It's pretty tough to get something like that to work when half of the Senate and most of the Republicans are doing all they can to end it...
That whole situation still frustrates the hell out of me.
Yup, our Insurance companies control too much power and are far too corrupt, and naturally, that goes hand in hand with our ridiculous medical system charging a small fortune for even the simplest of things.
I mean... $11,000 for a root canal and some lesser caps?! -_-
But yeah, Obama was fighting a losing battle virtually all on his own, and I'm still disgusted by it. People foolish enough to blame him for our country's issues when they should be either blaming the Senate/House or looking in the mirror.
I still vow he was a great president, but not given his best opportunity to lead.
Welp, considering his age will probably be a factor, I sadly don't think Bernie will run again. Maybe Joe Biden? He seemed alright, and certainly not someone who was going to take shit from others. A man of reason and common sense.
We sometimes joke, around here, to just make California its own country, lol. Really, we could probably get away with it, considering our diversity in all things.
Indeed, it probably hasn't been since the 80's when we were this divided, but that felt more like a rich vs. poor/middle class situation. I was just a kid, back then, though, so I didn't really understand.
I'd like to think he won't last that long... His popularity rating continues to plummet, as we speak... and that's just within weeks he's reaching new lows! What does that tell ya? I think...
"Uhhh... why did we vote for him, again?"