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  • Hey man I'm sorry to hear about your mother. These kind of things are never easy. I'm usually not one for words but I want to let you know I'm here for support if you ever need it buddy.
    The waiting game is a tough one, but I hope the results are positive.

    I feel like I have ideas at the least useful moments, lol. Sometimes it's also having the ideas but struggling with the execution.

    I've taken a few simple shots, but I think I'd like to get some sexy shots in there, as well. We'll see, inspiration has been tough to find, these days.

    P.S.: Here's a shot I made for sin07 featuring his Raven, as well as a simple night shot, both featuring the new shaggier bangs.
    Yeah, RL has kept him a busy bee, it seems. Speaking of which, I hope things are better concerning your mom.

    Btw, how do you come up with ideas/inspiration? Admittedly, I struggle with that every time I open up the studio; my mind goes totally blank.
    But yeah, mood definitely plays a huge part in it.

    I'll have to take some pics to show her off. I planned on doing a little comic for her, too, but we'll see.

    Yup yup, talk lata!
    Ahh, well, I'm with you on that, home's the place to be.

    Right now, I don't really know what to do; kinda lost, creatively, especially since you and BT were pretty much the ones who drove me to create and have fun.
    I guess, for the time being, you could call it some sort of break from the studio. I did actually change Thyone's hair, though! Gave her a new style that was a little more wild and true to her original AA2 form.
    I don't like hospitals, either. They always gave me a cold feeling, you know? Always left me feeling uncomfortable and depressed.

    Indeed, get some rest, and catch ya later.
    That's awful. Why must she have to wait so long for treatment?
    I mean, I'm relieved to hear that it isn't spreading, but I would desire treatment as quickly as humanly possible!
    Just hang in there and hope that it's much sooner, rather than later.
    I compared the two, and it didn't take me long to come to that conclusion, either.

    Oh, buddy... My heart sank deeply when I read about your mother. Please, do whatever you can to support her.
    I'll miss having you around, but, that's an extremely serious matter.
    I hope with all of my being that she comes out of it healthy.

    Take care, you have all of my support, buddy!
    So just a technical thing, eh? Not much I can help ya with, there. : /
    Jeez, you gotta be careful with your tinkering! At least you figured it out, even if it was after 3 days of stressing yourself.

    Yeah, I opted for short hair, since I liked that style on her. I really did want her to retain her original style, but none of the HS styles really popped out to me that were similar.
    Why, you think I should give her back her long hair? I do miss it.
    What part of it is giving you such trouble? If you really want to, you could always just uninstall the one I gave you and just grab plasticmind's newest version.
    If you like using background images, though, you'll have to implement the fix he posted on that same release thread.

    FWIW, I'm still using the 12/22 DLC version you're using, as well.

    P.S.: Rayelle Jestella has arrived!

    Wow, liked it so much you made her your avatar, eh? Btw, that is not an easy name to say out-loud, lol.
    Nonetheless, very cool! I think it would help if you changed the socks, based on what I see. Pretty sure there are some alternative options for that.

    Eh, no worries, all I did was create a bunch of outfits for Yvette... and my one & only sci-fi ported lady from AG3, Rayelle Jestella! ^_^ She ended up having 20 outfits of *extremely* subtle variation...
    I did grab those new eyes of yours on the blog, though I guess you weren't satisfied with a pair?
    Well, good to know, can't wait to see what you're cookin' up with the studio goodies!
    So will I, I have no idea what she'll look like, lol.

    Well, I guess it remains to be seen, then.
    Ooh, that's impressive! If it's even remotely resembling of that, wow, what a glorious addition that'd be!

    I did have fun creating environments for SBPR with all your Fantasy resources, though of course, you've got to be in the mood for that sort of thing.
    Btw, my first Sci-Fi girl will be ported from my one and only Sci-Fi creation (from AG3, btw), Rayelle Jestella!
    Very cool, indeed. My recollection of sci-fi clothing typically involves skintight suits of various molds, so thankfully, many of these swimsuit options can be played with to accommodate those needs.
    There are some basic maps here and there, now, that could be used, though they are a bit dated looking.
    Yeah, I think we're all holding our collective breaths over the new studio and what it may/may not screw up.
    *Checks* So the Sci-Fi production is truly underway, now, eh? Intriguing!
    You've got quite the load, indeed, considering that sci-fi mods are very few & far between for HS, and that includes clothing, studio items, maps, etc.
    Where is that needle device from? That looks very painful lol Not something I'd want to be laying on. Some pretty cool stuff here. Ah yes I think test tubes/chambers would work quite well. I was thinking of keeping the alien in a tube so that's why I asked about the shower item.
    Yeah I was also leaning towards the sci-fi one as well since I always do so much fantasy stuff. Oooh that sounds exciting! Wonder what it'll be..

    Oh hey was wondering did you ever release that shower/tube looking item with those girls taking a shower together? That might be useful too I think
    Ah okay. Well when you do get it going I'll be there to show my support!

    So I need your help on some ideas for a comic. I've had two ideas floating in my head for some time now even before the release of Honey Horror. I was thinking of either going a Sci-Fi or Fantasy route, here are the scenarios:

    Sci-Fi: I was thinking of making a short story of a Scientist who is given an alien "specimen" from secret agents/goverment officials to do some research and study on about its life cycle and reproduction and stuff like that. Strong emphasis on reproduction lol. And one day she gets curious and helps stimulate the specimen then ultimate perform the act of reproduction with the alien.

    Fantasy: I'm thinking of using my Queen of Lust Amira for this one. Amira's brother has a cursed placed on him that turns him into a tentacle monster at night who goes around and rapes women. But Amira being Queen takes it upon herself to satisfy her brother's new form to prevent it from terrorizing the women in the area. They are lovers in the past and she tries to save his mind.

    Which one sounds better to you? They are both going to have consensual tentacle sex (consentacles hehe) because that to me is way more hot than the rapey stuff.
    I see. Didn't you have a patreon set up before? Or some other kind of donation site? Do you still have it? I'm more than willing to throw some donations your way for the insane amount of work you put into these mods. I'm sure others would be willing to donate as well as your stuff is very high quality.
    Well, normal hours sounds more reasonable.
    Oops, missed that you only meant woman, my bad. Still can't escape that greasy look he has, though.
    Indeed I have. I haven't had this much fun in HS since ever. Your mod gave new life into the studio for me so expect more pics coming your way!

    The mod I'm using wasn't released on HF but on a japanese site that another user had sent me. You can check it out here: . I'm not sure which pack it is but you can download all of them. They should have pictures included in the zip files.

    So now that your first mod is released.. what's next? Are you going to wait for the new DLC before you decide what to do from there? I hope the expansion doesn't break any mods or make it more difficult for modders.
    Got some more pics for ya buddy! Don't know if you've seen this yet, if you have just ignore if not then enjoy! Those eggs came in handy, I bet you already knew what I was gonna use them for lol.

    Ahh, working again, eh? Welp, shucks, lata!
    Oh... well, nvm, then.

    *His* women? lol, yup, pretty much how I figured he'd be. So Nii doesn't mind the cheating, eh?
    If Ki made those kind of comments about him around Nikkou, I could see her rolling her eyes and muttering something under her breath, heh heh.

    Ah, not that guy, but actually a different guy. I already finished Brick Slamchest awhile ago, but have yet to reveal him in a proper manner.
    Indeed, I was expecting some kind of chunk-headed beefcake; this guy looks, if I'm to judge, more like the sleazy, cheating, abusive type! O_O
    That being said, he better watch himself, or one of my girls (or guys) just might steal Nii away, ha ha!

    Classy guy, eh? Hmm... that reminds me; I was going to make another guy for more 'sexual' related purposes...
    Looks like a Yakuza mobster, so perhaps something Japanese?
    Oh, really?! Wow, I was NOT expecting him too look like this! He looks much older, and greasier, than I imagined, lol.
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