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  • Oh my... Now it's the Vikings turn. Teddy Bridgewater injured his knee in a non-contact drill, and may be out for the season.

    Fortunately for the Lions and Packers, Cutler is still okay.

    Oh lol, I didn't notice it was 1/6. No wonder it's quite pricey x3

    Decided to skip that set. While I really like them, it's expensive and I can't go and buy just one of them =/

    I got a dead end on my first 2 tries but it seems I made the right choices now as I got to Chapter 3. I love the innocence of the girls, it's so cute. What I like so far is how the little interactions make their relationships grow.
    I'm hoping to get Mayuri first as I really like her personality. I assume there are only 2 routes in this volume? For Rikka and Mayuri.

    Ah I see. Also, technically that's a spoiler for me, I don't know she plays piano as far as I am now. /me tackles Elos But it seems it's nothing to major so I'll forgive you this time x3
    As for the other 2 girls, we'll know in the next games :3

    Ah I see.. Hope everything's alright man.
    No plans yet, still gotta decide where I wanna go (and IF I wanna go abroad) Relaxing at home isn't all that bad either though :P
    I don't like the other version too much. I went ahead and pre-ordered the figure <3 Can't wait. Though, she is just a tab bit too expensive for what you get to be honest. She looks amazing and I can then see Alter's quality on my own. This is my first figure by Alter. It's usually Max Factory and Skytube.

    The figure looks cute with the chair, I was going to VM that one to you as well but you beat me too it x3 Reasonably priced as well imo.

    I torrented the Steam version but I couldn't install it due to some Microsoft Libray C++ something error. So I just went with the version from erogedownload.
    I'm about 45min into the game and I have yet to see any messed up sentences though. I did keep the OST from the Steam version. The bgm's are beautiful.
    I love the VN so far. Artwork is amazing <3

    Man, so much to do, yet so little time :deadsad: Pokemon GO, the VN, work, CoD BO3, DOAX3, Pokemon XY/ORAS...
    I really need a holiday to to everything :dead:
    Well, the Cowboys are skrood royally! Tony Romo is out for half the season with a fractured back.

    I don't know which is worse, a Cowboys team without Romo, or a Bears team with Cutler. :sigh:
    On an unrelated note, I really like this figure but I'm unfamiliar with the manufacturer..


    I like the color palette , the butt and most of all, her sneakers. I'm a sucker for sneakers + jeans of any type.
    It's really well-sculpted. The way the boobs flow out from the side. It's usually the case with that cup size and a too tiny bikini top :3

    EDIT: I found that Ryu-ns is like a Sub brand of Alter. Alter does have good quality figures.
    Hm.. What's the difference between the Steam version, aside from the fact that it comes with OST?

    EDIT: Nevermind, just read the PM. Hmm..I'll need to get that one too then.
    Oh thanks the guide will come in handy if I get stuck somewhere.

    I was going to VM you about it too. Man, having to wait for the other ones after you finish this one is going to be a pain D:
    Oh well, can't do much but wait :3

    Yea the artwork is what caught my eye. DL'ing the last part so I can play soon. Looking forward to it.

    Went to the beach again today for Pokemon Go. It's like a major hot-spot with hundreds of people. Caught some awesome stuff today: Chansey, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Ninetales, Nidoqueen and quite some starters.
    It's been going okay I guess, but still it's painful. What's funny is the next day he refuses to listen to any commands. I guess he decided one hour was enough lol.

    You and me both about disliking XIII and XIII-2, or Lightening Returns. We seem to be the minority though. Most people liked the games a lot.

    I heard about No Mans Sky. Too much hype for a game that didn't offer much.

    Did your brother go to Louisiana?

    Yeah, I've been too busy which doesn't allow me come here as often as I had been. Hopefully, sometime in the future things will quiet down a bit. How's your job and family?
    Yea, I'm quite exited for Olympics 2020. Knowing Japan, it's going to be outrageous.

    I've heard the name Kira Kira but thats it. Didn't play it either. The other you linked seems great though. Been a while since I got my Yuri fix so I'll be downloading that one too, thanks :3
    Reminds me, I still have to play the last SonoHanabira o.o

    As for the new suits.. I dunno tbh. I liked the previous sets more than these. I prefer the shorts/straps one more though. The other bikini is strapless which I don't really like =/

    Haven't been active much man, sorry. Been kinda busy with work and all. Also pokemon GO, level 25 atm :3
    With all those 13 yr old Olympics wonder kids out there, the US wouldn't stand a chance. ;)
    Eh.. feet/inches. Sorry I don't measure in retard units XD I'm 1.76m so kinda average as well I guess.

    On day 10 with Kasumi and she already refused the ticket. Gonna re-wrap it and try again on 13.. :deadsad:

    Note PHone eh? Nice choice. Never had one myself though. I have friends who do and they're great.

    Oooh only to the 50 participants? I could've used one. I'm disappointed in you.. :sigh: j/k :3
    unfortunately didn't get time yesterday lol

    my friend came over so we played smash.

    most probably i will try it out today or tomorrow.
    Well darn, I just miss out on, like.. 6 points for level 110. Will need to do one more vacation x3

    After that I can focus on giving Kasumi the Pole dance tickets. I just need to grind owner casino a bit more and I'll have unlocked the 4th and last ticket.
    Did you unlock the Mysterious Sound Figurine too? It's so convenient for taking pictures :3
    Yes, i'm trying to move/ install save data to my 3ds
    Hmm....i'm not sure...why?

    Oh and one more thing, my friend code appear as question mark, does it need to add other's friend code first?
    BTW, could we transfer save data from pc to new 3ds xl? is it just copy the save data to micro sd in 3ds?
    Yup, dutch girls (and men too) are among the tallest, lol.

    Congrats on your first ever Gold plate then! :runhappy:

    Like..really? More and even more expesive lotions!? I'm out. I'm at level 109 atm and half-way into a vacation with Ayane so I'll be 110 after this one as well.
    Some crappy reward that is.. >_> Depending on how much time I get, I might play a few more vacations as I really like the Innocence, will try to give to to Momiji and Kokoro as well.
    I wasn't really paying attention and I accidentally bought another Pink Innocence (already gave it to Kasumi).. there goes 600k owner money. Probably giving it to Honoka or Marie :0
    The homework was been interesting, he hates listening to me in the morning. But by mid day he's willing to do anything for treats.

    I got him to fetch (as long as I have treats) lol.

    This Thursday will be fun, I hope he still wants to go. Maybe he won't I don't know.

    How are you? Did you hear about FFXV?
    I finished a S+ vacation with Kasumi yesterday and got 8.8k owner points xD

    I'll give her one too, still deciding which one. Might op for the white one as that one fits almost anyone :3

    Oh nice! We dutchies got 2 Golds, 2 silvers and 2 bronze so far.
    Ahhh, thank you! Izu was okay. Anyone getting a puppy should go through training. I'm a full believer in it now.

    Though this was his second time being with other dogs since I picked him up from the breeder. Each time he screams at the top of his lungs with excitement...embarrassing for me. But why the end of the class he walked out not really caring about the other dogs.

    I hope he doesn't forget his training which is homework for me this week.
    Yea..so many accidents already.. =/

    I was just about to send you a message about them x3
    I got the Fan and it's so awesome. You don't have to fall in water or something to get the malfunction. For a change I actually like both suits they released this time. I prefer Innocence though as I wanted something more lingerie-like.
    Oh and you get 5X (5 times!) Owner XP Bonus each time you finish a vacation, up until August 1st iirc. I got 4.5k XP last night when I finished Honoka vacation :0
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