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    lol, that much I understood, good good!
    And just where is this mystery boyfriend, anyway? The only guy I remember seeing associated with those two was the jovial, beefy brother.

    Ahh, and I just read your pic post reply. So you made him recently, eh? That would explain a lot.
    lol, just a little norty with her! Hope you don't mind! (Or... more specifically... her boyfriend! O_O)
    Hehhehheh, I left ya a little surprise in the pic thread! Hope ya like it!
    Very nice, very nice! I've been busy the last couple days, but I'll have time for studio work today, for sure.
    I look forward to the completed ending, Nikkou better be ready!
    Oh, wow, so it has! And dammit, it's a cliffhanger, lol! Shucks! I noticed that you didn't put them into their own gallery, so I had to check them individually.
    I loooooove it!!!
    Yeah, I don't think I'll use it for this comic, actually... too deep into the comic to turn back and make changes.
    I'll probably scale it back, a bit, to compensate.

    The Juggernaut Jugs is too much Jug! lol! Considering it's already in the word, perhaps just "The Juggernauts", and people can figure out why they're called that, themselves. ;)
    Jug is pretty much short for juggernaut, in some cases... especially in this one, ha ha!

    Aww, bummer!
    Oh my! Shame on you two for letting that green pond fool you! Eeeewwwww!!! lol

    I'll get to workin' on both my retaliation and the other comic, today. Hopefully some serious progress is made.
    Catch ya lata!
    It happens to the best of us, no biggie.

    Yup, yup, pretty much common knowledge at this point.

    It'll be awhile till you see him, since this comic is meant to be rather on the long-ish side. (Around 10 pages or so; already at 5)
    I get a little embarrassed that I only use single pics for comics, sometimes, so I'm thinking of incorporating Manga Studio (which I have) into setting up panels.

    Jugs... Jugs... I've become more and more interested in using that slang for something; like a group of ladies called "The Juvenile Jugs", you know? lol
    Though, juvenile would be associated with teens & pre-teens, so... not accurate. I'll have to think of some other "J" word to keep with the alliteration.
    I don't doubt that one bit; Zin's determined, I'll give her that much.
    And, not to be Mr American-English slang nazi, ha ha, but it's "cop" a feel, heh heh.
    Ouch... a rock doesn't seem worth it, no matter how tempting it may look. -_-

    Guess you missed him, eh? Well, he was kinda there and gone in the SBPR times, and I only have myself to blame;
    he has much potential, and will serve as an "anti-hero" figure who gets to kick-ass and shag ladies-a-plenty!
    You better be mighty careful about copping a feel with either of them...
    One is Koko, though she's more open to "fun". The other, being Faeyline...
    Let's just say she's far and away your toughest opponent; both physically AND emotionally, lol.

    Nope, nothing to do with Casjan. I'll give you a hint:
    Rhymes with Stick Ramfest!

    Whatever's clever, heh heh.
    Welp, here they are!
    Yup, gotta share some time with your lady, nothing wrong with that.

    It's pretty much a solo thing that is, more or less, a return of a personal favorite male character of mine! ;)

    Heh heh, it was just a personal gaffe, on my part... OF COURSE I know you're Swedish, lol. So yup, just a thoughtless blunder.
    Clearly, you need to settle down! Too much fun is deadly, especially regarding slimes & tentacles!
    Yes, I did *finally* get started on the Ki retaliation, though, that wasn't where most of my work went. Actually, a lot of it was another comic I'd been meaning to do.
    I did have some pin-ups, though I'm not sure if you saw those in the group thread, already?

    lol, you're right about that... I forgot.
    Fair is fair!
    Oh, hey hey! Don't be using your language against me, lol.
    Well, I haven't done anything today, though I was pretty productive, yesterday!
    How about you?
    Indeed, I wasn't exactly referring to the darkness/brightness being an issue, but how the shadows react to it; or, as you said, the specular not working as it did with SBPR.
    Err... Yeah? I'd have to take a look.
    Oops, I jumped off, thinking you'd be sleeping.
    Is this a new shader than the old one I've been using for the chainkini? That chainkini had some similar funky issues of its own, if you recall.
    Either way, I guess I'd have to eventually see for myself.

    Well, if Takota is just Takota, I still like her! Nice new girl!
    Oops, forgot to mention that I tested them together and didn't see any difference with or without them on at the same time.
    Yes, those look like the exact same kind of issues I'm experiencing; just not with shine, not shadows.
    Belgar mentioned it having to do with how that shader affects the custom colors, but also is prone to doing that.

    Gonna sleep, eh? Well, first off... DAMN, Who's this new girl, Takota?! I like her!!!
    Ahh, just checking his thread, again, I don't think that skirt is his mod, either; I think it's just part of the 12/22 DLC, as you mentioned.
    Still... kinda embarrassing that an actual Illusion skirt has issues like that.
    First off... good lord, man, why don't you have your studio translated?!!! lol!
    And, lol, you don't have to do that, I expect that would be a fairly pricey shipping for you, anyway.

    Welp, I'm not sure what you mean by that, but the issue itself doesn't involve ID issues... Unless you meant conflicting with something else?
    The thing is, the clothing from that pack is from the last 12/22 DLC that Illusion released, but adapted for use as "Normal" clothing, rather than the Swimsuit category.
    And as far as I've seen, I'm fairly certain that all of the mods from his pack have that weird shader/shadow issue going on.

    Eh... I'm not sure? I'd have to double-check.
    lol, go figure; guess it's mostly an American brand.
    I doubt I'll ever really be able to celebrate Semmelday, though.

    Thanks, appreciate it!
    I do enjoy SvenHards pastries (especially the breakfast claws), but obviously those won't compare to the real Swedish delights like that.
    A special day for it? Do you call it "Semla Day"? lol
    I... Eh... lol.
    Another Swedish Pastry of some sort? I have never seen anything exactly like that, tbh...
    Looks like a desert, I guess?
    Yup, can do!

    Ooh, I don't know what 'Semla' is (guessing it's Swedish?), but that all sounds very refreshing.
    Enjoy your fill, and yes, I shall be heading to bed very soon.

    Glad to be helpful in whatever little way I can!
    Anyway, I posted my report for Belgar, so hopefully he'll look into that, soon.
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