Selvaria Bles
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  • Yeah probably Goku, I like Piccolo also, even though he isn't as strong as Goku or Vegeta.
    Ah, I see. But that essentially means you have no free day in the week, lol.

    You're welcome~
    I told My nephew I'll take him to Comic Con next year, I've never been so kinda excited about it.
    BTW once I show you Star Trek you will realize you've been wrong this whole time about Star Wars being better, I'll accept a apology then :)
    Yeah that's about the price of Blackhawk tickets. Oh well a small price to pay to see the Blackhawks destroy the Maple Leafs!
    Can't wait for the next UFC! Man, I still am kinda shocked Anderson Silva got knocked out haha. Think he will win the rematch?
    I will admit though if the Star Trek universe fought the Star Wars universe, The Star Trek universe would lose horribly :)
    Haha, I first I thought you were saying you agree Star Trek is Superior :eek: I even have a replica Phaser :)
    Yeah it's okay though, you will one day come to realize Star Trek is superior :) Honestly I like the original Star Wars Trilogy better then the new Trilogy
    Yeah he likes all the villians, he likes Venom over Spiderman :) So I guess we have a bit of a Star Wars/Star Trek rivalry :D
    I do, but honestly I'm more of a Star Trek fan :D. Though I will admit Darth Vader will completely own anyone in the Star Trek universe. My 10 year old nephew made me buy him a Darth Vader costume, and a Darth Vader mask that makes you talk like him haha.
    Yeah I saw it in the theater and bought it on blueray, I have the first one with Chris Pine on blueray also. They are making new Star Wars films also, don't know if your a fan a Star Wars or not.
    Yeah definitely man I'll get you to watch the whole series haha. Yeah the new one with Chris Pine is pretty good, did you see the newest one Star Trek Into Darkness?
    Well hopefully they won't keep me in Limbo also LOL. BTW do you like Star Trek, besides my anime that's probably one of my favorite shows, The Next Generation with Capt. Picard is the best
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