Just finished reading them... Oh man, oh man, so much to comment on!
OK! First thoughts, page 1... Tyra is SMOKIN'! XD Hawt, hawt, hawt! And a party, eh? Oh! And I just realized that you don't have Nikkou's new outfit to suit the new styles we're getting into; plus, one for Thyone and a few others, as well! Btw, is that Minamo in the red witch/sorceress garb?
For Page 3's "One Too Many", you did a nice job with Thyone, that's pretty much spot-on how she'd behave! Poor Ki isn't much of a drinker, it seems, though I don't think that would bother Nikkou (who isn't much of a drinker, either... *secret* She gets tipsy SUPER easy!!!)
I also enjoyed the cameos from the two sex fiends, Zin and Yvette, heh heh.
On to "New Threads", lol, that's a dangerously clever move by Ki! And yes, as classy as Nikkou is, that's the sort of silly trick she'd fall for!
That pin-up of Ki... argh, I'm going to have to stick'em together via PS to better appreciate it! ;)
And, naturally, I already got to enjoy the fun of "Grabbin' a Drink(er)" with Thyone and the lovely Kyla.
Great stuff! I had to read over them several times to appreciate everything. Yes, indeed, this is all very inspiring! I probably won't have the time, tonight, or "today", but when I do, I shall read all these again and try to come up with something!
Though, it might seem silly of me to copy your style, completely, so I'll have to change up the fonts or something to differentiate the layout/style. Hmm...