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    Guud! (Ok, lol, I'll stop.)

    That you might, indeed, now with 4k/makeup goodness and all! :P
    'Tis very, very guuuud!

    Ooh, thanks, bonus! I bet that I will, and that I shall put it to guud use!

    I'm actually finishing up on a pic you might like, before I go to bed, soon, heh heh.
    I'll have to check the layouts out, tomorrow, but first, gotta finish this up!
    You map them out in your head!? Oh my, I couldn't do that...

    Heh heh, glad you found them...
    And I ALMOST chose Ki, just to be a jerk, lol!

    I can't remember if you used it or not, but there is a Neo version of the HiR program, already, which loads up all the items that have already been installed into the old studio.
    Worked for me, it seems.
    How you can navigate without translations still amazes me, honestly.

    Really? I've loaded up both the scene, the animation, and both worked fine. Gimme a minute to do that...
    Here you go, you animal! I hope you're proud of yourself! >_<
    Hey, you on? Well, anyway, I checked out the tentacles in NEO, and it all worked fine, for me. Maybe the problem is only with that scene? I didn't check that out, btw, but I can do that, now.
    Alright, I'll take a look at it and see what's up.

    Really, really sucks about the Background thing, though. I know you use them quite a bit, and I've also started to more and more. : /
    I agree, I think so far the best stuff really has nothing to do with NEO. Then again, I haven't dived deep, yet, because my girls look horribly off in it.

    K, buddy, catch ya lata!

    P.S.: That Studio you mentioned with the two blue demons was Yuusha's.
    Hmm, maybe that's just a big? Don't know anything about that, I'll have to test it, too. Was that in NEO?

    I'm eating, so I can't look into much. I haven't even bothered messing with much of any of NEO, but I can confirm that I looked all over for using Backgrounds (using an English translation, too) and didn't see the option anywhere...
    Man, go figure things turn out this way, right?
    Clean install? That's up to you, but there's no way in hell I'm taking that route, given the giant number of mods I have. Just thinking of all that hurts my head!
    No tentacles? Come to think of it, I never even bothered looking into all that, just yet. I'm not sure if they were scene/animation specific or what.

    Wait, 4k isn't working on your main game, either? Have you installed this, yet?

    The only thing the 4k works fine with, for me, was the old studio and now the main game.
    Btw, you meant missing the 4k mod in NEO, right? Not in the main game/maker or anything?
    I don't think I had any issues with the eyebrows. The main issues are the 4k skins and makeup. So yeah, anything to do with 4k.

    I have Kyla's striped makeup, yes.
    Yeah, like I said, none of the eyebrows or anything of that nature are working for NEO, so it's not because you've overwritten some files; everyone is suffering from this issue, it seems. If you read my post earlier that I posted at the exact same time as you, lol, I mentioned that.

    Yup, I have Kyla's and Tyra's eyebrows.
    Agh, you bit the bullet! Dammit, you should have waited, lol. Now you're in the same boat as I am! >_<
    Oh, is that right? Well, I showed up sort of soon, considering the time you left the message, ha ha.

    Eh, just be aware that 4k makeup, the graphics mod, and various other things still do not work for it. I'm assuming the 4k stuff not working is since plasticmind has not adapted it to work for it, yet.
    If you plan on doing anything like that, I HIGHLY recommend backing up your cards, yes, but it depends on how much you're willing to install.
    No worries, I'm sure that'd be more than enough.

    I hope so. It's only been a few days since its release, so I'm sure thinks will pick up, soon.
    What really sucks, right now, is that I noticed the character cards get updated with the new main game. The crux of that? I can't use the updated cards for the old studio (they don't show up in the list).
    Yup, can't even use the old studio. : / I have all my old cards backed up, so I can use those, but I've since made some changes to many girls in the new maker. Yeesh.

    Argh, I'm getting drowsy, so I best rest my eyes. Good chattin' with ya, sorry I can't return the favor and pose up some sexy mini-comics.
    Catch ya lata, buddy!
    Cool, thank ya!
    Hmm... At this point, I'm not sure. These days, I'm not feeling the option of doing 20+ pages like I used to do.
    As far as the format is concerned, it'll be just like all my others, I think? Something to think on.

    Yup, it's all-around a bit of a pain, that's for sure. As much as I want to use those newer maps, those issues stop me in my tracks.
    Then I vote we change that to Sci-Tasy, lol!

    Well, I don't mind the file size if you're willing. Just know that I've been leery of the Studio since the update. (In regards to that weird shine/specular bug that occurs with maps)
    Ho ho! Very nice finishing touches! Love the overall sci-fantasy look! (Yeah, that's what we're calling it, now)
    Jeez, I need to get my act together, though I don't think it'll look as pro-style as that.
    No biggie, mostly it was a little fun to get a better taste of Thyone's personality. She's a lot trickier than Nikkou, that's for sure.

    Aieee, that Kyla knows just how Thyone operates! Took me a little bit to realize her crotch was getting grabbed (the navel was what did it).
    Very sexy, I like where this is heading! :P I kinda wish the text was bigger, but that's it.

    Well, enjoy your sleep, and thanks for the sneak peaks, lata lata!
    That was an incredibly quick meal, as far as I'm concerned! Anyway...
    Yeah, I noticed the nice job with the drunken slurs.

    Actually, the "sweet tits, alright" line was one of the most accurate things she said, heh heh. Thyone would never say "fo", and it'd be fine if the line was "that Ki's got some sweet tits, no doubt!..."
    So yeah, Thyone's loud, raw, brash, abrasive, and horny. On the flip-side, she's incredibly lonely, and really just wants to be held by someone.
    (Fine, don't ask her questions, lol. Guess that's pushing it?)
    P.S.: Gonna eat some dinner, so brb in about 15-20 minutes!
    Wow, you went REALLY inner-city; almost black! lol! XD That almost sounds like Jamila Jones, ha ha! She's not that urban, but yeah, you're gettin' the idea! Dork works better than nerd with her, I think.
    Go on, ask Thyone a couple questions, just for the hell of it!

    Yup yup, you're on the right track!

    Sadly, that is the case. In the "old days", graphics were pretty lacking, so they substituted that with story. Game-makers are forgetting what made those older games classics in the first place.

    It's a fantastic logo, I'll give you that!
    The old studio still works, but since I installed the new maps, the skin has become a little darker and the old grainy, dark skin shine/specular issues have returned. Not sure what to do about that. (That issue only shows up when I load a map)

    Yeah, you're better off looking through other comics she made appearances in. I could summarize a little for ya.
    She's got a foul mouth, for sure. Here's her old description from the now defunct blog:

    Let me give you a couple lines, if it helps. Oh, and if you want, ask "Thyone" some questions, and "she'll" answer them, accordingly, lol! ;)

    (Random dude) - "So how's about some sex, bitch?"
    (Thyone) - "So how's about I kick your balls up to your brain, bitch? Fuck off."

    (Yvette) - "Ooh, you're looking awfully tense, Thyone. How about a relaxing massage?"
    (Thyone) - "Massage, eh? OK, you win, but you gotta take your top off. I need the whole experience, you got me?"

    So yeah, ask more questions, if you'd like, but she's pretty urban-styled, inner-city with her slang/speech.

    Either way, things are looking pretty foxy! ^_^
    Don't get me wrong, I do love the open world aspects of FF A LOT, but a lot of these newer games have pretty weak stories. There needs to be a balance, you know?

    Ooh! Now that's one hell of a cover! I love the logo on the top-right, too, heh heh. Excellent!
    Yeah, that's a pretty sweet airship! Imagine the adventures on that thing...
    FF is amazing, and imo *was* the best. RPG's like that aren't really around anymore, though. Now everyone's jumped on the open-world adventure genre.

    Ooh, hello there, you foxy chick! lol! It's cool that you didn't quite get her speech right, I still enjoyed it! I love her clearly drunken stupor, then she looks endlessly into that bottle to find one last drop, heh heh.
    Looks like she's got another foxy chick following her, eh? Ho ho!
    Jeez, I should probably just upload all of my comics for you or something. Didn't I give you my character data from the old blog at some point? Oh well, I'll include that, too.
    Oh, just remembered! You can also check in our group's 'Gathering of the Comics' thread for links to most of my comics, though our war isn't included in that. Here's the link to that!

    So that was done in the old Studio? I decided to bite the bullet and install everything, and now regret it. -_- Everything's all screwed up, I didn't even know where to begin. The vast majority of the issues involve the graphics patch & translations.
    All in good fun, I would have said that if anyone wore a mask like that.
    Genre blending is fun stuff! FF is perfect for that sort of thing, seeing as how it eventually merged actual Fantasy into Sci-Fi for more of the cyberpunk feel.
    Guess we just need airships?
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