Rucking Fetard
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  • Hey, Naza. Didn't you play Dangan Ronpa on a PSP emulator? Which emulator was it and was it good? :3
    Oh I see :3
    I wouldn't mind getting the request now though, since this one was easier than I expected.
    It's fine by me ^^
    Haha :3

    I need to make 9 others so you'll have to pick one
    Or I can do like 50/50.
    5 with less static and 5 with more :3
    Oh :o

    I forgot that I could cover the 2 other renders with static as well.
    How does it look? Or do you prefer the previous one?

    Ok then ^^

    And yea, I noticed that too but it was to give you an idea of the background.
    Was just experimenting a bit.
    Btw, is the color fine? I mean, would you like it darker grey or lighter? (or maybe a different color?)
    Naza-san! :o

    I got 3 types of Static backgrounds.
    Which one would you prefer?

    Horizonal lines
    Standard Black/White static
    Similar to the black/white one but with colored dots
    Hello. Yes, there is "Spam" section. When translating the forum Rules into Japanese, I felt very strange feeling. "Spam is prohibited" or similar rule exists. But there is officially "Spam" forum. Maybe "chatterbox" or "Free chat" etc. are more adequate, I think.
    Hello, Nazaka. I was surprised at your number of posts. But you seem to post many and many short phrases in the spam section and so. You are a genuine spammer. It is the wonder that you haven't been yet banned as a spammer. (I could not read out the conversations of you and Ignis. btw, "ignis" has meaning of "fire" in Latin in my memory. Why he (she) is Fire. ignis, aqua, terra, and caelus. Are you learning Latin in high school.) Regards.
    Hello, Nazaka. Sorry for asking such thing. Are you a really high school student? (or, it is my misreading of conversation between you and Ignis. Sorry, I haven't read it to the end - it is very long -. There are many things which I don't know, or can't understand. and English is difficult language for me. For me, easy to use language is only one, my native language.) Again sorry. I have a bit strange feeling in your VMs. (Yet, "Chou Koukou-kyuu no Spammer" has meaning if you are a high school student. since the phrase means "Super High-school level Spammer".) Regards.
    Based on personal experience, I'd trust the online feedback more, if there are enough people voicing an opinion unanimously. Official guidelines and real-life practice might differ, considering saturation of law on low levels is common in Indonesia.

    I just don't like people who go on and on about their favourite stuff too much irrespective of the other party's interest in the conversation, I guess. And yes... what I like from Japan are mostly the games, music, and illustrations -- not anime, manga, light novels and other typical stuff, lol.

    Might depend on the university. Here, it does need to be accepted, but I've never heard of a thesis being rejected due to the student failing in defending it. If it's rejected, it's likely due to technical means, or for reasons considered to make it 'incomplete,' such as plagiarism or unverifiable data. However, if that's the case, the advisor will likely tell the student to mend it first before the D-day. If the student can't make it before the D-day, they'll have to continue it in the next semester, which effectively delays their graduation.

    Yep, I am~ Also, a mix of 1337 and excessive emoticons, huh? People used to text like that back then when I was but a teen. Older men and women then would complain about how youngsters make their messages so hard to read, w.

    5315 before this paragraph... and I thought it'd be shorter. Don't listen to drama tracks much, though.
    Hmm, like 260KBps (about 2.5Mbps) or so, I think. Still very slow by the world's standard.

    Well, that makes me curious what you guys look like that your laughing faces brought forth collective euphoria to the whole class.

    Never heard of Tsunako before Compileheart entered the stage, so maybe yes. Outside CH/DAL-related involvement, all I know is that she's been drawing on Pixiv, but nothing major. And well, that kinda sounds like your typical shounen protagonist nonetheless, w. Some hot-headed guy without real skill but seemingly unlimited bravado. And balls of steel.

    I like yuri, yeah. Not particularly crazy over it or anything, though.

    Well, how about the language and theme? That alone can warrant it a 18+ label in and of itself. It's probably beyond the scope of C-rated games anyway. And I don't think Tsunako will sign a contract for drawing H... at least not yet.

    Eh, depends on the delivery service, I suppose. Though, you as the customer should demand them to let you make sure there's no damage on your item before signing off the receipt. Also, a security guard? Aren't they usually only present at houses that look like fortified mansions?

    Animations require at least one static, human-made illustration as a base, you know. No reason why the original illustrator can't fill this role instead. I assume it's more about contracts rather than capabilities -- maybe hiring an external, unaffiliated artist is multitudes of times more expensive. No idea.

    Pics (and people's comments). Never really met any physically, though I've talked to some. Most are nice people who don't mind chatting casually about daily stuff.

    I know quite a few fujoshi, actually. There are some in my class. Some online acquaintances too. Most of them are pretty open about it.

    Some people immediately put up their pre-order bonuses on auction once they get them. Bidders often bid more than enough to recoup the additional cost of pre-ordering. 1240 yen, huh? Sea transport, I guess?
    Same here. That's where the "view conversation" feature comes in handy.

    It's more like geekery than hobby, I guess. True, when you do something you like, you absorb knowledge and information naturally and don't feel burdened. And yeah, to be a good mod, one needs to familiarise himself with the tools of trade and field of work first.

    Actually, in the beginning, I think it was meant mainly for anime and music. Then girlcelly came and... yeah. And yes, he does (sorta like an executive), although my words are uncontested. Mwahaha.

    Far as I recall, yes. No western material. Probably just reviews. I think they even disallowed localised eroge (like Mangagamer's and JAST's releases).

    Most are leechers. Ever noticed the "there are X users and Y guests online" thingy near the bottom of the forum homepage, where Y is often no less than thirty times X? You remind me of my old days as a spammer, though -- back then, with a couple of friends, I'd spam threads endlessly and gain ~300 posts a day.

    Easier access, yes, that's one way to sum it up. Feel free to ask me questions if you encounter any doubts during your self-learning about it (if you're interested to know more).

    Needs experience, I suppose. And I can relate. That's how I learnt languages too. Sadly, I don't think schools are that good either at teaching grammar. Chinese descent, huh? You Chinese are everywhere! lol

    Isn't that, you know, first-grade corruption, the textbook definition of bribery, more than what "lobbying" encompasses? In school, even. To kids, no less! Gives you a crystal-clear insight of what the nominees will be like if they become real politicians and run for office, huh?

    What I find silliest is the riajuu's view on things they don't agree with. What, if I don't go and hang out with friends every weekend at some expensive place, then I'm obviously a loser with no value in life? Also, I find most of them, let's say, unintelligent.
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