Selvaria Bles
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  • Do you have Samurai Warriors 4 on PS4? I'm thinking of getting either that game, or Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires on PS4. Haven't decided yet.
    Have you heard from Dark Angel lately? Haven't heard from him in a while.

    Is your website still up?
    That's not too bad then. Still a decent price. When will you receive the figure?

    We should play Last Round on PS4 when you get it.
    How much was the original price? Was it still new in the box?

    I want a Hitomi figure :(
    Yeah I might. Is it a fighting game?

    Also, we need to play Last Round when you get it.

    Hmm..How does it play? It loos like it'll take some time to get used to it :0
    Looks pretty cool though. I might just buy it for teh sake of having it xD
    The only link I got from you is the one for your forum

    oh, you must mean the other KOS-MOS Alter figure, I know which one you mean now
    What I meant was did it come with all the parts and accessories like this?

    In pic #6 you can see my Asuka figma in the background lol
    Cool, thanks man. I will sign up for your forum tonight.

    If all the parts were there and not damaged then I think it was a decent price. I paid with shipping $100, but that was before the price doubled. How badly damaged was the hip? Do you have a pic of the figure?
    Awesome! it's a nice figure, did it come with all the parts/weapons? I have trouble changing her breast for some reason.

    I just noticed you are shutting down UFC, why did DA leave?

    Cool, I will join the forum, if you have time can you make me a new T-ELOS set to go with your new forum? I can find the pics and send them to you if you need me to
    sorry for trolling you:emjudge: but I couldn't stop myself :lol:
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