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  • What're the odds... if we'd put a bet on the Cubs and Indians in the World Series at the beginning of the season, we'd be millionaires!

    Just saw Arizona and Seattle on SNF, a 6-6 tie. Each team missed a chip shot field goal with less than 2 minutes left in overtime. Guess nobody wanted to win. :laughpanda:
    Bet you already got your chair warmed and your TV tuned for Tuesday, Chicago vs Cleveland. ;)

    Vikings lost their first against Philly.
    What a beautiful drive at the end! That's why Matt Stafford is an elite quarterback!

    Lions 20 - Redskins 17 :nekopara_cheer:
    ah really, i hope it's temporary cause i wanna redeem codes and download dlc soon.
    I dunno yet. Depends on the final form of the starters xD
    I'm leaning towards the Fire Kitten :3
    Yea, I saved Kasumi's Buttslap. I have it her doing as partner and main girl xD

    Yea, I finished the demo. Waiting for certain events to happen now :0
    hey man, do you ever encounter error nw-2304-9 on your ps vita? i try to go to ps store through my vita and then it ask me to make an account in psn but whenever i try to sign up it's always produce error like that
    Cubs blew them apart toward the end! Go Cubs!

    We won't talk about the Bears. :(
    Go Cubs!

    Bears Packers tonight! The Pack is not playing good football football right now, Bears have a chance. Go Bears!

    An interesting bit of speculation from the NFL Channel. Kirk Cousins is a free agent at the end of the year. If Washington doesn't offer him a good enough contract, the Bears should try to steal him, since Cousins is a good fit for their system. Bite the bullet and trade Cutler. Could you imagine Chicago with a REAL quarterback?

    Just finished watching Dallas destroy GB. Loved watching the Pack get crushed.

    Dallas has a hard decision next week, keep the hot rookie as a starter, or bench him and give the team back to Romo. For sure, if they put Dak Prescot back on second string behind Romo, at least 16 teams will try to steal Dak from Dallas... except the Bears, who are married to Mighty Jay.
    hmm...is it really the sequel of smt 4? how was the story? i heard it's post apocalyptic like nocturne

    i still playing bravely default. Have you played DQ 7?
    "rory" is the name of the fire gun guy. in doctor who, rip hunters name was rory.

    in prison break, snart is rory's brother, and snart goes to break rory out of prison, and there was an episode in legends of tomorrow where snart breaks rory out of prison

    there's another similarity between doctor who and legends of tomorrow, but it'd be a big spoiler.

    i haven't seen any new episodes, i just bing watched everything on netflix
    jessica jones and luke cage were alright. tennant doesn't make a good villain in my opinion. luke cage was pretty cheesy, but not bad
    yeah i knew about that, and something cool too is wally west was the 3rd flash i believe, and they introduced him in season 2

    legends of tomorrow had a bunch of easter eggs based on other shows that the actors were in.

    the fire and ice people were in prison break as brothers, rip hunter was a companion for doctor who, and he's the "time master" now? hah
    it was an interesting season. there were 3 dimensions involved weren't there?

    in the past week i've watched luke cage, jessica jones, daredevil, and dc's legends of tomorrow. so much episodes lol
    A long and dramatic win for the Dodgers. It won't get any easier in Chicago.
    Chargers beat Broncos 21 - 13 If SD had been playing like that all season, they'd have gone 5-0
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