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  • D
    Hey, did you know Ano Natsu de Matteru is getting a new OVA?
    Just spilled lemonade all over my laptop battery!! :deadsad: I unplugged it, hope it still works :/
    Ouch. That is a lot for a old game :/

    I had a game similar to that, it was a interactive game, but the player was in the U.S. Navy, I believe you had to uncover a conspiracy or something
    Yeah a lot of people didn't like The Last of Us since they said it was just a interactive movie, same with Uncharted (I guess most Naughty Dog games :/)
    I will admit that consoles age super fast, while you can always upgrade a PC. Also I love using mods on PC games
    I hope they make a new The Last of Us for PS4, that was a awesome game.

    They are making a movie of it though :/ but movies based on video games almost always suck :/
    I have it on PS4, but it has so many bugs on it it's almost unplayable :deadsad: Worse being the bug that deletes your campaign progress causing you to restart the campaign over and over :/

    If you don't mind me asking, why did you get it a PS4 if you are almost strictly a PC only gamer?
    Cool, I wanted to play the game on the handheld anyway.

    Plus my brother is getting married in July, and taking the PS3, and all the PS3 games with him to his new house
    Cool! PS3? I got the Vita Version. Final Fantasy X-2 is a download only title for Vita for some reason, so it comes with a code in the package to download the game.
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