Rucking Fetard
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  • stahp!! i will feel bad as well, if i dont reply to your reply to my reply!
    Indeed, such bonuses are always very limited in stock. The Japanese media companies love this marketing strategy. I believe they should be sent along with the main item, i.e. the delivery service receives both items at the same time. Let's hope you won't be overtaxed.

    An anime club? I've only had bad experiences with those as they're usually filled by, um, how should I say it... half-baked otaku. I don't really consider myself an otaku (I don't even watch animu or read manga), but it's usually the members' attitude, rather than their tastes, that irk me.

    Not really a hypothesis; more like a research. It doesn't have to be 100% original, of course, as case studies are also common. And yep, there's a chance that your thesis may get rejected.

    Eh, can't say I exactly like them. A bit of :> :3 ^^ >_> <_< etc are nice every now and then, but I do indeed not really like seeing someone who talks, like, for example "OMGUSH o.O shes sew kawaiiiii xDxDxD wanne hugg her XDDDDD" -- you get the idea.

    Yeah, I understand what you mean. Courtesy and all that, haha. I try to trim the size, but it doesn't look like I've been very successful myself. Or at least I'm slowly getting there... still at 4700+ characters though.
    Partially. That's not the only cause. As with many other countries (the US included), I assume some certain special interest groups -- mostly telcos -- are deliberately trying to hamper the Internet development in Indonesia. That way, they get to charge the same rates as other countries but for worse speeds. My speed... eh... very bad. It often gets to 20KBps or even around the teens when it's being an arse ;_;

    Ahaha, yeah, that happens. Laughter gets louder the more it echoes, after all. Also, that sounds kinda cute... except that -- I'm guessing -- all three were boys.

    No idea; I only know that Neptune seemed to have been her debut. And is that so? I guess that's at least better than, say, Chaos;Head's protagonist. He looks pretty heroic there alright, though I still decry the existence of a male main character at all in a franchise full of girls! And, well, you could simply make the protagonist a girl... and have the series become full-blown yuri.

    That should only fall to CERO-C (15+), imo. 17+ should allow nipple exposure (like in all those anime BDs), so long as genitalia isn't exposed (which would make it 18+).

    I think that's a rare case. When I get a package delivered, the deliveryman does ask me to open it up and ascertain that it's intact, but at my place instead of customs office. Only after I confirm that it's not damaged do I sign the receipt.

    Anime illustrations are almost always inferior imo, lol. And well... I'd take that! Tsunako is still (quite) young, and she could be pretty. (I've seen some illustrators and they actually are.)

    Same here -- most heroines I like are from games. I have a tendency to dislike mainstream stuff though lol. Do you have rl fujoshi acquaintances, btw?
    We both failed I guess w

    It often starts as a hobby. Creating and maintaining a community makes you learn a lot, you know. Whether it's technical stuff like setting up and maintaining a website or dealing with various kinds of people you're not likely to meet irl. Mods are usually handpicked and then put onto a probation period, though, rather than given a test.

    True, copyright complaints. And no, the blog actually didn't have many anime. Its main focus was eroge and hentai movies, most of which were posted by Tessu and girlcelly. But yeah, Tessu's too busy nowadays. As about ASL, well, let's just say there are many internal considerations.

    If you mean western, no. Hongfire only provided Japanese material. One of the main problems is that it's hosted in the US, which makes it liable to the DMCA.

    Meant AS, though I'd like to see more activity at SH as well. I understand that spam charms as it easily raises your post count and doesn't require much thinking to post eh w. And I know right? Our spammers are, well, enthusiastic.

    As about servers, think of ASF as a country/state and its servers as roads. Bigger roads mean smoother traffic, and more roads mean more available routes for visitors to take, so they can choose the route closest to home rather than taking a detour (ergo less time needed).

    It's inevitable, really. Not that it's bad either. Having opinions is liberty! And Cambridge syllabus, is it an international school? I suppose that explains why your English is very decent (no offence, but most Indonesians I've seen online speak, uhm, below average English). And yeah, stubbornness is such a common trait that even kids can have it...

    Yes, that's a given; most students would always vote for cool/famous candidates. Those damn riajuu!
    Well, DAL is essentially a harem series, and the heroines are all crafted to suit all kinds of tastes. I kinda feel the same with Neptunia (and some other series). But yeah, once you've fallen to the proverbial hole of buying heroine-based goodies, there's no turning back! And well, at least you didn't get a Genga Bishounen package, mm?

    Regardless of the date gap between the daki and the game, if you pre-ordered it, you should still get the bonus. The delay is on the delivery service's side rather than the retailer's.

    I wouldn't be surprised if those 'proxy' services you mentioned had a cosy relationship with the folks over at customs office. So long as they're not transporting dangerous goods, both parties are happy. Also, most people wouldn't really consider all the 'extra rates' at customs a form of corruption, so it might not surface to the media that much.

    Ah, yeah, most of the guys around me during junior and high school also had little interest beyond sports. Hope you'll get better friends with wider interests who can talk about and understand a broader variety of subjects when you get to college/university, though (I did).

    Yes, in a way, it's not so much a debate as it is similar to court proceedings in a lawsuit. You're a lawyer, your thesis is the defendant you must prove innocent, and the professors are both the jury and also the plaintiffs who will nitpick anything they can.

    Oh, no problem at all, lol. I use "w" frequently myself, though I can understand feeling a bit... intimidated (?) to see that your conversation partner uses very few to no emoticons. I'm fine with either, though.

    Also, I thought I could shorten it to just 2 VMs at most, but apparently it's well over 5000 characters. orz
    It's hard to cater to Indonesians in terms of server locations -- most webmasters rent servers in either North America, Japan, or Europe, all of which are pretty far from Indonesia. So, on top of bad internet speeds, there's also the issue of distance. Some webmasters rent servers in Singapore to better serve Southeast Asian visitors, but they're (extraordinarily) expensive. Besides, Indonesia utilises the so-called IIX (Indonesia Internet eXchange) on its Internet infrastructure, something which allows faster load times between domestic Internet checkpoints at the expense of slower load times to foreign services. (Sorry if this paragraph is too technical -- just wanted to let you in on a bit of fact why Internet is very bad in Indonesia.)

    Hm, fair enough. And yeah, people's reactions to a joke can often be much funnier than the joke itself, haha.

    Tsunako is one of my favourites <3 That one is from CompileHeart too, iirc? Looks like Tsunako is eternally booked by CH -- not that I mind. As about DAL, I was put off by introduction because I don't like good-for-nothing protagonists. It's possible to be made an RPG if he goes away and it becomes an all-girls fiesta like Neptunia.

    Oh my. The game's rated D? Per CERO's ratings (D is 17+), that means the game could contain very ecchi (or violent) elements, short of only things like genitalia exposure or explicit intercourse which would make it Z (18+). Also, most customs employees would hesitate to damage a sealed box by opening it. If it has illustrations on it, it should make them assured that it doesn't contain drugs or explosives. A pity that the daki covers aren't illustrated by Tsunako, btw.
    That's... long. Okay, let's see if I can make my reply shorter to help us both, lol.

    Mods quitting would be a more likely outcome, short of the site dying outright. Taking over a community also involves bearing the financial costs. And I don't really think there was a special cause, really. You don't feel like the mod type, hm?

    The blog was taken down in early 2010. Not sure what you meant by "coro is the new Tessu," but no, coro only appeared after the blog was taken down, iirc. Whereas Tessu had been one of the earliest admins on eXalpha's blog. Zero was made an admin because he led ASL and having admin access would make things easier (as it stands, however, I lead ASL now).

    Mm, close -- it's more like tampering with the site to make it more favourable to Google et al. And yeah, Hongfire closed down its download sections after receiving too many copyright complaints.

    Obviously. ASF is much more active than SH nowadays. Would be nice if we had more posts beyond spam and downloads, though. And no... I don't remember if ASF's limit was always 60s, but I think it has always been higher than SH. The server we used to host ASF in the early times was much weaker than now, so.

    Well, having opinions is human nature; even if you work a job that doesn't require you to talk in front of others, your colleagues will still form their own opinions of you. I kinda sound American when talking too, despite using (mainly) British spellings in writing. As about debates, there's a big downside to doing it face to face, because either side is prone to getting agitated unless they're mutually experienced in keeping cool.

    Yeah, I know well what student council irl is like. Junior high or high school student council is likely filled with incompetence anyway, as there's lots of favouritism in how they pick staff and manage promotions, rather than basing decisions on the competence factor.
    Hmm, I thought it was some sort of JRPG like Neptunia (since both have the same illustrator!). Yep, region lock shouldn't be a problem; I have a bunch of friends who regularly import Japanese games before the US/EU version is out.

    10% VAT + 15% import duty? That might be the value on book, but beware -- that's rarely the final value you'll have to pay. Let's see, the total is $171.5, which is also well over that $50 threshold. As you're purchasing items rather than receiving gifts, there's no way to jumble or manipulate the invoiced price. I'm not sure of the calculations, but iirc different items get taxed differently and there's also the weight factor. Oh, and don't forget the corruption.

    An LE box should be considerably heavy with all those extra items in it. The price too, of course -- $77 would be too expensive otherwise. But if you get an artbook, drama CDs, and a novel, I suppose that's worth it. As about the term, it's usual; they also use terms like "tokuten" for limited edition bonuses, for example. I mean, you're buying Japanese media.

    Yes, every item that goes through customs will be checked. How far an item will be inspected, however, depends on the officers in charge. Some might just rubber-stamp them, some might actually open and inspect the packages. In some countries, however, you may want to be prepared to get a call from customs saying something like "we have a problem with your package." If you press and they refuse to inform you of the details, chances are they want some additional bucks to grease the wheels.

    I enjoy that too. I do what's needed in terms of common courtesy and socialisation, but beyond that, I'm not exactly a sociable person. As about that "thesis," it's some sort of academic research paper that college/university students need to write to graduate. It usually involves making a hypothesis, conducting a research to support your claims, and defending your thesis in front of a panel of professors.
    Well, he's the founder. If he quits, there'll be no one else to maintain the site, and I guess he still wants to continue. I'd like to know what caused the massive drop in activity myself.

    Yep, pretty much that. Besides, I pretty much had no life anyway! I guess since I had lots of time and little to do, I decided to always drop an opinion here and there.

    As about AS, the main founders (me, Checkmate, Tessu) were administrators of the eXalpha-Anime blog. Ever heard of that site? Simply put, most of our initial visitors were from the old blog. Then Checkmate's wizard-like SEO skills (something that helps you net more traffic from search engines like Google) brought more new visitors. And then Hongfire closed its download section, which made some of its members migrate over to AS.

    I know what you mean. It IS bland, and nothing can sugarcoat it, sadly.

    It's mainly just because I am lazy don't like being bossed over. It's not really a reliable source of income, though (unless you're an expert, maybe). Stage fright, eh? I can understand. I consider myself a mouthpiece type, but I'm much, much more confident in written communication than I am in verbal. Probably that's why I can't really be a corporate fast-talker or an attorney! If you ask me, though, school student council's got no worth to bolster real soft skills.

    Eh, I don't think I know of the problem you mentioned, lol. What I meant is just that Nico was originally only optimised for users based in Japan, and was pretty bad for anyone outside the country. And yeah, those vids. I do like some anime parodies too, but I'm afraid I can't relate to most modern animu as I don't watch 'em. That wouldn't make the parodies funny, now would it. As about what I deem funny, well... I don't think I have any set requirements -- if it's funny when I see it, then it's funny! (Tautology ftw!)

    Haha, 2000 characters are nothing indeed!
    There's only one active administrator -- no one to actively monitor the staff. It used to be very active during my time... I think it became like this around the time I was MIA. In fact, before I went MIA, it was like on the peak of activity, iirc.

    I wasn't a mod right from the start, you know~ Before I became one, I was actively participating in all sorts of discussions, including spam. Suffice to say I had too much time in my hands, orz. We admins kinda spammed a little too during the first days of ASF. You may have noticed that some of the spam game threads were created by us.

    You can just use the "new posts" feature. Not that it has much activity to be covered by a live feed like what we have on our forum homepage anyway, sadly...

    Ah, I see. As for me, I guess you can consider I'm a freeter. I'm still studying, and I kinda loathe working in an office, though I suppose I'll have to find a fixed job once I graduate anyway.

    It was horrible. Before they had the English interface, it seemed like the servers were all only in Japan and only optimised for Japanese users. I always had problems loading the vids. But now it's much better. And about funny vids on Youtube, eh, I don't really watch anime-related funny vids, lol. It's more like the kind of vids made by the likes of Ray William Johnson, if you know him. And thanks for the links -- may check 'em out later.

    Oh, Rinne Utopia is Japan only, huh? Can't wait for the NA/EU release, I assume? (That is, if they'll release it in NA/EU at all, though.) Procedures should be okay, but you may want to worry about the import taxes. A game box and a dakimakura cover (it's just the cover, right?) should be quite light and not charge you too much, though. Just hope it won't get stuck at customs, haha.

    Yeah, not much choice for forever alones like ourselves, huh? And no... not yet. Technically, I'm done with this semester, but I still have a thesis to worry about. orz
    That's... an accurate remark, sadly. I admit that I myself was MIA from the forum there for months, but after I came back and started moderating again, I noticed that many other mods were already inactive as well. Not that I can blame them... there's hardly anything to moderate. Spam is pretty dead too, as you say. When I was still actively spamming (like you guys!) there back then in 2009, I could get 100-300 posts per day. Ah, the good old days...

    I see, I see. Still a student? What are you studying again? (Or are you still in high school?)

    Ah, I don't watch it, so I'm afraid I wouldn't understand the reference either lol. You use Nico a lot? I personally feel that it's gotten much better than a couple years ago -- it's smoother for me to load than Youtube nowadays. The majority of funny vids I sometimes watch are only available on Youtube, though. And what are you ordering? A figure or something?

    Haha, nothing really worth mentioning about me~ Some chats, some writing, some Internets, a little gaming every now and then... and a heap of procrastination.
    Haha, yes, I suppose that's clearly visible. Too bad it hasn't been very active over there.

    Anyways, how goes it?
    Well, uh, I noticed that you noticed me on the other site.

    Wait, by that logic, I might very well be the stalker instead.
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