Selvaria Bles
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  • R
    I'm great tomorrow is my last exam atlast :runhappy: THIS IS SPAR....I meant FREEEDOOM
    what about you what games do you play now??
    have the mods delete my post on your thread if it's a problem, or I can ask them to if you want
    Whaaaaaats uuuuup buddy :desire: how are you doing ?? Long time no see , what games do you play now ?? :traitor:
    GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE CRAMMING HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ouch, I would have headbutted him in the face for that, not the chest lol.

    France just almost scored.

    I might get the Wii-U Zelda bundle
    I thought that was pretty funny lol. Why did he do that? I can't remember

    Is France the White, or Blue team? It's on the Spanish Channel so I don't understand everything they are saying
    I am watching it also. Hope they win!

    Who was that soccer player from France a few years ago that head butted another player?
    Nice, who do you use in Mario Kart? They should add other Nintendo characters like Samus, and Link in Mario Kart.

    I will get my own Wii-U soon.
    lol, we will get a crappy figure here or something lol.

    I hope Hyrule Warriors has online Multiplayer
    That Triforce clock is awesome lol

    You should get it just for the clock lol

    Too bad the Wii-U isn't region free
    Whats comes with the Hyrule Warriors Collectors Edition?

    Will Zelda have a sword in that game? Or just use magic?
    Does Canada call it soccer or football?

    I need to practice my Spanish more :( I suck at it, technically it should be my native language since my parents are from Puerto Rico

    I also need to get another Wii-U, my brother is taking that also when he moves :deadsad: Gonna get my own just for Mario Kart 8, and Hyrule Warriors
    So am I. I bet everyone in Canada will watch France play lol. You should learn your French again.

    US plays tomorrow. I expect them to lose every game though lol.
    Yeah lol. So I can't play today :( need to finish everything tonight.

    Watching the world cup while I do my homework though. Switzerland just won. They scored with like 10 seconds left in the game and won 2-1
    Have a few online classes. A few assignments due tonight by 11:59 lol. Should've did it last night. But I played Mario Kart all day lol.
    Got Wind Waker HD

    Had a bunch of people over last night and we played all day lol. Now I'm a day behind in homework :cramming:
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