty much all groups...

    You like mandarins? xD

    Except gum was a random accidental discovery by a guy trying to sell it as some sticky substance i think~

    Well anger doesnt actuallly help relieve stress :x But idk... People seem to get angry under stress :x

    Lol i say itll just be more work in the end to try and fix it all xD

    Yeah unown is quite busy :x He was one of the people that i was going to poke actually xD But nah i dont think ill actually poke people~

    Im actually doing hw :x But yeah i should sleep...
    Ehhh? Im your jester now? Well... i guess its better than being a slave... maybe... but youre sadistic... so it might be worse :x Ehh idk >.<

    It was a mandarin church although i only really know cantonese and english :x

    Hmm never heard of that xD Oh well~

    Ehh well exercise helps at times... I usually just talk about it though...

    Hmm well it might turn out badly :x Might not...

    He doesnt seem to have too much computer time :/

    See you :3
    Ehh... why... i dun wanna get lost :x

    Hmm nah it was some song or another that was in mandarin so i had no idea what they were saying xD

    Bubblicious? o.o why would bubbilicious know?

    Hmm i guess if its entertaining and funny it would help xD

    Oh that works xD The only problem was the first layer drying slower anyway xD

    Okies~ And now the voting commences xD
    Hope all is ok-
    As for me I've been inside like, all day hahaha, only went out for like a few minutes to buy some milk, for the rest been inside playing around with video editting software, uploading another AMV right now.. Then maybe going to put up music for Nihon-go Spit |● ' _ゝ'●|
    Hello, renano!
    Yeah, maybe that was a bit awkward on my part. Hahahah... *embarrassed laugh*
    But I was really happy to finally be able to see some progress.
    It was very considerate of you to actually read part of the text I linked. I appreciate it~ :)

    Also, I checked the contest thread. There's already so much going on that I don't know what to post, so I'll remain silent for now... I have to thank Shiki for taking his time to evaluate our entries (and he did very well!) though.
    lol xDD ill show u the next drawing i draw =D, wont be good quality cos i dont have a scanner and my phone doesnt have a very good camera D=
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