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  • Read the first book and you will be hooked. Easily one of the best fantasy series ever created.
    Have you heard of the "Wheel of Time" series? I hope they make a show of that someday, it's a awesome series. Though I admit in the middle of the series was stretched a bit to far, and could have been completed in less books
    Just read a major spoiler online :deadsad: apparently in Season 4 episode 2 is the "Purple Wedding" and Joffrey chockes to death, suppesdly killed by his uncle Tyrion Lannister
    do you know any good sites that sell good quality replica swords? I remember I bought a Replica Sword that Aragon uses in Lord of The Rings that gets re-forged, but I don't remember the site I got it from :/
    By the way I updated all my drivers on my laptop, and it seems to be picking up my Wi-Fi signal a lot better now.
    All you need to understand me is that I'm ecchi and I like playing around with all my siblings and family members.
    There's surely an untapped niche market for it.
    All I ask is that you stop taking all my stuff and trying to keep nii-yan away from me :P
    All the easier to touch you with.
    Don't be shy, you'll like it, I promise!
    Well they were definitely colourful and penis-shaped. Maybe infa-chan left them around... Felt good either way :3
    Join meeee!
    /me gropes shin
    Doesn't seem to be working.

    I made a mess in your bed by the way. Sorry, you shouldn't have hidden all the toys in your mattress.
    Turns out my hyper-sensitivity to pleasure was only increased with your poison... Seems you dun goof'd
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