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    Like you said, Kyla & Thyone would be the wild ones, for sure. The other two... they would have probably verged on kissing, and then, I wake up, ha ha!

    Oh yeah, that's definitely in the FF realm, very nice! You know me, not into freaky masks, though; she reminds me of Voldo from SC with that thing on. o_0

    Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk styles... Well, I guess I could create just one outfit like that for most of my girls, just so they fit in with what's going on.
    Oh, Nikkou is well aware of the chase, and has warmed to it as time passes. Again, just who do you think she got that hairstyle and outfit for, hmm? Certainly not Brick Slamchest, lol!

    Your idea makes perfect sense. Welp, it's gotten far, far too late, and as much as I want to continue chatting, I better get to sleepin'.
    I hope to dream of Kyla, Ki, Thyone, and Nikkou all having fun! ;)
    Good talk, catch ya lata, buddy!
    Yup, sometimes the chase is just as nice as the catch, eh?
    That it has... all because of a war hostage situation!

    Oh, mama! Even when I saw the thumbnail, I knew I was in love! :lovestruck: Sexy, love that cyberpunk-ish style, suits her well! *Saved*

    Ahh, and you're in luck, that took much less time to figure out than I thought! Here's the outfit!

    [Saw2008] Sweater_Top

    key: bxvt
    But she wouldn't even be dreaming, would she? lol! So she's having crazy, sexual dreams of Nikkou that badly!?
    It's probably due to Nikkou respecting her space. She's a private one, and not really the sort to find things out the hard way... Or would that be the easy way?

    Gimme a sec, finishing up on a new fantasy outfit for Nikkou, then I'll see if I can find out where that's from.
    Not shocking, whatsoever!
    Hmm... I imagine she'd be extraordinarily red-faced and embarrassed, but on the inside, curious as to whether or not Ki was doing that while thinking of her or someone else.
    Well, that is, unless Ki was flat-out saying Nikkou's name, out-loud, in ecstasy, lol!

    Ki better pace herself, she doesn't want Nikkou getting irritated and overwhelmed!

    Funny coincidence, but three of your swimsuit items just so happened to conflict; pretty sure the IDs were what I came up with, though. Easy fix, regardless. I already finished with the conflicts, other than roy12's, of whom which I'm sure he'll personally fix, himself.
    Ahh, figured I did. Well, not everything is gold, but there are some nice clothing goodies, like that sexy outfit Nikkou got just for Ki to see some side-boob in the pic earlier! ;)
    Ah ha, so perhaps she's had some private moments of imaginative "fun" all to herself?
    Nikkou's not going to let it be so easy, mwa ha ha! XD
    *Reads the rest* Ahh, so she DID do that, eh? Ha ha, nice! Sure isn't a secret, anymore!

    Oh yeah? As soon as I saw that style, I knew it was perfect for her. Perhaps she wanted to get Ki's attention more than she lets on?

    Nope, don't think I've seen Kyla's sci-fi outfit, yet; at least her card didn't come with anything like that.
    On a similar note, I've had to fix so many ID conflicts, that I'm assuming that even if you had the mods for them, they won't show up properly due to their IDs being different than the originals.
    If you haven't discovered this, already, here's where I've been grabbing all sorts of goodies! --- All Updates will be Listed Here.
    lol, yup, that was titled "A Double Date" for a reason! ;) Who knows how it'd end with Kii & Nikkou, but you can probably guess where it was heading with the other two, hweh heh heh!

    Yup, gonna send them, now! And be gentle with my gals, k?
    Kii, control your urges! lol!
    Aiieee, wait, before I send you the link, I might as well post this pic I did for ya! I was still planning on more to happen, afterwards, but this features Nikkou's new look, so...
    Enjoy! ^_^

    Well, who knows, I'm not really fond of short, vague responses, personally. Hopefully it's just a misunderstanding.

    And yup, wow, a lot of good stuff! Nice new face textures, hairstyles, a TON of head accessories (which is where most of the ID conflicts are), etc.
    Now that I've got all of it working, I don't know where to start, lol. Kinda overwhelming, you know? I've been spending so much time in the maker, lately, and now I feel like I'll be spending a lot more!
    Oops, I'll send you my up to date character cards, even if it does spoil some surprises!
    Eh heh, that comment wasn't directed at you, buddy. No, of course you don't do that, you've always been patient and helpful!
    Btw, thus far (haven't done the 17, 19 & 20, yet) that seems to have done the trick! Thanks, and huzzah! : )

    Whoa, that's some fearsome gear! O_O
    Argh, I was eyeing all that stuff, but I couldn't decide on what was safe and what wasn't. Thanks, I'll give those a shot!
    At least you were helpful and didn't just laugh at me... >_>
    Well, that sucks. I have no clue what to do about that.

    Yeah, I installed the 17, 19, & 20 content and achieved the same results.
    Yeah, the whole body completely disappears in the character creator. Nope, the files were not misplaced, just double-checked. I put all the abdata\chara files (15) in the appropriate place, and yes, the list file is where it needs to be, as well. I only installed those two particular things.
    Even if I have to install disk 2, that still wouldn't explain how they worked fine for you without the disk 2 files and not for me.

    It's a completely different mesh, and not something that came with HS or SBPR.

    Not skimpy? You displayed her half-nude, lol! XD

    Edit: Agh, there's other stuff, too?
    Glad to help! Btw... I just added the "15" files, and when checking them out, their bodies are completely missing... Was I supposed to add those other abdata & chara files from disk 2, as well? I couldn't help but notice those replaced many existing files.
    All the more cosmetics, the merrier! Btw, did I already mention that I missed the old Leopard swimsuit from SBPR, etc.? Pretty sure you know the one I'm talking about.

    LOL, oh, you think so, eh? What are you trying to do to my elf heroine, so evil! lol
    He's had some nice extended eyelashes/pubic hair mods in the last couple months that I really liked, and I personally think you would, too. So yeah, those are worth checking out...
    BUT, friggin' Hongfire thought it'd be brilliant to do a SERVER UPGRADE NOW, of all times, lol! Talk about being totally oblivious.

    I just read what you mentioned about the outfits. How about this: Let me know where all those files are, to save me the trouble, and I'll upload some cosmetic necessities for ya!
    Ahh, well, I would wait on that, since I haven't really updated them too much, if at all, in the last couple months or so. I'm concerned that you might be missing certain mods, too, like the pubic hair/eyelashes from GCHAOS, hair mods, and obviously a bunch of clothing.
    So I noticed, so I noticed!

    Getting wasted, I'm starting to believe more and more, is a global thing.
    We've both got a ton of girls, so it's understandable that we'll forget some things, here and there. But yeah, I think it was just Nikkou and Thyone (Nikkou got an alternate 'modern' update, btw!)

    If there's no one else to do it, feel proud that you're the one to take care of her. The older people get, the more stubborn they tend to get, so that's why they'll need their children to be there for them.
    No worries, it's RL, it happens.

    Ha ha, this country is always looking for an excuse to get wasted, so we've got that much in common! (Even if I do think we get carried away with that sort of thing)
    Walpurgis night? That's familiar, too, but I don't remember what that was all about.

    There were? And you're sure it was specifically 3? Damn... And you don't remember any of them? lol, it'd help to know, because I just stare at them and nothing comes up, other than Thyone's obvious declaration in the war.
    Yeah, lol, Nikkou got some over-friendly Stockholm Syndrome!

    Ahh, damn, I was hoping to chat with ya, more, since my brain is completely useless, right now. I just logged into the studio and went through girls, maps, any sort of inspiration, and got nothing. -_-
    That's why I jumped back on here, as I was looking for inspiration from some of our conversations, so I wasn't actually expecting your reply so quickly.

    Well, sorry to hear that about your mom, regardless.

    P.S.: Just looked up Walpurgis Night, to refresh my memory... ahh, yes, the Brocken, burning, witches, lol. April 30th, eh?
    Ahh, isn't it that goat day or whatever you told me about? How... exciting? lol

    I see, I see.
    Others, as in plural? The only other person that I could think of that was trying to get hot 'n' heavy with Ki was Thyone. Ranya just happened to be around to bring a banana, lol, she's one of my 'straighter' girls.
    Were there others? I just went through my girls and no one else popped out at me.

    Oh, heh heh, I just finished a pic that is related to something we talked about a few days ago. I'd like to do a few more pics, though, so I'm not just continuously tossing 1-2 pics at a time.
    Sorry, replying here so we don't clutter up that thread with our conversation, heh heh.
    Ki-Fu, eh? I honestly don't remember talking about it, but I look forward to seeing what exactly it is!
    On a side note, we both left each other hanging with our previous comic entries; me with Ranya showing up with a banana for Ki, and you with Kyla charging at Nikkou.

    Not that it's a big deal, but I just remembered that we don't have that special Leopard Bikini. You know which one I'm talking about, right?

    A special day that requires evil versions of characters...? o_O
    Hey it's good to hear from you! I was kind of worried but I'm glad you are doing okay.

    Man that sounds really rough, I can only imagine what you are going through. I hope that your mom gets better, you must be so worried about her.

    Stay strong bro. Come back when you are ready, don't feel like you have to rush back. Sorry I don't know what I can say to make you feel better, I'm never good at these kind of things. But I am a good listener so you can chat me up if you feel like you need to talk. Take care man.
    Oh ho, now THAT'S some useful information, right there! I've got quite a few girls who enjoy drinkin', but one in particular probably more than the others. (Big hint: Her name is Thyone.)
    Well, well, now you've got my mind workin', alrighty! Expect some good times with Kyla, booze, and boobs in the near future! (What's this? A new BBB, perhaps?!)

    Good to hear from ya, buddy, catch ya lata!

    P.S.: Now how could I forget that you told me about the Bi-Ki-Ni(i) thing, already? Shame on me!
    If you say so, heh heh.

    I know all about stubborn family members, you don't have to tell me. Older people, in particular, become much more set in their ways, but yeah, some are worse than others.

    As do my own girls, heh heh. I still have a few yet to be showcased or shared! I should just do simple shots of them to get all that business out of the way.
    I've also been wanting to sneak in Kyla, in particular, but I can never come up with an idea for that sort of thing.
    Ahh, the hell, copying/pasting replies? Come on, buddy, lol, you're better than that! :P

    But on a serious note, that's a lot on your plate. I know it's got to be rough and stressful, but you're doing the right thing, and kudos to you for that.
    Hopefully the treatments work out for the best so she can live a healthier, worry free life. (And, yeah, so you can get back to your own)

    Thanks! I try to stay focused on doing studio work on a regular basis, even if it's only a little bit at a time. Right now I'm working on a big pic featuring several of my girls.
    Mostly, it's a celebration of warmer weather finally on the horizon!

    I have other ideas, as well, though I've also been thinking of saying hello to some of your girls, heh heh.
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