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  • Sure was crazy! But when the first runner got on in the ninth, I had a feeling/
    Bears are like the Cowboys, even though the backups are making the teams better, management will put the tired old faded starters back as soon as they can.
    Lions beat the Eagles by 1... whewww... :miku_mwahaha:

    Tough loss by the Bears. Hoyer almost pulled it off. Don't worry, when Cutler gets back none of the Bears losses will be "close." ;)

    Cubs on Monday! :alice_glitter:
    Those would be nice additions. I just hope it's not just only the orange swimsuit they showcased earlier =/
    Oh thanks, I wasn't sure about adding that. I thought just the name would be too plain and leave too much empty space. Glad you like it :3

    Oh boy, a monster girl VN. Your game indeed :3 It's gonna be a painful wait I guess!
    I leave next week. It's been crazy trying to get things prepared...traveler's insurance, international data plans, tour trips etc... I'll be excited once I leave.

    So, I heard that SMT IV Apocalypse got really great reviews. Have you started playing? Langesha playing Persona 5! Did she say if she liked it or not? I should buy it too. Hopefully the box won't be broken either.

    I know you love visiting your brother and sister-in-law in Texas. Thanksgiving...it's not that far away either. Something to look forward to.
    The Steelers have made the Chiefs look like one of those school kid teams the broadcast has been featuring.
    Chiefs are only down by five touchdowns... 0-36

    With a quarter an a half to go, they might even score something before it's over.
    They lost. Still, next week Brady is back. If he can somehow keep the balls inflated, he's got good chances for the season, since the Pats are off to a 3-1 start.
    This play between Julius Erving and Larry Bird always impressed me. Two Hall of Famers at the top of their games.

    With that kind of vertical leap, Bird would have blocked 99.999 % of anybody. But no one could have blocked Dr J's shot on this great play.
    How does Beluchick do it... over and over. Some of his biggest starters out, including Super Tom, and he still wins.

    He humiliated a powerful Texans team, making them look like chumps.
    Bears update! QB Jay Cutler will be out 2 - 3 weeks with a sprained thumb. According to doctors, Cutler will miss at least 2 games because of his inability to to put his thumb up his butt while leading the offense.

    A bold prediction... the backup QB will win each game. As a reward, management will raise Cutler's salary.

    i see..oh and about children paralogue, it won't appear on map as long the parents still haven't married yet right?
    hmm...i'm planning to marry chrom with my female unit, who should i pair with sumia?...which is the best to pair with?
    I looked it up and it's still ways. Should start airing January 2017.
    I like them to a certain extent. I don't really like them when they look like actual monsters like in Monster Musume, with the exception of Miia and Suu.
    The way they look in this new series appeals much more to me, just a preference thing I guess :3
    Man, how can we grind in awakening? I use reeking box to summon risen, but they all have high level=/
    My party around 4-5 but the risens are 8-13...could we control the enemy level?
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